
Chapter52: Clair-sama's Unfairness

Silence filled the air...

In the white void of nothingness, a white beautiful chair and a table full of wondrous and expensive looking decorations on top of a small circular stage are the only things that can be seen in the middle of this white, empty world.

I looked at Clair from below who is sitting on the chair on top of the circular stage. Holding a cup of tea on her tiny hand, she sips on it a little then she put it back down on the table elegantly.

[ nice to meet you again, Yuki-kun. Did you finally give up on your life in this world for you to finally pray to me? ] Clair asked with a look of satisfaction on her face.

[ umm... actually... no. ] I replied hesitantly.

I know Clair and the Goddess who asked me to be sent here were expecting me to live a horrible life in this world, and now I don't know what would happen once they would know what actually happened...

[ ...wha-what!? hmm...? really...? ] Clair was a little shocked at first, but her expression suddenly became serious and she looked at me with suspicious eyes.

[ ...Guardian. ] Clair raised her hand and she moved her fingers back and forth as if she's inviting me to come on top of the circular stage.

[ ...wha-what is happening??? ] I exclaim in surprise.

I felt like there is something going out of my body, something light, but I felt that it is something important. Then suddenly, a white, almost invisible form of a human came out of my body, and it came flying towards Clair. As the figure became more and more closer to Clair, it became solid and its invisibility disappears. Not long after, it took a form of a beautiful girl with long, golden hair, with large wings of white feathers, a crown of leaves, and a white beautiful dress.

[ ...wha-what is that!? ]

[ I guess you don't know, huh? this is your Guardian. ] Clair flew towards it and she pinched its cheek. I just then realized that Clair is still wearing her Magical Girl uniform.

[ ...Guardian...? ] I asked dumbfoundedly.

[ yes, and I must say, I'm surprised with yours. You see, these "Guardians" embodies your personalities, good doings, and even bad ones. It will either take a form of a white beautiful person with large beautiful wings, or a black one with red large horns and a tail. Hmm... you call these entities as "Angels" and " Devils" at your previous world. ]

[ ...the-they exist, huh...? ]

[ of course. ]

I wonder if that beautiful creature is always watching me...

[ umm... I'm just curious... but what do they actually do? ]

[ nothing much, but if there's one thing they good at, it's influencing people. ]

[ influencing people? ]

[ yes. for example, if you are continuously doing bad things, your Guardian will take its form as your devil little by little, and it will whisper to you to do more until it's completely dark. When your guardian becomes a devil, it will be hard for you to stop doing evil things anymore as it will always try to drag you down. ]

[ wow... ]

I guess that really makes sense... so I guess I'm a good person base on my guardian... I'm really surprised...

[ surprise, huh? but that is not what we came here to talk about. ]

[ okay...? ]

[ I want to know what happened, why are you still not suffering in this world... ]

[ ...re-really? ]

That was really rude... I came all the way here, and I also prayed to her but she only wants to talk about that...

[ yea, I called your Guardian here for that thing. Guardians can store memories of the person they are assigned to, I can just look at yours without using it but that will take time. ]

[ ...okay, but please don't look at the private ones... it's embarrassing... ]

[ wha-!? why would I do that!? ]

[ ju-just do your business, and you could've had just asked me what happened you know? ]

[ no, I want to figure it out myself. ] Clair said with a serious face.

[ haah... fine. ]

*** A few moments later...

[ well... I guess I made some few mistakes... ] Clair said as she laid her head on the table.

[ really? ]

Well, I guess it's already obvious...

[ I'm not expecting you to become a superhuman the moment I summon you here... you're not just strong, but you're also immune to magic... ]

[ ...wha-what!? I didn't know that! ]

[ yea... Lena will definitely get mad because of this... ]

[ Lena...? do you mean the Goddess who asked me to be summoned here? ]

[ that's the person... haah...! I actually don't know what caused this... maybe I will just go investigate it, I will fix this once I found out what was the reason for this to happen... for now, you can use all that power for yourself. Use it all you want, maybe use that time to earn all the money you can gather from your job as an adventurer because it will not take long for me to finish fixing this, okay? ]

[ well... I guess nothing is permanent... I will do as you say. ]

I'm already lucky enough to be able to use this power to gain money to start living in this world. Maybe I will just try to use any talents I have, and I also still have my knowledge from my previous world so I guess I can have at least a decent job with that.

[ are you not angry about this? ] Clair lifted up her head at the table and asked me.

[ I guess only a little... I also know it will turn out to be like this someday, it was just a mistake in the first place. I will wait for you to fix it, but I will use it how I want in the meantime. ]

[ un, that is so. ] Clair nodded.

[ also, as I said earlier, I want to thank you for summoning me to this world, every day is always fun, and I met a lot of good people. I know they can help me when I'm ever in need. ]

[ I just hope so. I looked at your memory and all the people you met so far are only good ones. Just wait till you met the bad ones. ]

[ ...I hope not. ]

[ well, I guess that's it for today. I will now bring your consciousness back to your body. Time is actually paused here so not a second had passed to your current world. ]

[ is that so? ]

[ also, I want to talk to you about "Skills" and "Special Traits", you already met a ton of people with "Special Traits". The person right next to you right now has a skill called "Mind Reading Eyes" which basically allows her to read what your current thoughts are. ]

[ wha-what!? isn't that dangerous? what if she finds out about what happened here once she reads my thought!? ]

[ I don't know... ]

[ wha-what...!? ]

[ nevermind that, I also want to inform you. about the existence of "Skills". Hmm... let me give you one example, one hero I summoned has two of them, one is called "The Hero" and the other one is "Appraisal". ]

Wow... I guess she also summoned other people like me to this world... They're really lucky to be given some skills. And mine is just going to be taken away...

[ what do those skills do? ] I was curious so I asked.

[ well, the skill " The Hero" will grant him unfair physical strength and magical power, while "Appraisal" well... he can get the identification of anything and anyone he looks at, he can also convert strength and magical power to levels with that skill. Also, Having the skill "The Hero" will instantly make him Level 100. ]

[ wh-what!? isn't that a little too unfair? why are you telling me all this!? ]

Everything she said was seriously unfair. That guy is instantly the protagonist of a Light Novel!

[ well... I actually just want to make you jealous... ] she pulled her tongue out as she said that.

[ wha-what!? ]

[ anyways! I don't have any time left to spend with you! bye! ]

[ Noo!!! ]

[ ...wha- ]

suddenly, I'm back at the church screaming "No" with my hands reaching to Clair's statue. I also noticed that the priestess beside me fell down with her eyes closed the moment I got back.

[ haah... what do I do with this... ]