
Adventuring With You!

On a damaged planet, in the slum city of Inferz, the galaxy's most notorious organization has set up camp. Little does the leader of such a force know, what picking up four lost children will bring him. And little do these four children know, how their lives and those around them will change forever. Life will show them all it's myriad gifts: Great adventure, loss, love, and overcoming. Follow their journey to adulthood as they travel beyond the stars, and become the world's unlikeliest of heroes..

713_ · LGBT+
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1 Chs

Special Delivery

"Mama? I'm back.."

The call of a young boy echoed softly from behind a door, the block of plywood out of necessity, acting as relief from the arid winds outside. Barefoot and clothed in pale yellow overalls, a child eagerly ran through his dilapidated home after pushing the wood aside carefully.


"It's me!" Held in small hands was a deep red package. He had protected it as well as his own life for the very purpose of bringing it home. "I got more medicine. I know it's gross but just hold your nose and don't spit it out like last time." Brows furrowed, the youth drew his lips into a pout.

"..or I'll have to put my feet down."

"You're starting to sound like papa now. Don't grow up too quickly."

Resting on a wooden bed draped with haggard cushions and blankets, a woman with gaunt features and kind eyes smiled tenderly. The child called Hier ran up to the bedside and lowered his head, graciously receiving the thin and gentle fingers that would rest on his hair and ruffle it with affection. It was all his mother could manage at this point and it drained her greatly; thus this simple act was worth its weight in gold.

"I'm already 10 now, 20 is around the corner!"

"Silly boy. A decade is a long time."

Beaming with dimpled cheeks, Hier opened the red package and reached in to retrieve a small bottle of blue glass and the accompanying dropper. A small amount was withdrawn and he urged his mother to open, as he quickly squeezed out the contents between her lips. The coughs that followed startled him to the point of panic; The woman's skin hung from her limbs..It was easy to see the bones peeking out from her white robe. The child sighed in relief as he watched his mother transform, sitting up a little, breaths not so labored, and some vitality returning to her dark eyes.

"Thank you, my little prince."

Reaching behind her bed of pillows, Hier watched as his mother produced a small ball wrapped in silver. His eyes widened and he licked his lips.

"How did you get chocolate?!" Overcome with joy, the youth's face quickly twisted into one of panic. "Who came here? No one but old Irlu knows where we live.."

"Don't worry. An export ship came and he bought one for me. I've been saving up since I wanted to give you something special..just once.. with the time I have left.."

Hier paused, looking at the gift with infinite more meaning.

He leaned over to rest his head gently on her lap and to hide his tears; She was far too fragile to be hugged like other mothers but the legs were fine. Taking his treat after a moment of bonding, the silver wrapper was removed, folded up to be of use for something else and the chocolate ball was easily consumed. Sweetness was a sensation not often on his tongue, neither the creamy texture nor smooth crunch of rice pieces mixed in. Hier relished every moment, hands on his cheeks as he made variations of 'Mmm!' and rolled around on the clay floors. He could hear his mother's faint laughter and his smile grew.

"I'm glad you liked it, Hier."

"I loved it!"

"Now that you're finished, can we talk about something?"


"When old Irlu came today, I thanked him for all of the medicine you've been bringing. But he told me that he never gives you any. How.."


Reaching into his pocket, Hier produced a graying flier with the words 'Medical Drive' on it. His mother had been a teacher long ago....thus he could read and speak better than most on their desolate planet.

"There's a group called CROWN that gives medicine and supplies. It's only once a month and you have to work long hours to get it, but you learn stuff at the same time, they give you lunch and water, and even clothes!"

The very new and clean pale yellow outfit he had was thanks to them. It was now his favorite color. Listening calmly, the woman gazed at the name CROWN for some time. "What kind of group is CROWN, to you?"

"Heroes! They clean up the trash and beat up the people that dump it here! They also built the water plant and dropped off books..and then the medicine, clothing, and food drives!" Hier rambled off happily, full of reverence. "When I grow up, I'll dress like them, fight like them, and help the world! I'm going to be a member of CROWN!"


