
Aeternitatem Genesis

Humanity has entered an almost entirely digital age. After the turn of the 22nd century, games and entertainment have become something ordinary people may live on. The year is 2143, and a new VR game has entered the market. Not one that stands out in every conceivable way. Not one that breaks and reinvents the wheel of modern VRMMORPGS. What makes Aeternitatem Genesis unique is its gameplay. Most modern fantasy games circle around classes. But what makes a player stand out is their choices. The decisions and outcomes of a quest. This is what's in store for Aeternitatem Genesis. The achievements they garner in their time. A class and the grade it carries hold little weight, not the end all, and be all of a player's existence. Reputation with the inhabitants of Aeternitatem Genesis is integral to the progress and standing in one's time. It allows ordinary players. Ordinary people. Not the rich with unlimited resources and time. To become someone special in Aeternitatem Genesis. The story of such a person begins on the day of it's release.

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45 Chs

Rewards & Level-Ups

~~~(POV: Justin Xander)~~~

~~~(Location: Unknown, Unknown Forest, Aeternitatem Genesis)~~~

~~~(Day, Date, Time: Friday, April 12th, 2:23 PM PST)~~~

~~~(Age: 19 Years)~~~

The light clanking of the armored guards tells me it's not tailor-made for them, so to speak. A good blacksmith would make the armor fit the person, but I guess guards' armor is for general use.

There is only silence as we walk, but I can feel the vibe of disappointment and anger from the people around me. I can only assume clearing that dungeon is some sort of rite of passage or something.

Now, they have to wait a month before they can try it. Instead of letting their moods be my focus, I open my player interface. Looking at the new information.

---[Player Information]---

[Zaediel] [Lvl. 16] [Player Lvl EXP: 450/5000]

[HP: 23/100] [STM: 19/100] [MP: 100/100]

[HP = STR x 10] [STM = END x 10] [MP = INT x 10]

[Class: N/A] [Nobility: N/A]

[You're able to earn a class.]

[Tier: 0]

[Stat Points: 105]


[STR: 10] [PER: 10] [END: 10] [CHA: 10] [INT: 10] [AGI: 10] [LUK: 10]

---[Hidden Stats]---

[Yet to be discovered]

---[Physical Skills]---

[One-Handed Slash (Common) (4/10) (40/100)] [Thrust (Common) (4/10) (30/100)]

---[Magic Skills]---

[Yet to be discovered]

---[Passive Skills]---

[Yet to be discovered]

What sticks out to me right away is the player-level EXP requirement has switched from 1000 to 5000. It must be after reaching level 15, and once you shift to level 16, it's 5000 EXP. A new line of text has also appeared.

[You're able to earn a class.]

This is what stands out to me next.

It doesn't tell me much at all, but it's nice that I'm getting a notification regarding this. With how stingy things have been regarding info, this is nice.

Now, it's time to assign the 105 stat points I've got that I haven't used. I will instantly invest 30 stat points into strength and 30 into endurance since those are directly connected to health and stamina.

That still leaves me 45 points to play with. There's no point in holding back for later; I need as much improvement to my player as possible. The less squishy I am, the better.

I'll be putting 15 into perception and intelligence.

That's another 30 stat points gone. Leaving me with 15 left. Charisma and luck aren't vital to me right now, so the last 15 are going into agility.

Leaving me with zero stat points, lets see what that looks like now.

---[Player Information]---

[Zaediel] [Lvl. 16] [Player Lvl EXP: 450/5000]

[HP: 38/400] [STM: 32/400] [MP: 250/250]

[HP = STR x 10] [STM = END x 10] [MP = INT x 10]

[Class: N/A] [Nobility: N/A]

[You're able to earn a class.]

[Tier: 0]

[Stat Points: 0]


[STR: 40] [PER: 25] [END: 40] [CHA: 10] [INT: 25] [AGI: 25] [LUK: 10]

---[Hidden Stats]---

[Yet to be discovered]

---[Physical Skills]---

[One-Handed Slash (Common) (4/10) (40/100)] [Thrust (Common) (4/10) (30/100)]

---[Magic Skills]---

[Yet to be discovered]

---[Passive Skills]---

[Yet to be discovered]

My health and stamina are improving. I'm still weak, but not as much as before, though. I'm assuming that classes are what help beef up your character. If not, a rough ride is in store for all of us.

Nothing has changed in terms of feeling regarding my character. So, I'm assuming my stats are too low for anything significant.

Level 10 must be the threshold before you can start getting classes. I've lucked out being the first player to clear and solo a dungeon while under-leveled. Those three things are the reason I got so many levels at once. 

This is the second time in my career in VRMMORPGs that I've been the first player to do something. It's the first time I've done three different things at once. So it's not entirely new.

