

My name is Leonard Cohen and my life has been pretty boring, as an introvert it was quite difficult to make friends, so my only source of adventure and enjoyment became anime and games, till I collapsed on work, I thought it was because of my weak body as I never took care of it but found out that at the age 30, I had lung cancer, but I was happy as I could finally rest and have some time for myself, so as I pass on the only regret I have is that I have not gone on more adventures.




After what felt like the most comfortable sleep in all my life, I woke up to a clear blue sky in a field of grass with air never so refreshing. I was confused as to where all the pain went.

" But where is this, " Leonard said confused

He looked around in a circle there was no one in sight or rather nothing in sight, not even insects except some trees.

" Haha, that is one square ass trunk " said Leonard as his eyes fell on the tree close to him. As he reached out his hand to touch the tree,

" The fuck " screamed Leonard as he saw his hand and then his body.

Scared and confused Leonard started running in a single direction with all he got to find something with tears falling down his face but unknown to him at the time there was a smile on his face the brightest it has ever been, as he found a river he went on his knees to look at his face.

"Hahaha there's no way," said Leonard as he realized where he was

He drank the water and as he did he confirmed that he was not dreaming as he tasted the refreshing and sweet water.

"How did I come here tho, wait does this not mean that I am alone in this world, there are villages tho, can I even talk to them, wait there are monsters here " many questions flashed in Leonard's mind as he realized he is not safe and has to do something about it.

" Shit shit shit "Leonard panicked, and did something that he used to do when he used to play the game, he dug a hole and placed a block of dirt above him purely by instinct

"Wait a minute" now that he was in a hole Leonard was surprised by the dirt block in his hand.

Leonard pov

As I climbed out of the hole I was fascinated by the block of Dirt on my hand, it was not as weightless as I thought it would be it had some weight to it, the dirt block was close to 1 kg or 2 pounds in weight, I punched everything close to me the tree, ground, rock, flower.

As I was punching a found out your things that a tree would fall after you punch out the lower block, the block of Dirt would stay afloat in the air as long as it's connected to something on any one of its six faces, but I can store these items in the inventory by doing a swiping motion with my hand and thinking about storing it in simultaneously.

I could see them stored in the form of a bar at the bottom of my eye. The items stored in the inventory would not have any weight because I am carrying close to 12 blocks of Dirt which should be around 12 kgs or 26 pounds but I don't feel a thing.

Leonard tested various things such as he tried to place 4 wooden planks together outside the inventory to see if he could make a crafting table but it didn't work.

He saw the range of the items that he picked up was around a meter in length around him. That means whatever items are around a meter close to him he could place them in his inventory if he wants to.

As Leonard's eyes followed the river he saw a mountain in the distance and started to run towards it on the way he made a few wooden tools.

As he climbed the mountain to its peak he felt cold air as there was snow around him, but he got used to the cold rather quickly, he didn't think much of it as he saw a forest on the other side of the mountain and also spotted what looked like a village close to the horizon.

"Not yet," he said to himself 'I have to make some more durable weapons, armour and house for myself first. As Leonard looked around the mountain he found himself a small cave, he thought of making this cave his temporary home.

He started to place a few torches around the cave and placed a few dirt blocks and a door to close the entrance of the cave.

After he was done making the cave a bit symmetrical he pressed his crafting table at the right side of the cave along with his furnace and a storage crate.

Leonards pov

I choose this cave to build my home base so that at night I won't get randomly attacked by zombies and creepers as it is my first day in this world and I do not know what will happen if I die, will I respawn or not I didn't know and I don't want to find out so I must do everything with extreme precaution.

I think I saw a village in the distance in the forest. I plan to go there but not now as I do not know how they will react to me or if they even have any intelligence, to begin with, anyway all my plans require me to have sufficient ability to protect myself in any situation.

So I made myself a few stone equipment and armour, slaughtered a few animals for food, went to the back end of my cave house and started digging diagonally down to get some good loot to upgrade my equipment and armour, at least to iron.

As Leonard was mining he heard a low growl close by He knew what it was and he was prepared for it, he mined the blocks one by one from the bottom up so he could attack that monster on his knees unlike in the game where he could crouch down on the ground he wanted to check if monsters could do anything remotely same.