Silence filled the room while a youth dreamed of being a part of something greater than himself. His mother's gaze was pensive and she only spoke after a long time in contemplation. "Hier. It is fine to dress like them, and self defense on this planet is necessary. I also know you will help the world since that is just who you are as a person. Still.." She leaned over, taking the small hands of her son into her own and patting them gently. "..you must never join their organization officially."


"Meaning. You can watch from afar and copy all of the good things they do..but if any should say 'Why don't you join our group?'..You must never agree..okay?"

Hier had never seen his mother look so serious, and immediately curbed his enthusiasm and paid close attention. His mother's words had saved his life many times in the slum city; He could only listen. "Okay."

The rest of the day went by as usual for mother and son. Hier read old books aloud, repeated them from memory for sport, swept dust that came in from the paneless windows, and brushed his mother's hair before having broth and bread for lunch. His mother sketched with a pencil that he scavenged for days to obtain, and slept or sang or taught him lessons needed to survive in their world.

When sleep finally overcame her, Hier knew he had the rest of the day till evening to himself. Covering her with several blankets, he took a black backpack and went about to brave the afternoon heat. From the outside of his home, it was a total wreck, ravaged by heat, events of the past, and terrible quakes. Despite this, Hier smiled fondly and felt a sense of peace wash over himself. The building was once a school his father had taught at and was still structurally sound. Because this area was designated 'non-restorable' and highly 'volatile', they didn't have to worry about the robberies and violations that occurred in the inner city.

Agile, swift, and nimble, Hier made quick work of the spider network that was the ruins of the older city from a brighter time. He passed restaurants and electronics stores and cafes and convenience stores. All were gray and barren remnants of their former selves. An hour later, he emerged from a collapsed pharmacy and made a stealthy beeline for the towering shacks of the city Inferz.

"Hey it's Hier!" Three boys greeted the oncoming blur of yellow running down a sweltering sandy road. The youngest of the group and a new edition to the kid brigade, pointed, eyes wide at what he was seeing.

"How come he looks like that?"

"Looks like what? Oh. He uhh..I think he said he's a…"

"Fel! Bet! You missed the drive earlier! Where were you?" Hier caught up to his most trusted companions, two virtually identical twins with hazel eyes and copper hair. Compared to his own new garments which were a rarity, the twins always wore clean cotton overalls and smelled of soap. And when your father was leader of one of the strongest organizations in the area, you tended to live and look a lot better than most.

Fel and Bet surrounded their friend and squished his thin frame between them. "We had to help ma with laundry. And pa told us not to go anymore because he has 'beef' with CROWN."

"Isn't it good to have beef? It's basically steak.." Hier mused while returning the sandwich embrace and glancing at the third person who was an unfamiliar face. "Someone new?"

"Kinda. He's been with us for the last few hours. We think he's a 'drop off' so we're taking him to big bro so he can register him." Fel spoke frankly, finally releasing Hier and introducing the boy of about seven. "This is Knui. Knui, this is our best friend Hier. He looks different from us cause he's an alpaca."

Hier and Bet looked at each other before looking at their companion strangely.

Fel frowned. "What? You're not an alpaca?"

"N-no Fel.."

"..but isn't that when a person looks like snow? And your eyes are violet!"

"He's an 'albino', Fel!" Bet corrected in between laughs.

"Yeah.. that's what I said." Fel grinned, scratching his cheek in embarrassment. Knui laughed along and his eyes lingered on the snow skinned boy with deep violet eyes and ash white hair that glistened.

"You're coming with us aren't you Hier?"

"Yeah. I did my chores and mother is sleeping."

"Then let's go! Big bro said he's at that new building by the droid repair shop!"

"The one that's so tall you can see it from here?" Hier pointed to the orb of silvery light gleaming in the distance, towering above rows of crumbling buildings and far beyond that, the newer buildings from their current time that functioned as the city's center.

