
Chapter 2

That monster like being slowly crawled towards me and Sophie. It let out horrifying and distorted screeches. I couldn't move, I was paralyzed with fear.

"Luke we need to run now!" Sophie grabbed my hand and we began running. She felt cold.

We exited the house and looked back, the creature... It was gone. We both looked at each other for a moment and then back at the house.

"I'm not going back in there, what the heck was that?!" Sophie's grip on my arm got tighter. She was very afraid. I had to do something to help her calm down, but it was hard to think of something when I was scared too. I then placed my arm around her shoulder and held her tight close to me.

"Sophie..." I had no words.

Her mom and dad both walked outside calmly like nothing happened.

"Why are you both out here? You look like you've seen a ghost." Sophie's mom said as she walked over to comfort Sophie. Her dad followed.

I started to notice something off. Sophie's mom looked like she's been drained of energy. She had more wrinkles then I've seen before and very noticeable eye bags. She was even sweating a little.

Then I finally figured it out. Sophie's dad died 5 years ago, so why is he here. Why did I forget that?!

"Sophie. Who is this guy? Your dad died 5 years ago."

Sophie looked at me. "What are you talking about Luke?? My dad never died, he's right here."

"No that's not your dad Sophie." I looked at Sophie's dad and walked up to him. "Who are you, and why are you manipulating them!" I finally got to him, and he showed his true form. It was that monster we encountered in the living room.

"I knew it!" The monster grabbed me with it's cold dirty hands and started to screech. It was crushing me. I began to think... This was the end.

"I thought I'd find you here-" There was a voice from behind us. A girl appeared walking forward, unbothered by the horrific abomination in front of her. She sounded calm and every step she took was steady. I could tell she wasn't afraid one bit.

Sophie and her mom were frozen. They didn't show any sign of movement.

"What's going on...?!" I struggled to speak as I was slowly being crushed under the grip of the monster. The monsters' arm raised up, and it tossed me with all its strength, directly towards the mysterious girl.

She was able to catch me and I wasn't hurt one bit. She slowly placed me on the ground as I began to gain my breath back.

She was armed with a sheath that contained a vicious blade, shaped like a katana. When she pulled it out she slightly bent her knees as if she was getting into a position to fight.

"She can't be serious." I said to myself, but it seems like she was.

"Leave this world, at once!" She darted towards the monster and stabbed her sword into its chest. That didn't seem to phase it since it casually looked down at her and began to slowly, grimly smile. It's arms extended and weird black goopy substances kept dripping out if it.

It reached for her head, but she ducked in time. She swiftly yanked the blade out from its chest and rolled underneath its arm. "Take this!" She swung her blade quickly and strongly, successfully cutting off its whole arm.

But I noticed something she didn't. "Look out!!" It had another arm come out of its right leg and it violently grabbed the girl.

What?! It can just summon more arms from any part of its body just like that?!

The girl dropped her katana while the monster was grasping her. It held her above it and started laughing dark and sinisterly. I couldn't just sit here and do nothing... Why did this have to happen...? How is this happening...? It's supposed to be Sophie's birthday, and this monster.... It ruined it all!

"Let her go!!!!!!!!" I sprinted as fast as I can and I grabbed the sword the girl dropped. Out of no where I had the strength to slice a fast, clean cut, straight through the enemy.

It started to melt and slowly fade away into the darkness...

Next chapter