Saturday. Task Force Headquarters. Washington, DC.
KELSEY WAS GLAD TO be back at headquarters. She was even happier about not having to play nice anymore. Honestly, being Dixon's office girl for a whopping few days had driven home how much Kelsey did not want to work for people in a typical office ever again.
She pulled out her phone.
No updates on Logan's condition.
That damn man. He'd probably gone off and gotten himself seriously hurt.
When she'd walked through those doors and seen Logan facing off with a man wielding two knives, she'd thought she'd just about die.
Anyone could shoot a gun or take a stab at someone.
That man, whoever he was, had moved like a master. And Logan hadn't a weapon to defend himself.
She'd brought up the point that not one but two men preferring knives had targeted Dixon. So far the two couldn't be connected, but Kelsey was willing to bet there was something there. If only they'd turn over the right stone.