
Aeon Ascendant: Bound By The Cosmos

In the far reaches of human territory, on the desolate moon of Naru, Jake Avalon, once the privileged son of a disgraced governor, finds himself grappling with the harsh reality of a new life. Forced to flee Earth with his family after his father's corruption scandal, Jake adapts to a stark contrast from his former lavish existence. Everything changes when Jake is entrusted with "The Atlas," a highly advanced AI designed to seek out individuals deemed worthy to locate the elusive ChronoScribe. Crafted by the first civilization, this ancient device recorded the entirety of history and possesses the ability to peer into the future. However, after gaining sentience, the ChronoScribe concealed its identity, creating Atlas devices as a means to guide the chosen ones. As Jake becomes an Aeon Ascendant, a rare bearer of the Atlas, he unwittingly places a colossal galactic target on his back. The existence of Atlas holders sparks a ruthless race among secret organizations, powerful individuals, and vast empires, all vying to secure the key to unlocking the ChronoScribe's vast knowledge. In a dangerous journey filled with intrigue, betrayal, and the constant threat of imminent danger, Jake struggles to navigate this treacherous galactic pursuit. His singular goal: protect his family and unearth the secrets hidden within the ChronoScribe. The stakes are high, and Jake must gather the strength to confront the myriad forces racing against him. Join him as he embarks on a perilous quest, where the line between survival and annihilation is as thin as the threads of time itself.

L0ne_Traveller · Sci-fi
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61 Chs

Chapter 23: A Dangerous Proposition

3 Years later: June 2394

A young boy and girl could be seen walking the city streets of New Canberra.

The boy had green eyes and messy brown hair wearing casual clothes to not attract any attention. The girl had long silver hair, and raven black eyes and focused on the boy she followed.

Jake and Lyra were currently on their way home after making a delivery in the Chernova sector, a low middle-class residential neighbourhood.

The reason is that 1 year ago, while walking home with his Elder sister Aria after picking her up from school, Jake was approached by a suspicious man who wore an all-black outfit, leaving Jake with a card.

The Atlas was very weary of the man and warned Jake about his intentions, however, Jake realised he did not have many ways to earn money at his age and decided to hear the man out on his offer.

The man Olaff Mathaus, introduced himself as a broker and needed someone to do deliveries. When questioned on why he wanted Jake, he answered Jake honestly, saying he's been watching Jake for a while, his actions taken and his knowledge was too useful of a talent to waste.

Jake's first instinct was to run and get out with his family however their funds were low and Olaff had made Jake an extremely good offer which even had the Atlas second-guessing Olaff's intentions.

Jake accepted the offer but took precautions, however to his surprise, the Jobs were simple. Pickup delivery, arrive at the destination and confirm the order.

Not only that his identity would be hidden and payment was made at the same time. Jake realised that most of the deliveries he made, were either valuable or precious stones or currency, both of which private parties wanted to exchange without paying taxes on their items.

Jake knew it was wrong but his priority was himself and it was not like he committed a horrific crime in itself.

As the year went by, Jake lowered his guard against Olaff, not completely but Olaff kept his word and even allowed Jake to decline certain clients or deliveries if he felt suspicious about it. Again the Atlas always reminded Jake of the odds of Olaff betraying him, which kept Jake on his toes always but the way was excellent.

Besides that, most of the family adjusted well to New Canberra, Aria started to attend a high school at 13, and her high intellect pushed her to the 12th grade earning both jealousy and awe from her peers.

Iris and Lyra did not attend school but were instead homeschooled by Elizabeth and Grace, with Jake teaching them as well.

Grace on advice from Sarah, the woman who showed them their home became a real estate agent, unable to sit at home doing nothing, while Elizabeth did home tutoring for kids in their apartment complex, she could not expose her financial prowess, lest she expose her own identity.

Jake decided he wouldn't attend school, the Atlas would teach him all he needed to know and decided to help his siblings so they wouldn't need to spend a lot of time in school too.

His main objectives were still more or less the same, the raiyu woman he saw in that photo at the excavation site, his home in Devon and the Aerith race as well.

The Atlas had also given Jake a few other tasks, one being for Jake to make a name for himself by 15 and another to visit the planet Kreed, the homeworld of the Kreedians, the Atlas was cryptic but Jake knew he had to get it done.

