
Aerwyna- The Lost Queen

A blue light in a human form started flaming infront of her eyes as she saw it with confusion on it. She saw it turning it into a female figure and it held her hand in its blue and bright flame and whispered near her ear. "Queen of the ocean is who you are, Protector of the ocean is who you will be, Warrior of the ocean is who were". And just like dust it vanished in to the thin air. Leaving a current in her body. Who was now determined to what she has to do in her life. She gazed into her hands as the turned in to blue flames. She stood this time with the sword in her hand to finish the enemy of her world.

Iba · Fantasy
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81 Chs

31. Fate?

Students groaned listening to their teacher. Either, they were too excited or too lazy for the trip of their project. Some groaned with annoyance and some cheered with enthusiasm thanking the lord for giving them a chance to go on a trip with their friends.

Aerwyna sat in the middle of the class, pissed by both the reaction. Pinching on the bridge of her nose, she tried to gulp down annoying knot forming in her throat. Too tired of the students drama. After knowing her own reality, that she was a cursed mermaid, half siren. Everything of this world made her tired, she would be easily be bored of everything. Nothing excites her anymore now a days.