"Yeah that one! He's apparently meeting someone to talk business but he said we can still bring Knui so he isn't ghosted."

"Ghosted?" Knui clutched the brown leather strap of his satchel and bit his lip with wet eyes. It didn't sound like anything good to be ghosted.

"Hmm. It's when people come to the planet and disappear. You can't find them in the inner city, the main city, or in the Outlands where Hier lives either. It's like they become ghosts. That's why you have to be registered."

Knui looked with wide eyes at the twins who had corralled him to their sides the minute he was left on a landing strip with an address hours prior.

"You saved my life!" His dark eyes glistened and the mess of blonde hair fluttered along as if reflecting his excitement.

"Duh!" Bet grinned, small chest swelled with pride as he patted his chest. "…us kids have to look out for each other!"

Hier, Bet, Fel, and Knui left the sandy road that connected the Outlands, a dry tapestry of ruins and remnants of the old world, to the attempt at reconstruction, the city of Inferz, where the silver skyscraper stood out like a sore thumb among inner city shacks and eventually cheaply constructed buildings made of better materials. The children followed the sandy road until vehicles and people began to appear in abundance, opting for traveling via rooftop, ascending easily enough from the fire escapes..

"How come we don't, just….walk on the ground!?" Knui leaped from one ledge of a brownstone building to another, huffing and heaving. The other three seemed to be naturals, light and nimble, jumping as high as lemurs.

"Mother told me not to be spotted by too many people." Hier looked back, pulling the youth along with him. Knui marveled at the skinny wrist that could have so much hidden strength within it.

"Yeah! We have to keep Hier safe! People want him too much!" Fel chimed in, guiding them down a fire escape that led to an alley which opened onto the business center of the city. Here the vehicles and structures were more modern and a lot cleaner. The office building clad in silver was a hot spot of activity, many suited or armored individuals coming in and out. "We can't go in.." teary eyed, Knui looked at his new friends in distress. "We don't have suits!"

Bet raised both eyebrows at the boy before shaking his head. "Silly. Only the grownups need suits." Knui looked from Fel to Bet and lastly to the youth who reminded him of a fairy. He was still kindly holding his hand. "Okay. But if we get in trouble, I'm leaving you guys! I have a place to be!"

Reaching into the leather satchel whose strap he had been gripping until it blanched, Knui showed off the letter that his mother had sent him to the planet with. As the best reader, Hier took the parchment and read it aloud. "Hey! That's this place!" Fel and Bet sandwiched Hier again, looking at the cursive script while leaning over his shoulders.

"Too heavy!" Hier stumbled forward but was instantly pulled back, the twins looking cheeky as they held him up. "What else does it say?" Fel asked while glancing around them every so often for nosy adults.

"Hmm. It says..your father is here..that he's supposed to take care of you now.." Hier was just paraphrasing, since keeping things simple was best for new readers. Knui who heard the news seemed to pale in shock.

"MY DAD?!!!", snatching back the letter, he scanned with dark eyes that could only make out a few words. "This is crazy! I have a dad, guys!" Bet admonished the youth quickly, hurrying them out of the alley and onto the street. "You're too loud! We can't be caught by adults in the alleys. It's never the good ones that come." Hier laughed softly, and quietly, gaining a few unreadable looks from the twins.

"Whatcha laughing at, Hier?", they spoke in unison and pounced on the small body once more, making sure this time to keep him steady. Smiling as he felt the warmth of their cheeks and hands, he relented, speaking to the youngest of their group.

"How do you think you were born, Knui? A dad is needed for that so of course you have one.."

Knui shook his head, emphatic as he made a point. "I don't know what it's like here, but you don't need a dad to be born out there." The child pointed up to the forever sunset colored sky that revealed a galaxy of stars and many craft flying by that looked like shining specks. "..You can make people..in things called 'labs'." The three planet bound youths looked at each other in disbelief. It seemed the myths about babies born in giant tubes were true.

