
Aerial Chronicles: I'm the fucking villain!

What would you do if you became the bad guy in your favorite video game? That's what happens to our protagonist, a skilled and ruthless gamer who calls himself "Spectre". His passion is the virtual reality game Aerial Chronicles, where he dominates his rivals with his skill and cunning. But one day, everything changes. For some unknown reason, our protagonist wakes up in the body of Kylo Stormcrest, a secondary character in the game who is a noble and weak villain. Kylo has no special abilities, only his title of duke. How will he survive in this hostile and dangerous world? Will he be able to change his destiny and become a hero? Or will he remain the same old Spectre?

DaoistAdQYQ3 · Fantasy
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45 Chs

The eyes as a window to the heart. Part 2

From then on, I considered her as my sister, a reliable person, someone I could tell everything to without any problem.

Months went by and I no longer cared much about my fiancé's presence. 

For me, it was more of a formality to greet him and invite him to play. If he wanted to come over, I would play with him for a while, but if not, I would just bring Luna to play with me, regardless of the "couple time" etiquette.

I also got good at seeing the attitude people had just by looking at their eyes and, ironically, since I stopped giving him much attention, I could see Frederick changed his cold and bored attitude towards me a little bit. 

Just a little bit.

Time passed and my famed 10th birthday arrived. It was a very special day, since after this day, I would officially start my formal training as a knight and later as a wizard.

However, the most important thing on that day was to choose those people who would accompany me in this training, that is, the "social friends" who would accompany the members of royalty in their first step into the world of power.

As for the candidates, Luna was already confirmed, so no need to say more. Frederick was obligatory, even if I didn't want to see his stupid boring face every day, I had no other choice. 

As for the others, I guess I would meet them at the party.

That day, Luna, and my fiancé, arrived early. Luna was not at the castle, as Duke Lestia had requested her, I guess to inform him about her duties as a "social friend". As soon as she arrived, I immediately took her to my room.

As for Frederick, I simply said hello and left with Luna. Already in my room, the first thing I did was to complain about Frederick, something routine.

"To think that I have to marry that cold guy, haaa", I said to Luna with regret.

She just looked at me, but said nothing, as usual, although her eyes… were a little different.

"You sure have it easy, Luna. After all, you get to choose your future husband," I spoke again, this time with some envy.

That's right, Luna didn't have a fiancé. She was completely free to choose her future mate.

The reason for this? Her mother, Aunt Leia, was a woman who particularly hated political marriages and those engagements that did not include the opinion of the parties. 

Duke Lestia loved his wife dearly and since his duchy had no issues that required an alliance with another noble house, he decided to respect the memory of his deceased wife by giving Luna free will regarding her marriage.

Honestly, those words coming out of my mouth were just a way of venting. I wasn't particularly looking for a response from Luna, as usual.

But this time, she responded, and with a response that I would never forget.

"If you're so bored with him, just find yourself a lover," she said it in her normal tone, but... I noticed something else.

Unfortunately, her response shocked me enough that I couldn't respond or even think about what she meant.

"Lu-Luna, don't joke. You know we can't do that, it's wrong," I said very nervously.

I'm no stranger to that sort of thing, you know, extramarital affairs. Ever since I learned basic etiquette, I've been told ad nauseam that a virtuous woman will always respect the vows of marriage, etc., etc.

I even found some very graphic novels in my older sister's room, where I found some interesting information on these subjects, although some scenes were very... strange.

"I'm not kidding. It's very normal in nobility this kind of situation. All you have to do is to hide it well and be prepared to sacrifice your lover in case he becomes a nuisance," she said patiently, as if she were a mother teaching her great wisdom to her daughter.

Except for the fact that I was not her daughter and that her teachings have a dubious morality.

After that, I changed the subject, thinking that Luna had somehow learned how to really joke.


Some time later, Luna left for the party first, as the maids came in to properly prepare me for the gathering.

"Elara, I think you know how you should behave, don't you?" my mother, who would accompany me during my debut at the party, said to me.

"Yes, mother," I replied earnestly.

"Very well, my child, then let's go. This will be your first step into the real world," my mother said as she looked ahead in a melancholy voice.

I did not respond, as she seemed to be remembering something important.


Once at the party, I greeted all the assembled nobles and paid special attention to my fiancé, as etiquette dictated.

(It's annoying).

I don't know why, but lately it irritated me to see Frederick's cold face. It was as if he was doing it on purpose, something that, were it not for Luna, would seriously affect my self-esteem.

Ironically, the noble children around him kept watching me with admiration and other emotions that only I could make out in their eyes.

After greeting him, I looked for my cousin, since I didn't feel much like getting into that little group of boys in which Frederick reigned and the noble girls didn't arouse my interest much.


After a quick scan around the room, I found Luna sitting at a table in the corner, something that was certainly not very unusual, as she is not a person who cares much for attention, despite being so beautiful.

