
Not Fast Enough

"A lone brave eh?" Jake says. 

Lone braves are braves that partake in the zodiac crypts' trial without aligning themselves with a clan. 

The only time a lone brave gets involved with a team is during the first zodiac crypt where a condition was set that will only allow braves in teams of 4 to partake in the trial. 

After that, they head on to take the other trials on their own. 

"This battle won't be easy for Chase," Lexi adds. 

"Oh come on guys," Rhea intervenes. "We all improved haven't we? Lone brave or not, Chase will put on a good show!" 

"The match is about to start." 

"Yo speedster, you ready to party with the ripster?" 

Chase tilted his head before shaking away his confusion replacing his expression with a serious gaze. 

"They say you lone Braves are pretty powerful..." Chase said as his boots began to glow. "Some say you're all nothing but a bunch of socially awkward individuals."