
Aeon Ascendant: Bound By The Cosmos

In the far reaches of human territory, on the desolate moon of Naru, Jake Avalon, once the privileged son of a disgraced governor, finds himself grappling with the harsh reality of a new life. Forced to flee Earth with his family after his father's corruption scandal, Jake adapts to a stark contrast from his former lavish existence. Everything changes when Jake is entrusted with "The Atlas," a highly advanced AI designed to seek out individuals deemed worthy to locate the elusive ChronoScribe. Crafted by the first civilization, this ancient device recorded the entirety of history and possesses the ability to peer into the future. However, after gaining sentience, the ChronoScribe concealed its identity, creating Atlas devices as a means to guide the chosen ones. As Jake becomes an Aeon Ascendant, a rare bearer of the Atlas, he unwittingly places a colossal galactic target on his back. The existence of Atlas holders sparks a ruthless race among secret organizations, powerful individuals, and vast empires, all vying to secure the key to unlocking the ChronoScribe's vast knowledge. In a dangerous journey filled with intrigue, betrayal, and the constant threat of imminent danger, Jake struggles to navigate this treacherous galactic pursuit. His singular goal: protect his family and unearth the secrets hidden within the ChronoScribe. The stakes are high, and Jake must gather the strength to confront the myriad forces racing against him. Join him as he embarks on a perilous quest, where the line between survival and annihilation is as thin as the threads of time itself.

L0ne_Traveller · Sci-fi
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61 Chs

Chapter 25: The Girl

"Now what!" Aria shouted at Jake angrily after Wilbur and his men got off the ship.

'Well, Atlas what do you think?'

(It's most likely, that the base might be detected if you were to leave now by GOE scanners, which is why their leader asked you to wait, so if we just wait till the next rotation we should be fine.) The Atlas spoke to Jake deducing the reason as to why Jake and Aria were kept from leaving.

'Anyway how long till the next rotation?' Jake asked the Atlas.

(6 hours.)

Jake turned to his sister, explaining to her why they had been kept from leaving, it didn't subside her anger but she calmed down either way.

Jake proceeded to look at the underground base, watching men move dozens of crates to and from different sites.

'They seem quite organised and to prepare this base without GOE involvement must have cost a lot.' Jake thought as he looked at the large storage area.

(They seem to be a large smuggling organisation. This just seems to be one of their smaller bases, owing to this being GOE territory.)

'Well, either way, it doesn't involve me, let me get some rest then.' Jake spoke, laying back and closing his eyes.

"What are you doing Jake, are you going to sleep right now!" Aria spoke, confused by Jake's relaxed demeanour.

"I've activated the shields and turrets if they try anything stupid, so get some rest, there's a blanket in the back too." Jake spoke, his eyes still closed.

Elsewhere, Wilbur and his group were walking down a narrow hall after taking an elevator to a lower floor.

They stopped at a large titanium door which was guarded by two heavily armed men in uniform.

"Stop, only one of you may enter!" One of the guards spoke.

Wilbur turned to an old man standing next to him with confusion.

"Marcus?" Wilbur spoke waiting for an answer.

The man who looked like he was in his early 60s with a thick white moustache, a bald head and wore a 2 piece suit smiled at Wilbur before bringing him closer.

"For the sake of security, our client made it clear that the minimum amount of people involved know of this." Marcus spoke to Wilbur in confidence.

"What do you mean." Wilbur wondered what could be inside. He worried it might be something dangerous or harmful, which is why the guards were so heavily armed.

"Let's head inside." Marcus spoke with a smile while leading Wilbur in.

The room was a large white room, it had a bed and chair, there were toys scattered about and what seemed to be someone hiding under the bed.

"What is it?" Wilbur asked, he was cautious, not knowing what type of animal was under.

"A child." Marcus spoke as he slowly walked and sat on the chair nearby.

"Are they some high-ranking official's child?" Wilbur asked as he got closer to the bed.

"No, no, she's special, she was brought here a month ago by our client, needing a safe location." Marcus spoke giving Wilbur information.

"Special? How?" Wilbur asked.

"Psychokinesis, she can manipulate minds, matter and objects, we lost dozens of men just bringing her to this room. The client was specific that we could not harm her no matter what, although she only attacked those who were a threat to her, which is why she has not harmed me." Marcus explained to Wilbur, who was both fascinated and afraid of the child.

"Can she speak?" Wilbur asked as communication can make things easier for him.

"We tried, she is capable but chooses not to for some reason, but she can understand your words." Marcus clarified.

"So we stick to the plan after this?" Wilbur asked Marcus who sat on the chair watching the girl stare back at him, listening attentively.