"So, Jake, where are we heading now?" Lyra spoke to Jake, a smile on her face. Lyra was inseparable from Jake ever since they came to Iona Prime, Lyra felt the only person who could relate to and understood her trauma the best was him.

Jake patted her head, something she enjoyed a lot and said "Well, we're done with the last delivery, let's get something to eat before we head home."

"Okay, I want a burger." Lyra quickly responded happily skipping away to the restaurant.

"Sure." Jake smiled, both of them were very comfortable with each other and Jake was happy to have a friend he could trust.

He didn't plan on telling them of the Atlas now, but the Atlas itself informed Jake, that if he truly wanted his family's complete trust, he would have to tell them the truth, hopefully, sooner rather than later.

As Jake and Lyra sat in a restaurant and ate their burgers, Jake was once again impressed by the logistics network of the GOE, eating fresh meat was not as common not cheap on Naru even though it was just two systems away.

Jake's watch buzzed as he turned his attention away from his burger, recognising the sender of the message.

'Olaff Mathaus: I have an interesting proposition for you.' The message read. Jake was in no rush and ignored the message instead chatting happily with Lyra who enjoyed spending time with Jake.

"Goodnight Jake."

"Goodnight Mom."

Jake spoke to his mother as they got into bed, his mother shared a bed with Iris while Jake shared it with Aria, who had already fallen asleep.

'Let's take a look at that message now Atlas.'

Jake spoke to the Atlas before opening the contents of the encrypted message.

'I have an interesting proposition for you, I need someone to transport half a dozen men to Pierra 1C. The reason I'm asking you is that, your information on Iona's routes has been better than anyone else's. The job is risky and you may already decline, however, I am willing to pay 100,000 EC's if you complete this job. Please reply to my message by tomorrow morning. O.M' the message read.

(I don't like it)

'One hundred thousand EC's.'

Both Jake and The Atlas had different perspectives on the letter. The Atlas knew there was something wrong with the Job, a hundred thousand EC's, it was most likely going to be a trap, the Atlas placed Jake's safety as its paramount concern.

However Jake knew that if he were to complete this job, a hundred thousand EC's would allow him to get started on the next phase of the Atlas's plan, a new ship, one with enough firepower to attack and defend and also enough capacity to do cargo runs.

This would allow him to start making a name for himself and make much more than they were making currently.

'I know, I know Atlas, it most likely will be something extremely risky, but still let's do it.'

(Hah, well I can't force you, well I can but still if you want to, let's do it. But we will have to take certain precautions.) The Atlas informed Jake who immediately understood what it meant.

"Alright, it looks like we have a big day tomorrow." Jake mumbled before falling asleep, unaware of his surroundings.

The next day Jake had confirmed what he needed to do with Olaff and needed to prepare his ship, the transporter his family used to escape Naru.

Jake had used the ship a couple of times to explore a bit of the system and get used to manual flying but hadn't used the ship for a few months.

Jake left Lyra at home this time, it was too risky taking her along and as much as she protested she ultimately conceded defeat as Jake promised to bring her a present, which led to Iris asking for one as well.

Jake had just paid his fee from his band and the transporter was refuelled and ready for him at a nearby port, and Jake made his way there.

The port was mostly empty, this time of year was quiet and Jake chose a more subtle port, advice from both Olaff and the Atlas.

When Jake got near his ship, he sensed someone was following him, The Atlas helped develop most of his senses and doing those deliveries had Jake on alert.

'Who do you think it is Atlas, one of Olaff's men?' Jake asked the Atlas, unsure of who was following him.

(Unlikely, Olaff sent a location to pick his men up from and if he wanted to kill you he would have had many chances already, it seems they are just following you. My advice would be to get to the ship, for now, it will be private and you will be able to use your weapons as well.) The Atlas advised Jake, that the open public would risk both his mission and his family.

'Alright Atlas.' Jake spoke, ignoring his tail and making his way to his ship, entering and leaving the doors open.

Soon enough a person wearing a coat quickly rushed in, unaware of what was awaiting inside.

As the figure entered the transporter, they were greeted by a rifle to the back of their head.

"Who are you? Turn around slowly." Jake warned the intruder.

The figure turned and, Jake realising who it was lowered his gun as the fear-stricken face started to tear up.

"What the hell are you doing here Aria?"