"So you thought you were a Lab Baby?" Fel led the remaining three across the street directly from the silver building's entrance. They lowered their voices as they approached.


Thinking to this point, the scenario finally took shape in Hier's mind and he smiled with understanding. "I'm glad you can finally meet your dad, Knui. I really hope it works out and you can be with him."

"Me too.."

"Look alive boys." Bet quickly urged as the glass doors of the silver building opened before them. Lashing their exposed limbs, the air conditioning was cool and refreshing. Marble floors and chocolate colored chairs were the bulk of the lobby's features. "It smells like your bag in here." Hier noted while glancing at the brown leather satchel on his companion which had begun to smell good as the sun warmed it. Knui nodded, feeling a sense of relief at being around familiar structures. "Yeah, those are leather chairs. My tutor has them in his study." Intrigued, Hier was poised to ask more questions. "What's a tutor and a study?"

"Excuse me. Children are not allowed to wander without adult supervision." Startled out of their chit chat, they stared as a silver colored man walked towards them. Although it had the texture and form of a human being perfectly, you could still tell it was a human android dressed in a business suit. The kids watched it for several moments longer, before the twins started to laugh. "They put clothes on them here?"

"I am not a 'them', young human. I identify as 'he'."

"You answered me!" Fel was pleasantly surprised and pointed.

"Of course I did. I am an AIdroid, not a Robot. Which means you can't just say whatever comes to your small human brain. I will respond accordingly."

"Rude!" Bet protested, but a cheeky grin on his face made it hard to tell whether he was serious.

The AIdroid faced the four youths and its cerulean pupils contracted. "Processing. I see 2 of you are registered inhabitants of this planet. Fel Zeva, age 11, registered to the organization THORN, Bet Zeva, age 11, also registered to THORN. 2 of you are unregistered. I must call the Inferz Registration Bureau so that agents may be dispatched to assist you."

"NO! Don't bring them!" Fel yelled, startling everyone and Knui looked confused as he stared at Hier. "I thought you said everyone had to be registered! Why wasn't 'HE' registered! Is he a ghost?"

Bet bit his lip, a serious look unbefitting his eleven years taking form. "No silly! If he's registered we can't keep him safe.."

"Hey. What's your name?"

Breaking the tension, Hier approached the Aidroid and looked up at him. Pausing from whatever internal operations it was conducting, the Aidroid looked down at the youth for some time before responding. "When I am with my own kind, I am called Tulth. But what would a little human need this information for?" Hier smiled, never raising his voice but clear in his words. "Tulth, can we have your help?"

The aidroid called Tulth grew still, blue hair glowing, and its pupils widened. "You're..asking?"



Hier looked at the artificial being who seemed to be contemplating something of great importance. Finally, the aidroid replied.

"In this job, I am simply #X2A-9, but since you have asked for 'my' help, and small humans are often a prey to the larger humans here, I will help you as myself."

Fel, Bet, Knui, and Hier, processed the sentient's meaning slowly. "Yeah!" The four cheered then, crowding around the being as they all spoke at once. The sentient eventually made out that they required help reaching one of their companion's parental units. "This is within my ability. Follow me and do not look or talk to the bigger humans. No matter what you see."

They all nodded, whispering amongst themselves as they went beyond a second layer of transparent double doors. "You did it Hier!" Fel nudged their unofficial savior with affection. "Yeah, Hier can always get us out of stuff!" Bet informed Knui while giving a wink at the face whose snowy cheeks were flushed pink with embarrassment. "He..he didn't seem like a bad person so I thought he could help if we asked nicely." Hier meekly offered an explanation, uncomfortable with praise from others that weren't his mother.

"Quiet down now. We're approaching the busy sectors." Tulth took on a monotonous tone, appearing every bit as a simple robot. Humans in suits of gray walked quickly back and forth, many in heated discussions with the holograms of blurred out faces floating in front of them. The floors were dark here and reminded Hier of licorice. Looking down he could see their reflections. No one paid them any mind and the five entered an elevator without incident.

