
Henki Business Volume Two

Henki Business It is a true story about my perspective of the past and prior to post seeing the Netherlands Kingdom I learned working for a Polish recruitment agency in a Netherlands company. A storyteller storyline of a case of his visit on vacation and business trip to a nation the plot developed itself. It was a never unexpected journey but I never knew it would happen. The story of what you expect and what you see. Author had in mind to write the Henki Legal title but due to coherent and pragmatic reasons he chose to call it a business, a very bad business. He was never pleased nor never hoped to write about this beautiful tulip nation.

Audrius_Razma · History
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A Fork Lifter and the Wheelchair

AD RAM is a very bad company and might be by law banned from business in terror acts trading with Moscow.

But how about others?

The true story of elevation to justice passed through the United Nations Human Rights Commission and United Nations regulating international labor certification of police force.

There should be thousands of cases of police corruption, crooks and criminals knowing about police climbing their career ladder.

They are the ones to prove and know about every police corruption, a living witness of how our country Lithuania is gambled away.

It is like a forklift lifting its freight to a shelf one day to be used to its destination.

The untold story unseen before our eyes who knows everything about in and out of the industry; archiving and distributing the story in a true bad company of people.

The pragmatic logistics in minds of information binding and weaving band to a justice.

Lithuanian corrupt police are playing Thai media laws and the corrupt Lithuanian Police Department insulted the Thai monarchy.


They take Thai King for a fool and make him an example of a tool for a torture. They think Thai King is torturing its enemies and his laws are made to destroy minds opposing him. It is Lithuania Police and they are wrong. Our police departments are making a social media annoyance case in online social media research to scare and threaten regular civilians portraying citizens Thailand's King like a monster.

I think they are wrong, I think they are sick. It is not right for Lithuania to do that. I think now they would take Thailand hostage.

It is turning into a diplomatic crisis.

They are big corruption smearing dirt on Thai Police and monarchy in foreign cases utilising media annoyance research online on social platforms it will open a scar in millions of cases demolishing their dignity. Yes I know this.

How about Boris Johnson and Scotland Yard?

Lithuanian Police are like satanic nests built of their police officers to diplomatic missions. It might be a true story. The embassy is using former police officers for diplomatic missions the embassy cannot do. It is a statement I learned while in London. I lived in London.

Their case is an extension to AD REM and company links of a financial influence and control to local politics and policing.

The company in Klaipeda made a statement of no respect to the Thai monarchy, only for Japanese funds because they can be used.

They only worship money.

The Swedbank is a financial institution financing business and the warehouse only firmly lives on its stocks due to the fact that they hold no physical entity! They held others' goods asking for their money for storage space.

I hope no more due to disaster in their case of AD REM.

The Bank of Lithuania is hoping to stimulate the economy when business like this takes hostages?

Is SODRA insanity the case of AD REM adequate pay? Their off sick pay in business is equal to sick pay.

If the business pay is inadequate the work is inadequate and the results are inadequate.

It is our economy in Lithuania. The best kept secret?

No. It is only a pile of lies.

The logistics of their business cases continues. The businesses here and authorities are here for mutiny against royalty? I think so.

AD REM spread racism in Klaipėda about Thailand. I don't like it. Klaipėda City thinks Japanese are stupid foreign money to use it. I don't like it.

The corona virus bonds are the way to manage recession raising expired pandemic alerts to say something new?

We already had a pandemic and it is finished. We adapted after three years of a single infectious, invisible and untraceable human eye virus. I know. They make money now from the pandemic.

United States Senate voted every business trading with Moscow for potential terrorism.

They should have to monitor business like AD REM for international terrorism and have them in the same list with ISIS because they share the same bad habits.

Should we quarantine this bad business?

AD REM would cut anyone like a pig, take their organs out just to weigh and see the value of their money.

The business is a sick butcher trading illegal black market organs. The organisation of LEZ is like organ traffickers in my eyes.

Therefore I vomited blood at work. I know.

They place and set fires like in my case for the European Union.

They made my life a disaster to show the crisis and ask for a European Union project. They got to solve it but they would need money.

The movement of extortion and blackmailing culture never stops because they had a taste for its blood. Easy money. They never worked for.

I know they are forking our funds and showing a wheelchair effect if they will not get to lift the bill.

Lithuania has taken the European Union hostage.

How should I live like this should tell a little about me.

AD REM are fake prophets.

The arts and journalism surrounding me are no better for international authors learning cultures subcultures.

Our Nations arts are exploiting embassies to gain access and media to lobby their projects for sales.

Journalism is a business scout sent to lobby foreign business. The business intelligence and data intelligence to convince or blackmail you.

Lithuanian Health Ministry is a failure and homicidal.

The government designed to slaughter its patients and proved to be sick itself.

We do not hold sustainable access per taxes we pay to have health care. It only covers the cost of an ambulance.

Thank you sick Lithuanian government for public pornography show of public relations. It should be banned equal to child's pornography.

I am living proof first hand experiencing and observing the United Nations first, second, third and fifth articles.

The privateering nation. Our piracy. I know.

We are able to take advantage of speaking in less well known languages to hide our activity with less known.

We are well able to take advantages and use others disadvantages. We are fully capable of escaping unpunished.

The nation has buccaneering powers of choice and privilege.

It is not good for us therefore I chose to see human laws of articles one, two, three and five if it is effective.

The laws are broken. It takes no fool to see it. I observe it well. I take advantage of a small nation to observe it.

Did the medical doctors never register an ulcer in my stomach? Why? I don't know.

Was it first or second degree abdominal trauma from work? How about gazed eyes iris to a dot looking from combustion?

I will not explain it. This is not necessary. I will write further.

How about police officers used to sleep with young women for money to police footage for arrest. How about those young women to be blackmailed mothers and young officers to be a police officer in the sexual footage.

They grew up, they have careers, they have families. I am worried about police practices.

How about Lithuanian Police sending the majority of witnesses in mafia trials to Italy for protection.

How about their lives?

The sovereign country, no communication, the nation's unresponsive authority?

Did the Police Commissioner change the policing image or used the funds?

What is a sovereign nation and me? The sovereign nation is only fair and not a totalitarian government.

The national population changed from 3 millions to 4 millions post "Brexit". We might have a hierarchy system in our minds.

It is a freelancing or entrepreneur class of working groups and European Union funds enriched enterprises.

The innovation and enterprise verbs do make people think about nouns of arts and journalism or per say "Lithuanian Journalese".

The facts and news fixtures in the media I wrote or suggested point out our history or personal observation about living my life makes a point.

The media can be a reference to my writings. I do not reference them in my words nor list them.

The reason is I do not cite them. I speak my words. Yes. I do.

I can always reference.

The cast and branding system they learn from me. They are not above law, biblical law nor above humans.

They apply the same class cast to think the world does the same thing to the same nation.

I know. I think it is wrong.

I support changes to change human rights because the climate changed along the way and life moved on without the laws. Our environment is not the same, we evolved but not our planet.

The human did so.

We need to learn from history therefore I wrote historic cases and cite my life in the environment to give the case example.

I made a particular mistake spelling Amazon logistics founders name for a reason.

You should pay attention. The language I use and the mistakes I write is only to colour the text. The information itself matters.



I started crowdfunding

I'm trying to get funding for my activity here. First of all, we would appreciate it if you could visit us.

I'm not going to spend the money I earned here for myself.

I want to support people who like Japan. And we will carry out activities to convey the beauty of Japan to many people.

I will be in your eyes,

I will be your ear,

I will be your feet,

I continue to convey the beauty of Japan enthusiastically today.

-Hiroshima Office Press supports Tomo.

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