The reason for my bewilderment was the boy next to her who accompanied her.

Luna was not a very social person; it was a wonder if she talked to anyone more than necessary, let alone being around anyone other tan me.

I greeted my cousin and immediately noticed the young man next to her.

Black hair, purple eyes, a face...picturesque. Needless to say, he was handsome, but if I had to point out something that stood out about him, it was his eyes.

For some reason, I couldn't take my eyes off them.

They were beautiful.

"Sit down, we're about to get dessert," interrupted Luna, who by the way, acted a little strange.

After that, a lot of interesting things happened, like the topic of their apparent surprise about their fiancée or the amazing play Luna promised me as I followed them.

That play about the fiancée having an affair ironically reminded me of what Luna said to me in the morning.

"If you're so bored with him, just find yourself a lover."

That phrase kept popping into my head, but like a dignified princess, I ignored it and went on with my life.

"You know, little Kylo was a very love-struck child, so maybe he's very sad. Elara, could you help him lift his spirits, like you did with Luna?"

That's what my mother told me once the events of the play were definitely over.

Apparently, Valeria Steele, Kylo Stromcrest's fiancée, was caught committing adultery.

Honestly, it was a little dubious to think of it as adultery if you knew Valeria's real age and that of her lover, but as someone who was present, I can safely say that was certainly adultery.

Aunt Arabella, Kylo's adoptive mother (yes, Kylo is not my blood cousin), demanded very strong things, unfortunately my mother did not give me details.

In the end, the engagement was broken off, which brought about that the Steele's and Sherden's will have to pay compensation to the Stromcrest's.

I didn't pay much attention to that matter, I just followed my mother's words, so I invited Kylo to join my social friends, leaving a vacancy that mysteriously my mother filled with an unknown name but with a familiar surname: 

Adelina Sherden.

I ignored it, anyway, I was happy to get new friends to share with.

Since then, my days sharing with them (Luna, Kylo, Frederick and Adelina) were very exciting, with Kylo being able to get a smile out of me every time he did something funny and Luna talking more than usual.

As for Frederick, he unexpectedly did know how to smile, only he did it only for that maid Adelina, something that honestly annoyed me a bit.

(She's certainly pretty, but I don't think I'm over it).

I ignored it, that's what I wanted to say, but for some reason, Adelina irritated me more than Frederick.

It was very strange, since I don't remember her doing anything wrong to me, and she was even very attentive to her behavior.

Something my stupid fiancé didn't control well.

I decided to focus more of my attention on Luna and Kylo, where interestingly Luna was actively trying to interact with Kylo, something I understood very well.

Kylo was completely different from Frederick, so much so that I started to feel strange while standing next to him.

That strange feeling of wanting to be next to him, to be closer to him, that need for him to look only at me?

-Just find yourself a lover.

Fear filled my mind when I became aware of these sensations, so I tried to repress them.


At least until a week ago.

It happened after Kylo was defeated by Luna, and I was currently on my way to his room to inquire about his condition.

Originally, I asked Luna to come with me, but she declined, saying it wasn't necessary.

(I guess it will just be the two of us).

As my mind filled with many scenarios, I arrived at the dormitory courtyard, where I witnessed an incredible scene.

"Adelina, if you are willing, you can stop serving Kylo and go with me, I promise I will treat you like a queen."

The person who said that was my fiancé, Frederick, who was kneeling holding the hand of Kylo's maid.


Immediately, I hid in some nearby bushes so I wouldn't be discovered.

"I can't, Duke Frederick..."

"Tell me Frederick."

"Frederick, I can't leave the Stromcrest."

"Of course you can, I promise you, if you leave with me once this period is over, no one from the Stromcrest will be able to touch you."

Hearing that drama, I rolled my eyes.

My fiancé turned stupid? By the time Aunt Arabella finds out about this, needless to say, all the Sherdens will have a nice noose around their necks.

Besides... Do you think Duke Roman is going to accept a servant girl who offended not only the queen's sister, but also me, the queen's daughter?

While it is true that nobles may have some concubines, things are different when your wife is a princess.

If I don't accept her, he can only regret it. And honestly, Adelina's presence irritates me a lot lately.

And don't forget what Aunt Arabella will do when she finds out that the servant she accepted betrayed her beloved son.

A war between dukes is the most likely scenario.

"Never mind, I, Frederick Roman, will free you from that yoke, I swear it."


The drama ended with Frederick giving her a shy kiss on the cheek and running away in embarrassment.

Adelina just touched her cheek and....


She smiled in my direction before heading towards the bedroom.

When I fully processed the scene I witnessed, I felt nothing of what would normally be expected.

Jealousy? Betrayal? Hatred?

No, I just felt as if something had been lifted from my shoulders, as if I was now free to express what I had been hiding inside of me.

So I began to retreat to my room, fantasizing about what might happen now that I didn't feel guilty.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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