
Chapter 44: Jamie, Abner

Friday. Hotel, New York City, NY.

JAMIE COULDN'T HELP BUT feel like this day was a waste. And why the hell hadn't they brought Tabby with them? If for nothing else than keeping her close and safe?

He stared at the table, trying to pay attention to Zora, Baruti and Sammy debating the merits of what they'd uncovered yesterday. All in all, it wasn't much.

They knew more about the kind of devices Abner sold. There was no hard evidence to link a wide variety of crimes to either him or his customers. Including a sale to a guy down in Mexico who'd attacked a plane carrying another Aegis Group team a month or so back. But as far as Jamie could tell, none of it told them where to find Abner, and by extension the drones, children or women.

It was a clusterfuck. They weren't any closer to finding Abner than they'd been yesterday. Sure, Jamie understood the move was more to cut off the flow of cash than track him down, but hadn't they all hoped for more?