As he removed the blocks he saw the legs of the zombies, he waited for a few minutes to see if monsters could crawl out from the hole which was good that didn't and now he could proceed to attack.

As Leonard was attacking masters in the knees he could hear them getting restless but he continued then the monster's body suddenly disappeared, there was no blood or any disgusting smell, just a very slight smell of dampness in the air, like in the game the zombie transformed into loots.

After transferring the loots to his inventory he saw his experience bar fill up a bit along with a piece of rotten meat, what he couldn't see was along with the experience balls coloured green and yellow there was a white ball of similar size which he also absorbed.

[ 1/100,000 ]

Text appeared on the upper right corner of his eye, Leonard didn't notice it at the moment as he was focused on killing the rest of the zombies.

As he killed the third zombie of his life and could not see or hear any more of them, he got up and removed the block in front to continue to collect the loot and mine he noticed the white orb before he could make something of it he absorbed it like the experience orbs.



"Huh, what's this," said Leonard as he noticed numbers, he tried to access or interact with it in any way possible but it showed no reaction whatsoever.

"Was this that white orb, there are three of them .... because of three zombies?" Leonard tries to figure out the reason for the numbers" a hundred thousand, that's a lot of zombies to kill ", "in the end it all comes down to me getting stronger and killing more monsters" sighed Leonard as he continued to mine.

As Leonard mined further he finally mined enough to build a few sets of iron equipment and armour.

As Leonard came back home to his cave and started to make some iron ingots, his eyes fell on the numbers again


"It will take forever to kill that many by myself, oh I can try to make a monster farm"

as Leonard had mined enough blocks he went out to find a place to build it.

A few minutes later Leonard found a place and started building the farm, as the time came to place water around the edges he found out that water just flew down without the constant flow like in the game.

"How will farm monsters if water won't funnel them to the centre, how do I get water to keep flowing"

"Should I use the river?" Leonard thought of using the river's water to maintain a constant flow and started to make his monster farm underground.

As the farm was going to use the water from the river and the water was constantly flowing he had to make a few trenches around the edges to let the water flow to the middle he found out that water filled up the hole he made in the middle from which monsters would fall to the deaths and the water stopped flowing again as the farm was filled with water

'to maintain the constant flow I can try to connect this river water to the underground river that I found while mining

When Leonard was done building the monster farm, he built a small room at the base of the farm for himself and placed a few torches around the room. As his monster farm was pretty basic and just to be safe he increased the depth of the hole to make sure the monsters fell to their death. He built himself a bed to lie down on and wait for monsters to fall.

' Haah, this is one comfortable bed' thought Leonard as he went to lie down, what he didn't realize was that as soon as he lay down he went to sleep immediately.

As Leonard woke up the next day refreshed his eyes went to the farm directly 'thankfully I build this deep enough that no monsters came in here otherwise I would have died in my sleep he thought to himself as he sighed in relief and got up to check the loot he got 'mmm, why is the empty' Leonard was surprised to see an empty chest, 'this should not be because I went to sleep, I should go up and check' as this world was in some ways different from the game he thought him sleeping should not stop monsters from spawning or they didn't spawn in the first place

Thought Leonard as he realized the top to see no monsters in his farm.

"This might be a big problem," Leonard said as he thought that he had to complete that hundred thousand kills one by one, which would take forever.

'do monsters not spawn, or are they only found underground? I will have to check that '

As it was the second day and his farm was not working as he thought it would, Leonard decided to explore the forest and maybe go to the village.

Before going to explore the forest Leonard captured a few farm animals such as cow horse sheep's pigs and build basic shelters for them around the river, he heavily fenced the area to prevent them from escaping. Now he prepared a few items and went to explore the forest in the direction of the village. By the time Leonard reached the village he had fought a few spiders, made a bow, found a few dogs, and made the biggest one his pet, he also found a bee hive and collected some honey.