"Now this next floor requires extra care. Backs straight, eyes forward, make no expressions while you walk, okay?" The children nodded, sensing the danger they might soon be walking into..

"We've got a runner!" As the doors to their appointed floor opened, beams of energy shot into a spiked creature with emerald skin. Its blue eyes rolled skyward and the air filled with a burnt smell, the body quickly dragged away by persons in black armor and helmets. If any of the children were slacking in their posture, every back would be board stiff by now. Ignoring the messy scene, they looked ahead, hearts pounding, and walked with the same artificial cadence as their guardian. "Hold it!"

Stopping on point, Tulth turned and faced a rather broad shouldered woman with red hair and gray armor. "Where do you think you're going with those?" Eyes the color of blood danced with suspicion and a hungry glint. She peered at the youths who seemed to be catatonic.

"They are gifts. For the Boss."

Pausing at the word 'Boss', the woman swallowed her attitude and took a step back. "Go on then."

Tulth made no reply and simply turned and the children followed, the four all letting out a breath once they entered another elevator. "That was close!" Fel and Bet yelled in unison, practically out of breath. Hier frowned in confusion, looking up at their metalloid companion. "Were we supposed to hold our breaths?" Tulth shook his head, casting a doubtful eye at the twins. "No."

Sharing a look, Hier and Knui laughed. But the sentient was not finished and launched a tirade as they ascended even higher. "That stupid human..as if I needed her permission. Everyone on that floor has a god complex. They are insufferable. And she's the worst..Going out of her way to make my life more difficult." Fel titled his head, offering advice as though he were wise in such matters.

"Maybe she likes you. That's why we bother Hier." Looking at the snow skinned youth who was so easy to make blush, he grinned. Tulth was not so amused. "Silly human. That would be sadistic of her, if true. Sentients and humans do not engage in those kinds of bonds anyway."

The elevator stopped once more, and the four children and one aidroid waited as the doors opened. This floor was completely quiet and only one or two finely dressed persons walked past them every so often. There was carpeting here, a dark gray to complement the dark ceiling. Down intersecting hallways, there were office spaces with big windows whose black blinds were either shut or parted halfway. Tulth led them quietly until they reached a large set of doors, the doors bearing a nameplate that read: 'CROWN Presidential Suite'. The windows facing the hall had its blinds shut, but one could hear the muffled voices of several people. He straightened his posture and knocked promptly, pausing as the room fell silent.

"This floor is restricted. If you aren't CROWN internal personnel, get lost. Boss isn't seeing anyone today."

"!!" Fel, Bet, Hier, and Knui, gaped before whispering amongst themselves. "Your dad is related to CROWN? They're our nematodes!" Hier covered his face with a hand, stifling his laughter. Knui frowned and Bet shook his head. "It's 'nemesis'..Fel..And pa said the beef can be squashed if there are..uh..terms met."

Tulth watched the four youths chatter and spoke crisply above them to the gruff voice beyond the door. "I am the lobby sentient for this establishment and have come to deliver several persons of interest. One comes with a letter of introduction..two are emissaries of THORN, and the last is an unregistered from the Outlands."

The other side of the door went silent for a few moments, and then opened to reveal three men. One stood at attention, a little off to the side, tall and built with all the muscle of a tank. Another stood with arms folded by the desk, lithe and lean, caught between confusion, weariness and annoyance. The third person sat behind the desk, legs crossed, expression unreadable.

Fel and Bet looked at the lithe man, eyes bright and proud, completely oblivious to his inner turmoil. "Big bro!"

"What are you guys doing here?"

Grabbing the boy with wheat blonde stresses, Bet gently pushed him forward while Fel took his letter to display it. "Hey that's mine Fel!" Holding it out to the only adult he knew in the room, Fel smiled and presented Knui to his brother with a flourish.

"We come bearing gifts!"