
Aeon Ascendant: Bound By The Cosmos

In the far reaches of human territory, on the desolate moon of Naru, Jake Avalon, once the privileged son of a disgraced governor, finds himself grappling with the harsh reality of a new life. Forced to flee Earth with his family after his father's corruption scandal, Jake adapts to a stark contrast from his former lavish existence. Everything changes when Jake is entrusted with "The Atlas," a highly advanced AI designed to seek out individuals deemed worthy to locate the elusive ChronoScribe. Crafted by the first civilization, this ancient device recorded the entirety of history and possesses the ability to peer into the future. However, after gaining sentience, the ChronoScribe concealed its identity, creating Atlas devices as a means to guide the chosen ones. As Jake becomes an Aeon Ascendant, a rare bearer of the Atlas, he unwittingly places a colossal galactic target on his back. The existence of Atlas holders sparks a ruthless race among secret organizations, powerful individuals, and vast empires, all vying to secure the key to unlocking the ChronoScribe's vast knowledge. In a dangerous journey filled with intrigue, betrayal, and the constant threat of imminent danger, Jake struggles to navigate this treacherous galactic pursuit. His singular goal: protect his family and unearth the secrets hidden within the ChronoScribe. The stakes are high, and Jake must gather the strength to confront the myriad forces racing against him. Join him as he embarks on a perilous quest, where the line between survival and annihilation is as thin as the threads of time itself.

L0ne_Traveller · Sci-fi
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61 Chs

Chapter 28: Elian Dravaris

Aria glared at Jake, but was too tired to fight,  and laid down next to her brother who proceeded to hug her. The siblings drifted off to sleep.

In another room of the mansion:

Seraphina was sitting with her mother, someone could say Seraphina was an exact copy of her mother, a mature woman in her late 30s, with black waist-length hair, fair skin and dark black eyes.

She had an hourglass figure with a large chest and ass. She was currently wearing a navy blue wraparound dress and one could notice that Seraphina's kidnapping had affected her health tremendously, even so, she was still stunning.

Lysandra Dravaris had her daughter snuggled in her arms while she occasionally kissed her head as well as wiped her tears.

Seraphina had heard from her grandfather, that her parents had searched almost the Entire GOE system but there was no trace of her. Her father had promised her mother that he would not return till he found her, Seraphina worried for her father's health but her grandfather had assured her that he had been notified and was on his way home.

She was then asked about how she escaped, as she was gone for almost 3 months with no ransom fee call or anything else, it was as if she had disappeared from the face of the galaxy.

She told her family about Jake's elaborate plan, his timing with the authorities, the hostage negotiation and turning John over to their side.

Elian was angered by Jake's irresponsibility and risky actions but was calmed down by Lysandra who took Seraphina's side and defended Jake's actions.

"Father, whatever he may have done, he still saved Sera, were it not for him, she would have been taken to God knows where and they even found out about her powers, who knows what they would have done to her!" Lysandra shouted at her father-in-law, before crying again, hugging her daughter.

Elian was a firm man, who always stood by his principles and beliefs, but even he knew his family would always be both his weakness and his strength, especially after his wife's death.

Elian sighed before speaking to Lysandra trying to calm her down "Fine child, you are right, Sera's here now, so please do not cry anymore. I will reward Jake and his companion alright Sera, so tell your mother to not cry anymore."

4 Hours Later:

Aria woke from her sleep but the moment she got out of bed she was confused for a few seconds by where she was before the events that took place quickly rushed to her mind, but spotting her brother who quietly ate to not disturb her, she relaxed and sat on the bed.

While Jake looked calm on the outside, he and The Atlas were busy calculating their next moves, the biggest one being what he would say when he got home, his mother was going to kill him, there was no doubt about that, but what could he do?

'So what's our current balance Atlas?' Jake asked the Atlas, his thoughts currently on Seraphina and his mother.

(1 million ECs Jake after paying the mercenary John) The Atlas answered him.

Jake choked on his drink, his mind realising he had enough money for him and his family to live comfortable lives but alas until he found the ChronoScribe his journey was far from over.

'So Atlas, we have enough to purchase a large transporter right?' Jake asked the Atlas, as it knew exactly what their needs would be.

(Easily, however, I've set our budget for the ship to half a million, we can't put all our eggs in one basket.)