Leonard was in a happy mood as he was playing with biscuit (he named the dog )but his mood became solemn as found the village to be abandoned, as he exploded the village he found a quite a few useful items lapis lazuli, enchanted table, Library, fishing rod, compass, shears, a diamond sword, few gold and leather equipment, anvil, Redstone and lot more it looked like this was a big village and everyone left in a hurry abandoning everything, so Leonard decided to build a huge wall around a section of the village and store the items in few houses as there are a lot of useful items in the village.

Leonard wanted to make this village one of his bases he started to clear the forest around and light up the area, as he was clearing the area he found lava flowing down and a railway track along the side which he followed and found a mineshaft with more loots, he marked the area and went back to bring more water as he planned to mine some obsidian as he has enough diamond to make a diamond pickaxe.

By the time Leonard reached back to his cave the sun was about to set on the horizon so he mined the area around the cave such that no monster could climb or shoot at him from anywhere and he has to build stairs to go in or out of the cave, he removed all the torches around the entrance of the cave and transferred then to the death of the cave, as he sat at the entrance with biscuit in wait of the monsters, since he high up the mountain and this side of the mountain was mostly plane lands he could see quite far even during the night.

As he had nothing to do he started to make more buckets to carry a lot of water back the next day, *woof, woof, arf, arf*, Leonard heard biscuit bark at the entrance 'finally some monsters' he sighed in relief as he thought that he would have to go to the nether, as any spawner could be difficult to find, as Leonard walked out he scratched biscuits head to calm her down and looked into the distance and saw quite a few monsters roaming around.

'If monsters don't spawn around me then I have to make them come to me ' thought Leonard as he saw a few monsters coming towards his cave because of biscuits barking.

He made a plan to farm monsters and immediately took action on it as he made his way to the monster farm he previously made and started to make some changes to it,

'First, I have to make some changes to the room at the base of the farm, I will make another room adjacent to this one in case the tunnel is unable to hold on due to monsters and I need to make a run o for it, I will close off the first room and escape to the second one '.

After Improving the base Leonard climbed to the top and started working on the roof, as he removed the roof of the farm and reduced the length of the walls so it was easier for monsters to jump in and made it so much that river water flows like a whirlpool around the farm and drain down the tunnel forcing monsters to fall in.

'Looks like it's working as I wanted' said Leonard as he saw monsters falling to their deaths.





'This will take some time to fill up ' thought Leonard as he saw numbers increasing.




By the ocean a man could be seen sitting on a chair fishing and a dog sitting beside him nibbling on some fish, ' it's been a year huh ' said Leonard as he threw the fish he just caught in the bonfire and pulled out cooked fish, as he enjoyed his catch he thought of the adventures he has gone on in last year.....

I was always a cautious person, so I never did things that would be dangerous to me in any way so I never travelled anywhere in my past life, and kept to myself almost all my life, my mother was the only one who I was open to and as the free spirit she was, she would love to travel and could not stay in a single location for more than a month but my father was a cautious person so he would not travel as much but as he loved mother he would pay for all the trips she wanted to take with me, she was the light of the family so when she passed away from covid as she was trapped in a different country and couldn't receive proper medical treatment, father could not handle the pain so he passed away a year after. So my cautious nature took over me and I never went on any trips again. So I have decided to go on as many adventures as possible in memory of my mother but also be prepared for anything as my father always taught me.

And so…

In the first month, I focused on farming monsters to gain some better materials, experience and unknown points. I also started expanding my base towards the village and made multiple small farms of animals and crops along with some bees. As the month was coming to an end I started preparing to enter the Nether.

As the second month started I built my first nether portal as I had made sufficient preparations. It was the second time I started feeling that extreme excitement which I felt when I first arrived in this world. The nether was a whole new experience. As I started to explore the nether I found out various new things such as any type of cloth or paper would simply catch on fire outside my inventory in the nether which means I could not sleep on the bed or use that bad explosion used in the game, I also found another fortress a few hundred blocks away from my portal I started to build my second base close to the fortress as I have found my first monsters spawner in the game in form of the blaze.

As the third month was coming to an end I had built a proper base in the nether and built my first pair of ender chests I had found a few ender pearls by killing enderman in Warped Forest, while killing enderman I also found out that they provide 10 points in the unknown points for each kill, this was the first mob that I killed to drop more than 1 point in this world.

