
Aegis Schnee The Juggernaut Of Glyphs

One soul seeking other yet will they find each other in time or will they become bitter enemies? I Don't Own RWBY! Or any work mentioned in this fanfic! The picture is from there: https://cz.pinterest.com/pin/591238257315362510/

Nisiris · Others
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345 Chs

A mask of love

*Author note*

HOLY FUKIN SHIET! I just reread my chapters and just cringed how many errors I have in there! :D Tonight I will try to rewrite all my grammar errors, so don't worry, the story stays the same. Just some words will change as I cant look at it and don't slap myself :D


Weiss was walking through the hallways with a clear destination in mind, not forgetting to give every passerby a pleasant and innocent smile with changed into a vicious one when nobody was looking...

Weiss prided herself as a good actor as nobody was able to see through her child-like smile, well Weiss has doubts that both mother and her older sister Winter know or at least suspected something, but that was a minor nuisance...

Weiss even thought just ten years old was knowledgeable enough to hide her darker side from the world as to let everyone underestimate her...

After all, she was raised by her loving big brother, that is a genius from a young age!

It would be stupidity to think that someone who was raised by Aegis Schnee is anything but simple...

Of course, that doesn't mean she put acts all the time. The moments she is with her big brother, the true side of hers, the innocent side of a child Weiss is in hearth always emerge, and she wants nothing more than to be spoiled by her big brother.

But that's it...

Just in front of big brother, the true Weiss can emerge not in front of the mother who was drunk from her young age, not in front of Winter, who left her younger siblings and run...

And definitely not in front of that man who claimed to by their father!

No! Weiss was always observant, and the more she grew, the more she found out that just with her big brother who never left her and always was there for her when she had nightmares and was scared to sleep alone, it was him who stayed by her side until she wakes up and it was her big brother who always greeted her when she woke up!

Nobody was there for her, nobody other than her big brother, and as such, nobody deserves to see her true self!

Even if mother and Winter started to come back to their lives and tried to repair their relationship, Weiss didn't forget...

Weiss will let them try, but the moment they hurt her big brother Weiss will show them how a child raised by Aegis Schnee punish...

With such thoughts, Weiss Schnee, the little sister of Aegis Schnee, slowly walked to the office where she could always found her big brother...


Willow sighed as she saw her youngest daughter's face morph from smirk to innocent smile when she was around somebody and again regretted her cowardliness and leaving her two youngest to fend for themselves...

Willow doesn't hold it against her lovable boy who raises his little sister to the best of his abilities as she lost all right to reprimand his raising method as she herself was a horrible mother but still to watch her youngest split personalities or fake ones she puts around others pain her hearth...

"Well, at least you know that she is ready to go into the world."

Said Iris Goldstein, Aegis's new secretary and Willows's new friend...

Scratch it, Willow's sole friend, Klein, doesn't count as Willow see him like an older brother, and all Willows's old friends cut ties with her on her husband's orders...

"Easy to say."

Willow snort as she continues to watch her daughter from the mansion's balcony and again sighs when she watches her meet Aegis and all her pretenses fall apart and what replaces them is a pure smile from the deepest parts of Weiss's heart...

"What should I do?"

Willow asks her friend.

"Nothing, you should do nothing Willow, let Weiss and Aegis find it for yourselves."

Iris said as she looks at her boss's face. What from cold and calculating morph into a loving one when he sees his little sister...

But then continue when she sees her new friend's face.

"But you should hurry. After all, with Weiss tempo, she will get him for herself if you don't move."

Iris teases her friend as she looks at Willows's pale face that gains an unnatural red hue...

"Wh-what-what you speak about?!"

Willow almost shrieks from the embarrassment and just gains a teasing smirk from Iris.

"Well, obviously about your feelings towards your own son."

Iris said as she smirks at Willow, stuttering and couldn't help herself but to snort at how obvious Willow is...

Truly Iris is different from her friend who had just one man in her life.

She could clearly see when someone is in love with her own experiences, not speaking that Willow is obviously head over heels for her own son so much that it is just hard to see for her...

"Jokes aside... Willow, you yourself said to me that even if at start your marriage was okay, you never truly loved Jacques with is good for all of us as I don't want to meet a person who would love such monster..."

And that's what Iris honestly thought...

"Take it from me, Willow, most men are nothing more than animals who don't want anything more than prestige, money, power, and beautiful woman they could boast about..."

Iris said as she takes a sip of her tea.

"No matter how bad it sounds, but it is good you fell for a man who will never hurt and always be with you even if that man is your own son!

Just look how much he tried to help you when you were just pushing him aside! Willow Do Not Waste This Chance!"

Iris said seriously and looked at her gobsmacked friend's face...

"I would do everything to feel like you do now! You don't understand how much I wish that I, too, could love a man who would love me back even after so many men I slept... Willow, please do not fear about what others think of you or any moral dilemma... just go after your heart, and as long as both of you are happy, nothing other matters..."

Iris said sadly as she truly thinks so...

After all, she always heard the important people speak about morals and such high ideas. Still, after she was alone with them in one room, she found out just how big hypocrites they were...

Iris hugged herself, and little trembled as she remembered what she has done for those men, who in light spoke as saints but were nothing but devils in the closed room...

Iris froze as she felt arms around herself and saw Willow look at her with both worry and thankfulness...

"Thank you, and I know that I know you just for a short while, but you are truly one of the best things that could happen to me..."

Willow said to her friend as she hugged the trembling woman...

And indeed, as she said, Willow will try to embrace her new feelings. After all, she was hurt enough, no?

She deserves the little love she could get, even if it was from her own son...