'Wow Atlas, using proverbs now.' Jake smiled and laughed.

'But you're right, we should have contingency plans in place, how long do you think we have till those people discover us?'

(A few years, maybe half a decade max. Either way, you and your family should be out of Iona Prime before you turn 16.) The Atlas calculated their path forward.

Jake noticed Aria had woken up and sat on the bed, getting her bearings. "You want to wash up and eat, I've kept your food warm. Don't worry about Mom, I sent her a few video messages." Jake spoke to his sister, answering most of the questions on her mind.

"Alright." She smiled and spoke before heading to the bathroom to freshen up.

An hour later both Jake and Aria were summoned to meet with Seraphina's grandfather.

They were led through a grand hall, leading to a large office door. The guard knocked, and a few seconds later, Jake and Aria were called in.

The office, expansive and commanding, greeted visitors with a grandeur befitting its significance. A colossal wooden desk stood as the room's centrepiece, commanding attention the moment one entered. The rich mahogany surface seemed to absorb the ambient light, lending an air of gravitas to the space.

To the right, a luxurious leather couch beckoned, its opulence contrasting with the practicality of the desk. On the left, an exquisite mini-library graced the room, its shelves adorned with volumes that hinted at a vast spectrum of knowledge.

The walls, dressed in pristine white, bore intricate gold designs that whispered tales of prestige and heritage.

The paintings adorning the walls were a testament to the patron's refined taste, yet their unfamiliar art style presented a departure from the Avalon siblings' accustomed aesthetics.

"Wow." Both Aria and Jake spoke out at once as they were soon greeted by the old man they had met earlier.

Jake spoke first as he reached out to the old man "Jake Avalon, and this is my sister Aria Avalon." The old man smiled warmly, shaking Jake's hand "Elian Dravaris, Seraphina's Grandfather."

The second Jake and The Atlas heard the old man's name, their minds went into overdrive.

'Atlas, this is bigger than we thought.' Jake did not expect he would meet with the largest non-governmental Pan Systemic Trading Company.

Jake managed to hide his surprise but Elian quickly noticed it on Aria's face and spoke quickly "Do not worry child, I speak to you today not as a businessman, but as a grandfather who would like to express his sincere gratitude."

This had eased her nerves and they soon sat down to continue their conversation.

Elian spoke first "Jake, Aria, first I would like to thank you for saving my granddaughter, and know that this is a debt I could never pay back. No matter your reasoning or circumstances, you two have brought back my granddaughter to me, safe and sound."

"Seraphina has also told you of her powers correct?" He asked the Avalon Siblings.

Jake nodded before speaking "She's Pyschokinetic, it was how she was able to contact me in the first place."

Elian smiled before a look of sorrow washed over his face, "Yes, it's hereditary, although not all of our family members have it. My elder brother was also Psychokinetic, but when certain individuals found out, he was taken and had been exposed to gruelling experimentation for almost a decade before we recovered what was left of his body."

"Which is why, when we found out Seraphina also had these powers, we had kept her hidden in the outer systems, but it seems I was betrayed which is why she was taken. Either way, I humbly ask that you do not tell anyone of this, I will pay anything you wish but please do not let my grandchild suffer anymore." Elian spoke in a humble and honest tone and Jake detected no hostility from his voice.

"Mr. Dravaris, I did not save Seraphina for a reward. Also, your secret is safe with me, I promise my sister and I will never speak of Seraphina's powers." Jake answered Elian.

Elian smiled but spoke again "I cannot let you leave empty-handed Jake, I promised Seraphina."

'What do you think Atlas.' Jake asked The Atlas as even his sister had similar thoughts of not wanting a reward.

(Well Jake, even if you asked for his company, I feel he would give it to you, but a powerful ally is much more useful to have in the future. We can't go back with the same transporter, so why don't we purchase one from the head of Dravaris Trading Group itself?)

"Mr Dravaris, if you insist, I would also like to purchase a cargo transporter from you as I have plans to join the trading industry." Jake spoke, which brought a smile to Elian's face as Jake was not a greedy person.

"If that is what you wish, please give me 2 days, you are welcome to stay in my home as a family for as long as you need otherwise. In addition to that, I will also provide you with DTG credentials allowing you access to any of our stations and access to our closed markets. It is the least I can do." Elian spoke, thanking Jake once again before a guard led them to two bedrooms that were next to each other.