As collecting unknown points was slow I started to think of ways to improve my monster farm, so I made multiple nether portals close to one another in the nether to find a good place to build multiple farms in multiple locations, as I was farming monsters I was also brewing potions such as Awkward potion, Potion of Regeneration, Instant Healing, Harming, Night Vision, Slow Falling, Strength, Fire Resistance, Invisibility, Water Breathing, Turtle Master, Weakness, Swiftness.

Golden carrots and apples, along with armours and weapons with enchantments I wanted, as Protection IV, Mending, Unbreaking III, Thorns III, (Aqua Affinity, Respiration III) on helmets, (Feather Falling IV, Depth Strider III / Frost Walker II) on boots.

For weapons Unbreaking III, Mending, Sharpness V, (Sweeping Edge III, Looting III )for swords, (Efficiency V, Silk Touch ) for the axe, (Power V, Infinity, Flame, Punch II) on the bow, (Quick Charge III, Multishot)on Crossbow, (Impaling V, Riptide III) on Trident.

For tools Unbreaking III, Mending, Fortune III / Silk Touch, Efficiency V on Pickaxe, Shovel, Hoe and Shears, (Luck of the Sea III, Lure III ) on Fishing Rod. And lastly Unbreaking III and Mending on Shield and Flint and Steel.

After being satisfied with my enchantments I started to make Netherite Ingot from Ancient Debris, then went to my Smithing Table and started to upgrade my Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings, and Boots as well as the Shield, Sword, Pickaxe, Axe, Shovel, and Hoe to Netherite.

Unknowingly a year has passed since Leonard came to this world, and he has been enjoying his time in peace, as he was only going to his monster farming location to gather those unknown points because his OCD was acting up seeing those numbers, so he wanted to complete that before challenging bosses in this world.


"I should be able to complete this today," said Leonard as he got up, put his fishing rod in his inventory, tossed his fish to biscuit and pulled out his sword as he walked towards the farm. Unknown to Leonard at the time as he was equipping his sword there was a kind of aura around his that he has gained after slaughtering that many monsters, which made all the farm animals and biscuits hair stand as they started to behave erratically as biscuit ran towards Leonard with fish in her mouth as she knew it was time for some hunting.















" Ooook, so what now? " Leonard said out loud as he collected the hundred thousandth white orb.




[.... initializing ]

[.... Soul points acquired ]

Level 1 [0/100,000]


"i-i-is this my sys… " is all Leonard could say before he passed out as his soul began to undergo some special changes. No one was there to see what changes were happening to Leonard except biscuit who was tilting her head side to side confused as to why her friend suddenly face-planted on the ground, so she started to lick his face to wake him up….

Unknown to them the prompts kept on coming.






User- Leonard Cohen

World - Minecraft

World level - 2

Soul level - 1 [0/100,000]

Slot - 1 - [______] (select)




"Aug, stop biscuit, I am up, "said Leonard as woke up and scratched biscuits head to let her know he was fine, "why does my face hurt….., wait for my system," said Leonard as he sat up to check the prompts, "soul ascension system?".

Leonard started examining the prompts to understand how it works

" System…, hello…", said Leonard to confirm if this system is sentient or not.

"..." Leonard sat in silence as he got no response. "Ok, so it doesn't reply, so no AI or anything of the sort ", since he received no response he started to poke around to find out.

User- Leonard Cohen

(can be changed )

His name will change to the identity of the world he is in.

World - Minecraft

(list of the world travelled)

The world he has travelled in.

World level - 2

(Maximum level attainable by the current world)

Max level accessible by him.

Soul level - 1 [0/100,000]

( Soul points -Lvl 1 (10)soul = lvl 2(1)soul )

( Soul points acquired by destruction or extraction of soul source )

Basic mobs provide level 1 soul, and boss/ special mobs provide level 2 soul.

Slot - 1 - [______](select)

(select a useful skill to fuse the with soul by consuming soul points )

As Leonard poked around he found out a bit more details, but he was still confused regarding the soul source and slot.