The next thing I should check out is what's in my inventory. Of all the system messages I got after defeating the goblin boss, two said new items and a new title were added to my inventory.

As I open my inventory, I notice that it's different from what I'm used to seeing. Of course there is my player character, and slots I can equip armor and weapons. Along with slots where I can store stuff as inventory items.

However, at a closer look. A drop-down box is above my head on the miniature me in the inventory tab. I click on it, and that's where a title can be equipped. Instead of just throwing it on, I click on it to read its description.

---[Blooming Prodigy]---

[Info: A title given to a person who exceeds the expectation of the norm. You've proven you have the natural ability to be more than just a run-of-the-mill individual.]

[Upgradable Title] [Grade: Rare]

[Effects: +20% damage to all beings within 5 levels of you.]

[Titles can be hidden.]

That's a fantastic title for someone just starting at the game. It's the first day, and I've actually got something of serious value. I find it interesting the title can be upgraded.

I equip the title and hide it so no one sees that it's on. I don't want to draw attention to myself. Getting bothered by people who think I know what I'm doing is the last thing I want. Luck is the reason I've gotten as far as I have.

My attention is turned away from the titles and is shifted to the item slots where my equipment and items are stored. At the start of the game, all it had was the EXP boost. Looking at it now, there is one new item.

In the top right corner of the item slot section, I see that I've got 6 Bronze pieces and 51 Copper pieces. It's currency. Copper looks to be the lowest form, and Bronze is right above it. I don't know the highest quality of currency, but at least I've got some now.

I was worried about being broke, but now I've got something to work with. That aside, the new item in one of my item slots grabs my full attention. I click on it for more information.

---[Metallic Mana Strings]---

[Production Blueprints] [Grade: Epic]

[Info: Thin metal strings that can be infused with mana to be sharpened and channel elemental abilities through it.]

[A blacksmith is required to use these blueprints.]

[More information available after the weapon is crafted.]

[Warning: Metallic Mana Strings are highly advanced weapons that require training. A scarce and sought-after form of combat.]



It wasn't joking when it said the rewards would be good at the start of the dungeon. Epic-grade blueprints. I don't know where that falls on the rarity rankings, but it's got to be high. The first chance I get, I'm talking to a blacksmith about these.

Until then, I'm sticking with the nearly destroyed axe I picked up from one of the goblin guards. I need to look into new weapons when I get back to town.

I doubt I'll be able to get my hands on the Metallic Mana Strings. So, I'll need to find another substitute for my weapons.

I focus on another section of the inventory tab and click on it. Opening a sub-window. It's a Materials section. Where you keep things to craft, I love this. It's kept separate from the inventory where items and equipment are stored.

"It's empty, but now I know it's here."

I missed it on my first go-around of the player interface since it's so subtle and out of the way. I close my player interface now that I've seen everything I need to see. And as I look up, I realize a good deal of time has passed.

We're already back at the city gates; it felt like I was rummaging around in my player interface for around an hour or so. So yeah, we're making good time.

The next thing I should do is see Sir Rehan for my reward.

~~~(POV: Sir Rehan)~~~

~~~(Location: Office, Guard Barracks, Aeternitatem Genesis)~~~

~~~(Day, Date, Time: Friday, April 12th, 3:45 PM PST)~~~

~~~(Age: 41 Years)~~~

The guard squad stands in front of me. They're looking down at the ground as I stare at them. I'm not mad at them, just the fact they're the source of all the paperwork I've gotta do. So, in a twisted sense, I actually am mad at them.

"All of you leave."

They turn and start walking for the door.

"Except you, kid."

I've got a bone to pick with this bastard.

~~~(POV: Justin Xander)~~~

~~~(Location: Sir Rehans Office, Guard Barracks, Aeternitatem Genesis)~~~

~~~(Day, Date, Time: Friday, April 12th, 3:46 PM PST)~~~

~~~(Age: 19 Years)~~~

Sir Rehan's voice is clearly filled with heavy frustration. As the door closes behind me, it's only him and me left in the room. He pinches his nose and looks at me.

"Kid, you're either brave or really, really stupid. Leaving here and clearing the dungeon all on your own, and for what?"

He opens his eyes and watches me. Waiting for my answer. There is only one response that comes to mind with Sir Rehan.

"Honestly, I was proving that I'm not a half-assing shithead. The players I've arrived with shouldn't be a reflection on me."

He lightly grits his teeth and grunts with some attitude. I can see him contemplating a response, but all he does is release a long sigh.

"Players, what a stupid term."

I can't help cracking a small smile after that.

"Congrats, kid. You proved me wrong and did it in style."