
Adventuring With Wishes

Your average otaku has had it enough with the monotony of middle-class life. What does he do? He challenges Truck-kun! *While staring at the weird scene* Creator: So this is what the Author chose...oh well...time for my vacation...SEND IN TRUCK-KUN! I do not own any of the characters here except for MC! I am only writing for fun and messing up the plot lines(Literally) This is a multiverse Fanfic and I am just a new writer trying to fill the boredom in life COVER PHOTO IS NOT MINE! retrieved from: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/644437027905891659/ By JenRos If you want it taken down please message me, thanks

ForgeCoffee · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Creating the...Maids?

I was on the topmost floor of the building overlooking a wide expanse of Mother Nature's creation and if I were to look at the view anywhere behind me I start to see a semblance of the modern world.

(Just imagine a room with window panels as walls?)

While in a daze I heard the elevator door open but sensed the familiarity in it so I just asked, "How many did you have to remove to actually fill up the list?"

"Master, with my efficiency I can finish the job quickly so finishing it in a week, should show how many "observers" there were I needed to keep on removing" Sebas said in disgust thinking of how poor they act.

"You could have told the spies the moment you saw them to just leave but you instead played with them, telling them to showcase their 'skills' haha", laughing at Sebas's antics.

Thinking of my children I asked Sebas regarding them, "Anyone fit enough to take care of them?" I said as a jest since I already knew the answer.

"Master, none are worthy to bask in their cuteness" Sebas said while breaking out of his usual character, "Weird choice of words but agreed" was my response.

Finding the perfect maid for my daughters is important since they would accompany them to a T, but it's not as if I would just be dumping my responsibilities on them.

"Say...What if we were to create one that fits the criteria?" I suggested since a second opinion is always great.

"Master, there is no problem and in fact, this is the best option as you can choose who rather than picking from the ones below. Everything is possible but your morals are your guide.

If Master allows I can create two maids that have appeared in Master's memories and like in the show they are great individually and best when paired" Sebas suggested.

Giving him the thumbs up to go on ahead I left and continued to explore this place I call house, but what I didn't know at the time was...Sebas adding a "thing" would have a different outcome in life.







When Master gave me the go-ahead I immediately bowed and rushed to the floor where our Young Ladies are currently sleeping.

While I going to where they are I decided to check each floor while going down to see how the employees are fairing in their work.

Surprised to say even though Master did not give a serious first impression they still did their work diligently, especially if your salary is $10, 000 a month and that just for the normal maids.

As for the JAVELIN pilots, they too are doing a good job and have already disposed or stopped any person who comes near the land within a kilometer radius...depending on the intention.

The ones disposed of are currently being interrogated and from the reports, they are mostly from the villain 'All For One' though the Master did say we should let Japan's Hero Society handle it. However, surprising to say none have come from the Lionheart Family.

From the fanfic we ripped them out from, they possess the "Sha Naqba Imuru" as a bloodline quirk although severely weakened.

But it seems the future 'Gilgamesh' that will be born this year will have the complete version...although it does not matter.

While multitasking with thoughts and inspecting the employees I have unknowingly reached the floor where our Young Ladies are sleeping.

Looking at the door to their room, I saw Carter suited in full armor standing guard I nodded at him and he made way for me to enter.

As soon as I heard the door shut behind me...I rushed at the Young Ladies of this house and joyfully admired them, restraining myself from poking their cheeks in fear of waking them up.

Continuing what I have been tasked to do I started using the system within me, and as I did so strange runes appeared on the floor.

The twins that would be created would be better than their show counterparts, as instead of having one horn they have three horns acting as a sort of a crown when entering their Oni Forms, their potentials are the same as well.

Adding in all knowledge pertaining to housework, combat, and general knowledge my work would have been done...but I decided to add something extra...something that Master wouldn't expect

I decided to add knowledge of being a mother, as I think that Master's presence is not enough for the children.

After a couple of seconds, two girls with different hair colors from one another appeared wearing matching maid outfits and started looking around.

When they saw me they just stared at me and then at the children, to which the blue oni said.

"Aren't they quite cute Nee-sama?"

"They are quite cute, Rem"

They both said answering each other's questions seemingly ignoring my existence and just kept looking at the children.

"Nee-sama, are we going to address the Oji-san?"

"You are already addressing the Oji-san, Rem"

I felt the legendary eye twitch of all anime and novel characters! Who knew that someone could actually get me to twitch...as expected of the maids of the children.

"Nee-sama Nee-sama, we should get a big bath for them" Rem suggested to her sister, and in return...

"Oji-san, get us a bathtub that can fit us all" Ram ordered me, 'Oh how the roles changed...' I gloomily thought.







While we were waiting for the Oji-san to come back we just kept staring at the babies...but there was a slight tingly sensation in our heart when looking at them.

With synesthesia, we are able to share our feelings with one another and we coincidentally did it at the same time.

We looked at each other and said

"It seems just like the perfect thing to do, don't you think so, Nee-sama?"

"Umm, I have to agree with you, Rem"

As we finished confirming our thoughts we took the babies out of their cribs and placed them in the middle of the huge bed in the room.

Taking one side each with the babies in the middle, we hugged them all with each one of our arms to share our warmth.

But what they didn't know is that that is where Alexander sleeps the majority of the time, while he instead puts the babies on top of him like every reckless father.