As he was trying to figure all this out, biscuit jumped on him from the side as she wanted to play, but as his eyes fell on her he found a small question mark on her head, as he tried to interact with it, the question mark turned into [ level 1- 0.5], just to confirm what this was he went out to his animal farm to check, and on all the animals there was a question mark, but he has to stand very close and focus on the animal for a few seconds for it to appear.

[level 1- 0.02], [level 1- 0.05], [level 1- 0.08], as he checked on a few more animals he confirmed that this was the soul source in the system and why he received almost no points for killing animals.

Leonard pulled out his sword to kill a few he saw a question mark on his sword to so he pulled out the rest of his equipment and noticed there was one on every enchanted item and not on anything else, he focused on his enchanted Netherite sword, his jaw dropped after seeing the numbers [ level 2- 1000 ], "A thousand!!, Level 2 at that, meaning ten thousand level 1, what about the rest " said Leonard as he checked for all his enchanted items, he found out that more enchantments are on the types of equipment the more soul points they provide, such that a single enchantment on the wood, stone, gold, diamond, Netherite will provide level 2- 2, 5, 10, 80, 150 respectively, and different enchantments will provide different amount of points.

Leonard immediately got to work and ran towards the library as he had placed all the lapis lazuli in there in a chest along with other materials.

Leonards pov

I was excited as I know I have enough materials to level up to level 2, so I collected all the materials in one place that is in the library, as I sorted my materials it was clear that I have close to eight stacks of lapis lazuli and a similar amount of diamonds, which was far more than enough to level up to level 2 and almost a third way into level 2 also.

In a few hours, I was done converting all the materials into enchanted items, as I had piled them in a corner of the room, I stretched my hand out towards the items and wanted to extract soul points as I had no idea what else to do, but a prompt appeared as soon I thought of extracting points.

[ 40,960 level 2 Soul source detected ]

[ Initiating destruction.... ]

[ Soul source collected ]

[ Condition fulfilled ]





User- Leonard Cohen

World - Minecraft

World level - 2

Soul level - 2 [30,960/100,000]

Slot - 1 - [______] (select)

Slot - 2 - [______] (select)

This time Leonard didn't pass out, but he felt like gravity stopped working on him for a moment as he felt light, as he looked at himself he found out that he was less squarish than before and had more definition and flexibility in his body.

As Leonard was getting used to his new gained flexibility and planning to add strip mining between levels 13 and 16 for lapis lazuli in his free time during the day, he tried to interact with the slot section of his system as it was the only part he was still confused about.

As he was trying to poke the system in different places mentally to see what tricks it, he saw the select section expand.



Select a useful skill to fuse with the soul by consuming soul points.

Selected skills are the only ones that can be used in any universe by utilizing soul points

Skills cannot be removed once selected, only enhanced by consuming soul points.

Skills can be extracted from the soul source but they will be an enervated (weaker) version of the original.

Selected skills cannot be blocked, detected, tracked or tampered with as long as soul points are utilized.

Skills available:-

Aqua Affinity, Respiration, Feather Falling, Depth Strider, Frost Walker, Looting, Efficiency, Silk Touch, Teleport, Power, Infinity, Flame, Punch, Quick Charge, Riptide, Luck of the Sea, Lure, Inventory,...


" Aren't these the enchantments on my equipment, and what does it mean by an enervated version of the original?" said Leonard as he tried to interact with skills to seek more details.

Aqua Affinity - Increase the rate of underwater mining speed. (1 soul point = 10 minutes of skill use)

Depth Strider - Increases underwater movement speed. (1 soul point = 10 meters per second )

Feather Falling - Reduces fall damage. (1 soul point = 10 meters of height )

Fire Protection - Reduces fire damage and burn time. (1 soul point = 1 minute of skill use)

Frost Walker - Changes the water source blocks beneath the player into frosted ice and prevents the damage the player would take from standing on magma blocks. (1 soul point = 10 minutes of skill use)

Respiration - Extends underwater breathing time. (1 soul point = 10 minutes of skill use)




Sharpness - Increases weapon damage. (1 soul point = 1 minute of skill use)

