
Aerwyna- The Lost Queen

A blue light in a human form started flaming infront of her eyes as she saw it with confusion on it. She saw it turning it into a female figure and it held her hand in its blue and bright flame and whispered near her ear. "Queen of the ocean is who you are, Protector of the ocean is who you will be, Warrior of the ocean is who were". And just like dust it vanished in to the thin air. Leaving a current in her body. Who was now determined to what she has to do in her life. She gazed into her hands as the turned in to blue flames. She stood this time with the sword in her hand to finish the enemy of her world.

Iba · Fantasy
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81 Chs


Denzel stepped up to the podium, facing a sea of eager reporters. Cameras flashed, and microphones were thrust in his direction.

"As you all know," Denzel began, "the recent theft of the Orbs from us, is indeed an unusual event. We are actively working with law enforcement to investigate the matter and ensure the safe return of these priceless artifacts."

Reporters fired off questions, probing for any leads or insights. Denzel deftly fielded each inquiry, careful not to reveal too much about the ongoing investigation.

After the press conference, Mr. Hudson, his father, approached Denzel. "Quite the spectacle, Denzel. But tell me, what game are you really playing here? We both know there's more to this than meets the eye. Also, your lie almost made me believe that you didn't know about Orbs. But, the truth is quite opposite."