
Aenar Targaryen(house of dragon si)

an SI is inserted as an additional son of Alicent Hightower and King Viserys, named Aenar Targaryen

flame_of_thrones · TV
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11 Chs


The first cracks in the Targaryen family's façade of unity began to show in the early months of 129 AC, a time when the house's political and personal tensions were simmering beneath the surface. The court at King's Landing, usually a place of elaborate ceremonies and strategic alliances, became the setting for subtle yet telling signs of discord. What began as small misunderstandings and slights would soon evolve into larger, more visible conflicts, setting the stage for the tumultuous events that were to follow.

The tension was palpable in the halls of the Red Keep, where the family's interactions had taken on a strained quality. It was in these everyday moments—during dinner conversations, casual encounters in the corridors, and the occasional family gathering—that the fissures began to manifest. These interactions, seemingly benign at first, began to reveal deeper undercurrents of resentment and rivalry.

One notable incident occurred during a royal banquet hosted by King Viserys in honor of his granddaughter's name day. The hall was filled with the usual pomp and ceremony, but beneath the surface, a simmering discontent was brewing. As the evening wore on, a casual remark by Aegon, Viserys' eldest son, about his sister Rhaenyra's recent achievements drew a sharp look from his mother, Queen Alicent. Aegon had been boasting about his own accomplishments, overshadowing Rhaenyra's contributions with a cavalier attitude. Alicent, already sensitive to the perceived favoritism towards Rhaenyra, bristled at the slight and exchanged a tense glance with her husband.

This seemingly minor exchange was but a microcosm of the growing tensions within the family. Alicent's frustration with the way Rhaenyra was lauded by Viserys was compounded by Aegon's careless comments, which seemed to highlight the disparity between her children's status and Rhaenyra's. The undercurrent of animosity was barely concealed, and it became increasingly clear that the family's dynamics were shifting.

Meanwhile, Rhaenyra was not immune to the changing atmosphere. Her own interactions with her stepmother and half-siblings were fraught with tension. The once-friendly banter had given way to pointed remarks and cold silences. During a casual conversation about the upcoming summer tourney, Rhaenyra made an offhand comment about the importance of showcasing the family's strength. Her words, intended to emphasize the Targaryen legacy, were perceived by Alicent as a veiled insult. The conversation quickly devolved into a heated argument, with Rhaenyra's supporters and Alicent's allies taking sides. The argument left both women visibly agitated, their simmering resentment bubbling to the surface.

Aegon's frequent displays of arrogance also contributed to the growing friction. His demeanor, often characterized by a lack of regard for the feelings of others, rubbed many the wrong way. During a practice session in the courtyard, Aegon's derisive comments about his younger brother Daeron's swordsmanship led to a public confrontation. Daeron, already feeling overshadowed by his older siblings, responded with a mixture of anger and hurt. The scene drew a crowd of onlookers, further fueling the growing sense of discord. The display was a clear indication that the underlying issues within the family were no longer confined to private quarters but were beginning to spill out into the open.

Rhaenyra, aware of the mounting tension, attempted to maintain a facade of composure. However, the pressure of living under the constant scrutiny of her father's favoritism and the growing animosity from her half-siblings took a toll on her. Her interactions with her family became increasingly guarded, and she began to withdraw from the familial gatherings that once brought her solace. The weight of her position, coupled with the visible signs of dissent among her relatives, left her feeling isolated and vulnerable.

The effects of these internal conflicts were also evident in the court's political machinations. The once-unified front presented by the Targaryen family was beginning to fracture, and this division was reflected in the shifting alliances within the court. The support for Rhaenyra and her claim to the throne began to wane as the cracks within the family became more pronounced. The shifting dynamics created an environment ripe for political intrigue, with various factions jockeying for position and influence.

As the tensions within the family continued to escalate, it became clear that the simmering discontent was setting the stage for a broader conflict. The once-cohesive Targaryen family was unraveling, and the fractures that had begun as small slights and misunderstandings were growing into larger, more pronounced conflicts. The open displays of discord and the shifting alliances within the court were indicative of the brewing storm that would soon engulf the realm.

The early signs of conflict within the Targaryen family were a harbinger of the larger struggles that lay ahead. The internal dynamics of the family, marked by growing resentment and rivalry, were setting the stage for the coming war. As the cracks widened and the discord deepened, it became increasingly clear that the Targaryen dynasty was on the brink of a turbulent and transformative period in its history. The stage was set, and the first cracks had appeared, signaling the beginning of a profound and far-reaching conflict.