Smite - Increases damage to undead mobs. (1 soul point = 1 minute of skill use)

Sweeping Edge - Increases sweeping attack damage. (1 soul point = 1 minute of skill use)




Infinity - Shooting with projectiles does not consume arrows. (1 soul point = 1 minute of skill use)

Loyalty - Trident returns after being thrown. (1 soul point = 1 use, and the weapon will return to the user )

Riptide - Trident launches a player with itself when thrown. Functions only in water or rain. (1 soul point = 1 launch)

Multishot - Shoot 3 arrows at the cost of one; only one arrow can be recovered. (1 soul point = 1 minute of skill use)




Inventory - One cubic meter of permanent space. (Can only be enhanced)

Teleport - Teleports user to ender pearls within a radius of 10 meters. (1 soul point = 1 skill use)

Fortune - Increases certain item drop chances from blocks. (1 soul point = 1 skill use)

Silk Touch - Mined blocks will drop as blocks instead of breaking into other items/blocks.(1 soul point = 1 skill use)




" Most of these are useless, the only skills I find interesting are Riptide, inventory, teleport and infinity "

After some brainstorming with my limited brain capacity, I thought inventory is a must-have as it will be helpful no matter the world I go to, so among Riptide, infinity and teleport I was more interested in teleport as it could be utilized as Flying Raijin (teleportation jutsu) of Minato from Naruto.

Leonard ended up selecting Inventory and Teleport, as he selected he received a prompt from the system.

[ Inventory skill selected for slot 1 ]

[ Teleport skill selected for slot 2 ]


Slot enhancement available:-

Level 1 - Level 1 (100,000) soul points

Level 2 - Level 2 (100,000) soul points

Level 3 - (locked)


" What the frick is that cost for upgrading!!! it's the same as levelling up, this Fricking...."

After cursing at the system for a while Leonard still chose to upgrade both skills to level 1 as there was no going back now.

[ 100,000 level 1 soul points consumed ]

[ Inventory upgraded to level 1, 2 cubic meters of space now available ]

[ 100,000 level 1 soul points consumed ]

[ Teleport upgraded to level 1, radius increased to 100 meters ]

Soul level - 2 [10,960/100,000]

Looking at his remaining points Leonard wanted to curse again , but he was more excited to try these skills out.

Leonards pov

After a few tries I found out that inventory was easy to use as it was of decent size and functions similar to Minecraft inventory except for stacking, but the teleport was difficult as I had to focus hard on the pearl before the teleport got activated and it got harder still as distance increased, I mean at 100 meters I had to practically look at the pearl to teleport.

After harassing the system a bit I found out that I can use a soul point to mark any item, and then collect that item in my inventory anytime from anywhere I want, and at the same time, I mark the Ender pearls with my soul points it gets way easier to use teleport as I don't have to bring out pearls and throw them mid-battle, I could strategically place them and teleport to a safe distance. Also when I destroyed an Ender pearl marked with a soul point it reappeared in my inventory but I had to use another soul point to mark it again.




As I have been engrossed in the trial and testing of my upgrades and skills, I was confident in challenging bosses in this world, as haven't spotted any villager in any village I have come across in past years, all the villages I came across looked as if they have been abandoned for years so I gave up on finding them, but it also means I never came across any raid nor any Evokers, so I could not obtain 'The Totem of Undying', if not for the animals in this world I would have thought this was a dead world.

That is why I was going for a full armour and weapons upgrade and enchantments before challenging any bosses, and now with this teleport skill I can easily escape also in case things go south mid-battle.



As I was practising my teleportation with ender pearls scattered across hundred meters around me, I realized that sun was going down so I collected the pearls and headed towards the monster farm as per my daily routine, but when I reached the base I found loots and experience but no soul points, so confused I went back to the top and kill the monsters and still no soul points, I was confused as my sword was still showing that soul points were extractable, I had a doubt and to confirm it went to nether- warped forest to find enderman, as I killed a few enderman the soul points dropped as usual but these were lvl2 soul points.

"This confirmed my doubt that I can no longer get an lvl1 soul point drop only lvl2 and higher, meh understandable " Leonard shrugged.

