
Kamoshida Palace Raid Part 3

While the group slowly recovered, Akira looked traced his finger over his mask and said, "Axel, I hope you don't mind me asking but how did you summon multiple personas? I want to try and fight with Arsene and Succubus."

This question stumped Axel as he truly didn't know. Maybe it was a power from [The Wildcard]? Maybe it was due to the system? He honestly didn't know.

And to make matters worse, he didn't feel like asking the system while it was acting weird. He's tried for days to get the system back to normal but all he was met with was a text box.

It was weird because it made the system feel more machine-like than before. At least it was trying to act human in the past. Now it was all cold, hard facts and direct answers. And it bugged him. It bugged him alot.

Axel fell into thought for a few seconds before shaking his head as he said, "I'm sorry Akira but I really don't know how it happened. Hell, it's more than likely that Gem and Ini just summoned themselves."

As if on cue, Gem burst to life in a flash of flames as she happily screamed, "Daz right!~", giving everyone a fright and causing Morgana to leap high into the air while hissing.

After getting over his fright, Ryuji turned to Morgana and burst into laughter, pointing his finger at the scaredy cat while rolling around on the floor.

Pulling the two idiots apart, Axel gave Gem a curious glance as she puffed out her chest and boasted, "Ini was the one who found a way out! She accidentally summoned a door that lead outside! Now I can do it too!"

Before Axel could process this new bit of info, Mordred's rough voice spoke from within his mind, "I can summon the doorway as well, my liege. However, I wish to only be summoned during battle since I loathe anything else."

Silence reigned in Axel's mind as he mentally nodded. He didn't want to risk wasting Mordred's energy for insignificant matters since he was Axel's heavy hitter.

Suddenly, Axel noticed everyone was looking at him with a weird expression. They looked to be caught between bursting into laughter and trying not to laugh at all.

Akira was they only one who seemed to be capable of controlling his expression as he said, "Your persona has been making faces while floating behind you."

Turning back, Axel was slightly startled as Ini floated right infront of his face. Seeing his shock, Ini giggled before gently pressing his nose down as she smiled mischievously, "Beep beep!"


That seemed to be the last straw as Stella burst into laughter, collapsing to the ground as she clutched her stomach. Like dominos, everyone slowly fell to the floor while laughing.

Heck, Axel couldn't help but chuckle as well. Looking over to the mischievous Persona, Axel mouthed to her, "Thank you." As he knew that they needed a good laugh.

Though he wasn't able to sense emotions like Olivia, Axel could see that they were tense. The fight earlier did no one any favours as it just put them more on edge. And honestly, Axel didn't blame them. This raid had to much riding on it, especially for Ann.

Once everyone got it out of there system, Ini bowed and was about to disappear when her sister, Gem, appeared and latched onto her cheeks. Then, with strength Axel didn't know she had, she stretched Ini's cheeks out wide while berating her.

Before Gem could force Ini to kneel on the ground and lecture her, Axel quickly stepped forward and pulled the pair apart as he gently smiled, "Gem, I'm sorry to do this but we need to move and can't risk waiting for you to finish lecturing your sister."

Gem instantly returned to her bored appearance as she nodded, dragging her sister back into the depths of Axel's mind.

Breathing out a sigh of relief, Axel turned towards the rest of the group and said, "Now then, who's ready to steal from a corrupt king?"

Needless to say, everyone nodded towards him as they all showed a wide smile, filled with mischief.


Opening the door to the vault, everyone stopped in their tracks, awe and shock on their faces as Ryuji's reaction summed up how everyone was currently feeling.

"W-What the hell!?! How are we supposed to steal that!" Screamed Ryuji, pointing at the giant golden crown that completely dwarfed every single person present.

Axel quickly shook off his shock and walked forward just in time to restrain Morgana, the cat's eyes shining like diamonds as he focused on the glimmering treasure before him.

Throwing the greedy little cat to Akira, Axel moved forward and placed his hand on the treasure. Not seeing any reaction, he sighed and mentally stored the crown inside his inventory.

In an instant, the crown disappeared, shocking everyone once again and snapping Morgana out of his trance as he quickly scanned the room and said, "What happened? Where's the treasure?"

Before anyone could answer, a force pulled them out of the vault and tossed them in front of the throne. Axel nimbly landed before swiftly catching Ann and Morgana.

The boys… weren't as lucky as they landed right on top of each other. Ryuji groaned while Akira just shoved him off before standing up, helping Ryuji up as he kept his eyes focused on the throne.

Above them sat shadow Kamoshida, his red cape now much more ragged then before as a borderline insane smile adorned his face.

His smile quickly disappeared when he realized that he couldn't see nor feel his treasure. Enraged, the barely clothed man pointed at Ann and roared, "WHERE THE FUCK IS MY TREASURE, YOU SLUT!"

Axel's eyes narrowed slightly while Ann huffed in anger. Without hesitation, Ann spun on her heels as she yelled, "Carmen!"

A beautiful and busty persona burst to life, pulling it's whip taut before launching a huge ball of fire at the scumbag king.

Suddenly, Axel's back appeared infront of her as the sound of steel colliding against steel rang out, followed by a muffled groan as Ann's fireball collided with his back.

Ann stared at Axel with wide eyes, covering her mouth with her hand as she realised that she had just attacked her boyfriend.

"Ann!" Screamed Axel, pulling the blonde out of her self-deprecating as he continued, "I'm fine so fall back! I can't hold him for much longer!"

Hearing her quickly run back, Axel grit his teeth as his arms trembled. He had underestimated shadow Kamoshida. He thought that because S.Kamoshida got tricked by them that he wasn't the strong but he was very wrong.

It took all Axel had to keep the sword from continuing forward. Seeing Axel struggle, S.Kamoshida smirked as he batted him away.

Suddenly, S.Kamoshida madly cackled as his body became submerged in a torrent of crimson flames. Once the flames died down, everyone gulped as a huge, demon stood in place of S.Kamoshida.

The demon had a crown on it's huge head with twisted horns atop it's small frame, four arms that each carried a different weapon and a goblet filled with living mannequins that appeared to be the lower half of a female.

It's eyes scanned the room randomly, seemingly unable to focus on one thing as it screeched.

"GET BACK!" Screamed Axel as the demon tossed a golden ball into the air before spiking it down at the group.

Luckily, everyone managed to dodge thanks to Axel's warning. However, it wasn't the end of the demons attack as it roared in a distorted voice, "CHARGE!"

A legion of munchkins charged out from behind the demon and attack, fling a volley of volleyballs. Axel easily dodged the straight forward attack but everyone wasn't so lucky.

Hearing the groans coming from behind him, Axel grit his teeth before launching himself backwards. While gliding backward, Axel quickly appraised the demon.

[Name: The Demon of Lust, Asmodeus.

Level: 20

Persona Type: Non-applicable]