
Advice for WN Authors

Aight bois. This is coming from an author and a reader: most of y'all's writing sucks. Readers shouldn't have to turn their brains off to enjoy your writing... That's just forcing them to be a zombie and mindlessly passing time by, ain't no enjoyment there. So in case you couldn't tell already, this will be very blunt. Thus, here's some things to keep in mind as you read. 1. If you're just going to hear and not listen, skedaddle. Hearing is having it go through one ear and out the other, listening is paying attention and making the effort to understand. 2. Toss your pride away. Yeet it across the ocean. I've seen sooo many authors unable to take constructive criticism and INSIST on improper grammar because they couldn't admit they did something wrong. 3. If you think your writing is good, then it's terrible. Simple. Reason: If you think your writing is good, then you stop looking for ways to improve it and it stagnates. Even the best of the best authors (on wn and traditional books) have room for improvement so don't be like "ah it's good enough" or "there's no where else to improve." 4. Don't listen aggressively. I.e. listening only to find faults in what the person says and use it disprove their claim. One example is waiting for your opponent to make a grammar mistake.  This is different from debate tactics to lead your opponent into logical trap and use their fallacies they accidentally left behind to invalidate everything they said. It's hard to notice, but the main difference is that someone who listens aggressively is no longer open minded or calm. They're usually narrow minded and stubborn to admit they're wrong in those moments and are very easy to manipulate bc they're blinded so ye. Did I leave some traps within the logic presented here? Maybe. Don't be an idiot and you won't have to find out. Side note: apologies if this boi comes off as ranting, bc it is. The average wn quality is on par with mtl childrens books, which is infuriating bc now there's hardly anything good left to read.

sinc · Urban
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14 Chs

Misconceptions, Part 1

The "WN Style" is not a style. It's a format. Anyone who says otherwise needs a slap.

A writing style includes format, grammar (different from perfect grammar), diction (word choice), sentence structure, tone, prose, flow/rhythm, emotions, hidden messages (stuff that one must read between the lines for), pacing, and a crap ton of other stuff.

The "WN Style" is just: short paragraphs. ...ye no chance in basement level H is that a style.

To elaborate on the grammar bit of the style: People with skills (so not y'all) can and will play with grammar as they like. As in, they'll purposefully misuse grammar to dictate the speed at which a reader reads. The speed in turn will set the mood for the scene (i.e. fast paced for action).

Here's some examples, although I won't explain anything for the reasons already stated after Ref A2.

------------ Poor grammar, but not mtl. Save the brain cells

Under a moon in the dark of night a small boy lit a campfire and cooked some food then ate it while under a tree.

Notes: Heck, one of my brain cells still sacrificed itself for this, send some memes.

---------- Excellent grammar

Under a moon, in the black of night, a small boy lit a campfire. He ate freshly cooked jerky while taking refuge from the darkness under a tree.

--------- Excellent grammar + rewording

Under a moon, in the black of night, embers revealed a small boy's face upon their fiery birth. The young lad roasted meat above the flames that warded off the dangers of the night and cast shadows upon a sturdy tree that protected his back.


hmm... third one still needs work but meh. Anyways, if you just fix grammar manually then post, I'll slap you. Well not really, your readers will do that for me.

It should be common to edit at least thrice:

1. Grammar (2nd example)

2. Style corrections, rewording/rephrasing, etc. (3rd example)

3. Read the chapter again, but as a reader to make sure everything flows well and there's no inconsistency between Draft, Edit 1, and Edit 2. (as in, sentences of each version right next to each other, more will be explained later so don't worry).

Repeat edits 1 and 2 as needed, just always make sure Edit 3 is last. Also, it's best to take an hour break before Edit 3 to give your brain a refresher and come back to it with the mindset of a reader. Do anything during the the break besides editing or writing, it's because that you'll only see what you wrote until your brain forgets it momentarily.

Ye the brain is weird... just like how it skipped the second "the" in the previous sentence.


Y'all need to stop writing wish fulfillment and self-insert like it's the only thing on the planet that exists. There's other ways to enjoy books, but the prereq to most of them is they need good grammar.

Hmm... No wonder they're so dominant...

Heh, jokes aside, those two are actually prevalent because it's the easiest to escape reality with and it strokes the egos of the reader. Like... a crap ton, to the point their pride is chilling in LEO. I've seen a reader whole heartedly believe the sky couldn't be any color but blue once, didn't even try to listen to others presenting evidence and such.

Tangent matters aside, the other methods to enjoy books are usually person-specific or personal from what I've seen.

As in, they took a generalized method, say wish fulfillment, then modified to their needs, and now they enjoy seeing the wishes of the side characters and the peanut gallery being fulfilled rather than the mc. Which may later evolve into appreciating the depth of characters and their multiple faces.

So ye, bunch of different methods, but they don't need specific book styles like wish fulfillment and self insert do to be applied. Heck, those methods can also be applied to WF and SI books if they're of decent quality, because that's all that matters: The quality of the book must be decent.

In WN terms, it'd be a hidden gem. In traditional book terms, it'd be average. In my grading style, it'd be a 5/10 minimum.

You'll see more of my grading scale later so it'll be explained on chapter 6 so just be patient and read the rest.