" I was already planning on farming lapis lazuli, I was not going to kill a million monsters to level up, that will take me forever "

After getting this new info I started mining lapis and farming enderman on daily basis, as for enderman farm I tried to spawn ender mites by throwing ender pearls by but they never spawned, as I was doing this in the warped forest I saw an endermite dig out of the ground and run towards the ender pearls and started to nibble on it, which surprised me a bit but I got my hands on 3 endermites, and they were not letting the pearl go even as I picked it up it was almost like a cat on catnips. As I kept catching more endermites I kept multiple of them in each farm which attracted a lot of endermen, easy poggers.

For lapis, I had to strip mine between levels 13 and 16, so I started by summoning wither underground and killing it as I had lots of soul sand and wither skeleton skulls saved up. As either cleared up the space for mining and helped me get some extra soul points, I am confident in killing them as I am well equipped and prepared. I had an ender pearl above ground next to a nether portal so I can skedaddle if needed.

I placed soul sand in a T shape using three blocks at the top and one at the bottom, then I started placing wither skeleton skulls on top of each soul sand, as I placed the last skull I wanted to start running to make the distance but suddenly what felt like an intimidation pressure descending upon me, which startled me and I pulled up the shield I had in my offhand as I had felt similarly feeling when a creeper exploded too close to me. The creeper experience was for an instant as it just exploded, this is a constant pressure and it's increasing as summoning is about to be done. This pressure was making my heartbeat skyrocket as I had felt similar excitement when I came to this world.


'Gurrrrr, woof, ruff, ruff ' I heard biscuit run towards me from the escape tunnel I made. "What are you doing here?" I almost screamed as I lifted her in my arms and ran, as the explosion was about to happen.


An explosion went off as I was trying to send biscuit back.

*BOOM, BOOM, BOOOM* I heard multiple smaller explosions as I went near the wither's location, it was like a raging Bull attacking everything so anyway, I started blasting the dude with multiple crossbows as I had 13 of them with multishot enchantment, by this time wither was getting to close for comfort so I pulled out my bow with infinity enchantment and started to move back as I was shooting arrows, I got hit by a few skulls but I tanked the damage as I popped a golden carrot to keep my stamina up along with some milk 'divine cow milk that cures any pesky status effects ', after around 10 to 15 minutes wither started flickering with white light so I pulled my sword out, with smite enchantment and started to poke, stab and slash this mofo in his bigass head in the middle as it started throwing more skulls but I had shield this time.

*5 minutes later*

Leonard 1 - Wither 0

I won easy peasy and got 1 Nether Star so I took 3 Obsidian 5 Glass and made a beacon, made the base with all the Emerald I collected, and chose Strength and Regeneration as status effects.

It also dropped lvl2 - 1156 Soul points which made me very happy as it eased the difficulty of collecting points quite a bit.

Days passed by as I got into the rhythm of mining, farming and enchanting.




It took only three months to reach a hundred thousand for lvl2, as I maxed out my level 2 I received a few prompts

Soul level - 2 [100,000/100,000]

[ Slot enhancement available ]

[ Inventory - level 2 ]

[ Teleport - level 2 ]

[ Soul level 3 inaccessible ]

[ World limit has been reached….. ]

[ Soul travel to higher dimension available ]


I chose 'no' to that as I still wanted to challenge the dragon and upgrade my skills, so I chose to upgrade teleport to level 2.

[ 100,000 level 2 soul points consumed ]

[ Teleport upgraded to level 2, radius increased to 1,000 meters ]

Now that I upgraded to lvl2 I suddenly fell to my knees feeling very weak unlike when I upgraded to lvl1 when I only felt slight dizziness. Initially, I thought it was due to the upgrading of my skills but now I realize it's my soul becoming weaker. I also found out that defeating Wither became significantly harder as it had become easier to kill over time, so I made a mental note and started practising my teleportation and collecting soul points again.




I was done collecting soul points again in close to three months, so I started to prepare for battle with Ender Dragon, I placed all the items I required in both of my inventories and rode a horse towards the end portal as I had found end portal for a while now, " This is it " I said to myself as I jumped in the end portal.