"There has been a change in plan." Marcus spoke nonchalantly

"What." Wilbur spoke.

"The ship that was to take you has been caught by a GOE patrol, we're surprised you even made it to the base undetected. The client wants her now and he's paid us enough to not ask anything and listen to all his requests." Marcus spoke filling Wilbur in the details.

"But we don't have any ships though?"

"But of course you do, the one you came on." Marcus smiled and spoke.

"His job was just to deliver us here, Mathaus stated clearly that's all he had to do."

"Then pay him, either way, if you want to get paid you will have to be off this rock in 6 hours." Marcus spoke in a serious tone.

"Hah, fine, I'll get it done." Wilbur spoke before leaving the room with Marcus, the two obsidian eyes shimmering under the blanket not breaking contact with them.

*Knock* *Knock* The sound of someone knocking on the door of the ship woke Jake and Aria. Jake looked at his console looking for who it was.

"Pilot, it's me, can we talk, I'm not armed" Wilbur stood outside the ship unarmed with his hands raised.

(Looks like they're not done with us yet.) The Atlas remarked.

'It's not like we can force our way out.' Jake sighed internally.

"Here Aria." Jake handed her a pistol.

"Dad taught you how to shoot didn't he?" Jake asked her, he knew already but wanted her to be confident.

"Yes, he did." Aria spoke nodding to Jake.

"Good." Jake smiled at his sister before walking to the door.

He opened the door a gun in his hand, and called Wilbur in.

"I know I've troubled you enough pilot but I got one extra job for you." Currently Wilbur and Jake sat on the seats, Jake put his gun away, Aria still holding her's tightly watching Jake and Wilbur's conversation.

"Mathaus said all I needed to do was deliver your people here." Jake clarified his dealing with Wilbur.

"Yes, he did, however, consider this another Job, you'll still get paid for delivering us here, matter of fact, I've asked Mathaus to pay you already." Wilbur spoke, Jake looked at his band, his account had been credited with 110 000 ECs with a note 'For your good work, a bonus as well' by Mathaus.

Jake gleamed internally 'That means I don't need to take another job from him.'

"On that note, whatever Mathaus paid you, I will pay double if you get us to an asteroid in the next system." Wilbur stated causing Jake to look away from his band.

'We rather cut out losses here Atlas.' Jake spoke to the Atlas not wanting to test his luck.

(I think you should take it, Jake, either way, we can't leave on our own. I also sense desperation on his face. He will take out ship regardless if we agree or not.)

'Hah, fine. I shouldn't have taken this job at all.' Jake understood what The Atlas had said, his best course of action would be to do this job too.

"Fine, I accept, I want 300,000 ECs and I want a 50% deposit." Jake gave his demands.

'If he's that desperate he won't complain.

"Fine, money will be in your account when we leave." Wilbur immediately accepted, standing up before leaving the ship.

Jake walked over to Aria explaining the situation, which earned him a slap on his face. Jake said nothing as he knew he was in the wrong for taking the job in the first place and hugged his sister who was just worried about their safety.

6 Hours Later:

"We ready to go!" Jake shouted from his ship as Wilbur's men slowly embarked onto the ship.

Jordan looked at Jake with distrust, while John smiled at Jake with appreciation. The others were weary as well but kept quiet.

Soon Jake saw Wilbur walking next to an old man in a suit, and soon enough a child appeared from behind them.

The girl looked to be Jake's age and had an adorable face, except for her eyes, which looked bloodthirsty. Her mouth was covered and her hands were cuffed wearing a white one-piece outfit.

'What the hell did I get myself into' Jake thought to himself.

As they approached Wilbur handed Jake a small metal disc.

"Attach it to your head." Wilbur spoke before handing one to each of his men.

Jake went back inside as everyone took their seats. The girl was strapped in as the old man injected something into her arm before disembarking the ship.

Wilbur had briefed everyone onboard so no one spoke a thing and Jake took one last look at the girl before taking off.

"Jake, this isn't righ-"

"I know Aria, I know, if there was something I could do right now, I would, but you're more important to me okay?" Jake understood what Aria wanted to say, but he had to do it anyway.

They left the base under the cover of the dark side of the planet before making their way to the next hyperlane.

(Jake, that girl is special.)

'What do you mean Atlas?'

(She's Pyschokinetic, take off the disc Wilbur gave you.)

'But Atlas, you just said she's-' The Atlas cut Jake off.

(Trust me)

Jake sighed but took off the disc, nothing happened for a few minutes so Jake turned and looked at the girl who looked to be sleeping.

She opened her eyes staring directly at him, he felt as if she was looking directly into his soul.

Suddenly Jake felt a sharp sting in his mind before losing consciousness.