With everything feeling just right they drifted off to sleep even though it was just nine in the morning.






When the Oji-san came back he was stunned and had to gently place the bathtub on the floor and as soon as he did.

He immediately took out his own camera that he uses when snapping cute moments such as these that he expected to encounter as the girls grow.

*snap* x???








When we woke up we felt a weight on our chest, legs, and head. Looking at the cause, we saw the babies seemed to have escaped our hug and started to crawl on our bodies.

Two of the babies with red hair were on top of ours heads just crawling, while the ones on our chest had silver-white hair and black, finally, the one on the leg area was crawling further away.

Looking at the time and seeing as it was already high noon and the babies trying to suck our hair we immediately figured that it was time for their meal.

Scooping the babies up with two on mine and three on the other we exited the room only to find an armored fellow.

"This person is quite tall don't you think?"

"Indeed, rather tall for a human. What's your job Armor-san?"

The man just looked at us and we couldn't tell from his expressions with his covered face, "I am the Head of Security and the assigned guard for the Little ones, Ma'am" he said.

"Is he going to follow us around when we're with the babies, Nee-sama?"

"Are you going to follow us around Armor-san?"

We ended up questioning him as we were curious about what he will say, "My name is Carter and to answer your question it depends on you two as from my instinct alone you two are strong"

Hearing that we immediately told him not to follow us around when we are within the walls of the building and we only received a nod in affirmation.

Leaving Carter-san to his job while we did ours we decided to head towards the kitchen where we can get baby milk for the hungry babies.






While walking we seemed to have attracted the looks of the various employees within the halls of the corridor.

"Nee-sama, why do they keep looking at us? Is there something wrong?"

"Probably because they do not have qualifications to hold the babies, Rem"

After our short discussion, we seemed to have gotten lost which resulted in us walking around more, although we didn't mind as the babies felt just too amazing when held.


We accidentally bumped into a person during our lost adventures, though the person was more of a wall, it was a good thing our heads were the only ones that bumped.

"Shouldn't you watch where you are going?"

"You should watch where you are going."

We said at the same time, however, the babies seemed ecstatic at the man's sudden appearance.

"There you are!" the man exclaimed and scooped all five babies within his arms, though not before patting our heads.

"Sorry about that, I was searching for my daughters and I thank you for bringing them" he said with a smile on his face.

"You're their father? But you still shouldn't pat our heads just anyway you want" we pouted like children even though we were already 17 years of age, technically hours but...those are just the small stuff.

When we said that that's when we noticed the hair and eyes of them all, they were all identical, but what's amazing they were basically like stars in the night sky.

"I would pat you again but my hands are full but do join me to eat since the children seem fond of you two as well", he interrupted us of our daze and offered to eat with them.

"Nee-sama, we must join him he has the reckless father scent on him"

"Rem, I agree, he smells irresponsibility"

We said while whispering loudly to each other and just told him that we accept his offer.

'...' he thought...


-Rem and Ram found out about their names when walking towards the dining floor-



When we arrived we saw a table of food which was good for three adults and some mashed up baby food.

Sitting the babies down into their own baby seats first but it seems to have failed for one, as Little Eina kept struggling to get out.

Thinking of a plan the one closest to Little Eina took her out of her seat and placed her on their lap, this settled her down quickly.

When the babies began eating the mashed food, we were curious as to why they can.

"Shouldn't the babies be drinking baby formula, right?" Rem asked Alexander to which he only said, "They grow up too fast and was already able to eat mashed up liquid food" saying it in a proud manner.

"Rem, Rem, irresponsible father indeed"

"Nee-sama, Nee-sama, he is"

Alexander hearing this didn't even know how to respond so he just did what regular babies were doing, a bottle of warm high-quality milk formula was made on the spot and was given to the 5 babies.

When the babies began to taste and drink from the nipple of the bottle they started doing so in vigor, Alexander looked at them feeling betrayed.

Rem and Ram just gave the peace sign signifying their victory over the foolish dad and the babies seeing this followed suit.

...but could only make claws instead of a V sign.

This continued over to dinner with the father only laughing at their antics and when it was soon time for bed, the twins each scooped two tired babies while Alexander had little Jasmine in tow.

After placing the babies down in the middle of the bed the two thanked Alexander and closed the door on him.

"Was something wrong, Nee-sama?"

"Nothing, everything was perfect, Rem"

Rem wondered why Alexander had an awkward smile while Ram being the observant one just let it be thinking, 'His attitude might rub off on the children'.

The two cleaned themselves up and after showering they positioned themselves on the sides of the babies and embracing them once more.

"Nee-sama, who do you think is the mother?" Rem asked in thought as the more she couldn't see anyone mentioning the mother of the babies the more she wanted to possess and become obsessed with the five, same went for Ram

"I don't know." Ram answered truthfully but someone else started to answer, Little Hana (You'er) who was usually the quiet one started to mumble

"mnn mnnm" the baby babbled, to which was only taken as ramblings of a baby and was immediately hugged by Rem who was the closest.

"Time to sleep~" Rem said in a soft tone while rubbing the back of little Hana.

Result? K.O!


Meanwhile outside the door.

"....." Alexander said but was only patted in the back by Carter who is stationed to stand guard.

"Do you want to spar?" I offered.

Needless to say, Carter needed new armor after the spar, apparently, Armor Lock was useless against the fists of love








(Another chapter done!)