As Leonard stepped through the portal and emerged in the End, he immediately knew that he was in for a tough battle as he teleported to the edge of the island.

The sky was dark and gloomy, approaching the towering obsidian pillars that marked the entrance to the Ender Dragon's lair. Armed with a diamond sword and a bow, he knew that he was about to face his greatest challenge yet, the ground trembled beneath his feet.

He looked up to see the massive Ender Dragon descending from the sky, its wings flapping with a deafening roar. its glowing purple eyes fixed on him.

With a deep breath, Leonard charged forward his sword gleaming in the dim light. He landed a powerful blow on the dragon's scales, but it barely seemed to notice. With a swipe of its tail, the dragon sent Leonard hurtling into the air. Using this chance he pulled out multiple ender pearls and tossed them in every direction as he teleported to the pearl he dropped as he arrived here.

As Leonard regained his footing, with a quick flick of his wrist, he summoned his bow and began firing arrows at the Ender Crystals atop obsidian pillars. The dragon swooped down, its sharp claws slashing at Leonard as he teleported between his pearls and persisted as he let fly shot after shot. Finally, with all the crystals destroyed, the dragon descended from the sky, enraged.

The dragon retaliated with blasts of fire. Leonard managed to dodge the flames, but he knew that he couldn't keep this up forever. He needed to find a way to strike back. The battle raged on for what felt like hours, with Leonard and the Ender Dragon locked in a fierce struggle.

He landed blow after blow with his sword, chipping away at the dragon's armour. He dodged the dragon's fire breath and summoned the strength to charge in for another attack. Leonard could see the dragon's weak point - it's head.

With a focused determination, he evaded the dragon's swipes and jabs and finally lunged forward, stabbing the dragon in its head. The dragon let out one final roar before exploding into a shower of light and particles. Leonard was left standing, his armour battered but his spirits high, victorious but exhausted, in the centre of the End.

(Lvl2 - 30,000) " Damn!! "I was surprised by the number of soul points dropped by the dragon. I pulled up my system and immediately used my points to upgrade my inventory.

[ 100,000 level 2 soul points consumed ]

[ Inventory upgraded to level 2, 4 cubics meters of space now available ]

After upgrading I collected the soul points, I was yearning to farm all the endermen here, and thinking of soul points I was almost tempted to maybe summon the Ender dragon again, but my eyes fell on the Dragon egg on top of the bedrock fountain, so I built myself steps up to it and as soon as I touched it I got a bunch of prompts.

[ Soul Source Nexus Located ]

[ Soul points ( lvl 2 - 70,000 ) Obtained ]

Soul level - 2 [100,000/100,000]

[ Soul travel to higher dimension available ]


I selected no as I still wanted to do a few things before leaving.




* a Few years later *

Leonard was gliding through Overworld with Elytra, as he didn't know when he would be able to do this again after leaving.

He had let Biscuit roam free, now she has her Lil pups. He finally found villagers, they had gone underground to live in the Deep Dark biome, where they were using Wardens as a defence against all the mobs.

As I observed them, they seemed to have intelligence, but I had no interaction with them as I was about to leave but I left a chest filled with the eye of an ender which would lead them to the end portal where I had made my base with all the knowledge of Minecraft I know as my legacy.

[ Active soul travel - yes/ no]

I selected yes as I lay on my bed, as I had no idea what would happen.

[ Soul Travel Activated ]

[ Soul Source Nexus Located ]

[ Sacrifice Source Nexus Instead of Soul points for Travel - Yes / No ]

I still had dragon egg in my inventory, but since I had no use for it I selected yes.

[ Nexus Sacrificed ]

[ Higher Dimension Located ]

[ Initiating Soul travel..... ]



What Leonard didn't know was as he sacrificed the dragon egg this world began to change, all the zombies and skeletons dropped and scattered into dust, along with spawners in the nether. Villagers finally found his base after a few years, they were in awe of the castle seeing a dragon head at the entrance. As they found his library where he had written all the knowledge and experience of this world, they called him their saviour and his legacy was remembered through the ages.




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my first chap hope you like it

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