

"System, show me my status." Said the young man as he lay in a little sleeping bag that cost 10 system points.

Instead of the system talking, a screen appeared in front of him.

[Name: Axel (Prince Icarus Avalon)

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Level (LVL): 5

Level progress (LVP): 9%

Health Condition (HC): Injured

Magic Points (MP): 170/170

Strength (STR): 4

Agility (AGI): 9

Stamina (STA): 12

Intelligence (INT): 17

Dexterity (DEX): 13

Mentality (MEN): 24

Luck (LUC): 1

Charisma (CHA): 19

Status Points: 30

System Points: 5,000.]

Axel grew quiet as a gentle breeze blew by. He sighed and said, "System, what's with the game-like status screen?"

The screen disappeared as the system said, [It's to help you. People in this world can't control their stat growth and most train themselves towards their chosen path so there stats automatically go to where they can help. By using the game layout, during each level up the host can either manually add stats or the system could automatically distribute them.]

Axel nodded before he fell silent again. After thinking for awhile, he said, "System, I'd like you to distribute the stats in a way that'll make it easier for me to live in this world. Can you do it?"

[Of course. Automatically distributing status points to match the hosts conditions…]

After a minute, a new screen popped up.

[Name: Axel

Age: 15

Gender: Male

LVL: 5

LVP: 9%

HC: Injured

MP: 200/200

STR: 10 (+6)

AGI: 10 (+1)

STA: 20 (+8)

INT: 20 (+3)

DEX: 15 (+2)

MEN: 24

LUC: 10 (+9)

CHA: 20 (+1)

Status Points: 0

System Points: 5,000.]

Axel looked over his new stats and nodded. He suddenly yawned again and fell asleep.


(POV Change)

Inside a huge hall, a group of people trained in martial arts. Kicks and punches were flying everywhere. A man in an all black suit made use of the shadows and arrived in a hidden room. Inside, a tall and regal looking man was sitting on a chair.

Before the man in black could say anything, the regal man threw him a bag. The bag made a heavy thump as it hit the ground and opened, revealing gold and jewels. The man in black smiled, took the bag and left.

The regal man smiled as he said, "Finally, we were able to rid the Avalon lineage of that disgrace."

The regal man stood up from his chair as he suddenly disappeared without leaving a single hint of him being there.


(POV - Axel)

After a couple hours, Axel woke up. Before he could finish stretching, a screen popped up that said, [Emergency Quest!

Find a way out of the forest.

Reward: 15,000 system points, 3x Skills, 1x Function.]

Axel abruptly froze mid-stretch as he said, "What!?!"

The system rapidly explained as it said, [This forest is known as 'The World of the Kings' and is home to all sort of powerhouse monsters. Also, the forest itself is a ten-star monster that creates an endless day inside it's territory. A three-star monster has been alerted to your presence due to the host killing it's off-spring.]

Axel sprung out of his sleeping bag as he stored it. He quickly stored a couple litres of water from the lake, some nuts and berries from the surround shrubbery and ran. Suddenly, an extremely loud hissing sound rang through out the forest. Axel picked up speed as he thanked himself for letting the system add the stat points. He could feel that just walking before was taxing but after leveling up, he felt fine even while sprinting at full-speed.

While running, without caring about looking crazy, Axel yelled, "SYSTEM!!! WHEN DO I COMPLETE THE QUEST!?!"

The screen popped up again but it looked different than the one from last time.

[Emergency Quest!


Reward: 15,000 system points, 3x Skills, 1x Function.]

Axel instantly understood what it meant and began a mad sprint towards the outer edge of the forest. The loud rumble of trees and the earth being smashed raged out from behind him but he ignored everything as only one thought was on his mind, 'RUN!'

A few minutes later, Axel began panting as running became harder and harder each passing moment. Suddenly, a large tailed whipped from his side, sending him flying into a tree.

"Argh!" Grunted Axel as he spat a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

Axel slowly stood up as he was face to face with a giant white snake. It's eyes shone with an amber glow as it glared at him. Axel went pale as he found himself unable to move. The snake whipped it's tail at him, crushing anything in it's way. Axel gripped his fist hard enough to bleed as he thought, 'Move… Move… Move, Damn it!!!'

At the last second, Axel jumped and barely dodged the attack. As he landed, he quickly withdrew the bow and began to circle the snake while firing. Everyshot took about 20 MP but he wasn't clear whether it was effective or not.

The snake growled loudly as it opened it's mouth and started to gather magic power inside. Axel stopped as he aimed his attack at the mouth and fired. The arrow hit the snakes magic and caused an explosion. After the dust settled, the snake glared at Axel as it slowly turned around and left.

A wave of relief washed over Axel as he collapsed to the ground. He was about to asked why the snake left when a screen popped up.

[Emergency Quest Complete!

Find a way out of the forest.

Reward: 15,000 system points, 3x Skills, 1x Function.]

Axel looked at the screen confused as he said, "When did I leave the forest?"

The screen disappeared before the system said, [The forest is enclosed in a space-type barrier that only those of the races can enter and exit. Once a monster is inside, It can't leave. The three-star snake had no chose but to retreat. Now, would you like to roll for your skills and function?]

"Roll?" Asked Axel. Instead of getting an answer, Axel felt like he was being dragged somewhere as he appeared before a huge spinning wheel with ten blank tabs.

The system said, [Now, pick the three skills you want and they'll be added to the wheel. Once you've picked, the rest will be taken up with random skills from this world and earth. Also, while in here, time outside is in stasis.]

Axel suddenly shouted, "Wait, wait, wait! What's happening!?! What's up with the spinning wheel!?!"

The system said nothing as it waited. Axel growled as he picked Mind's Eye, The Golden Skin technique and Nature Magic. Seven tabs glowed a bright gold while the other three glowed in a rainbow.

The wheel spun before Axel could grab it. A minute later, the wheel slowly stopped on a gold tab. The tab shot into Axel, freaking him out. The wheel started again and stopped a few seconds later on a rainbow tab. Unlike the first time, Axel could guess what was happening and let the tab fly into him. The last spin suddenly gained a dark red tab.

The tab looked ominous and gave off a dark glow. Axel asked the system, "What's with that tab?"

[That tab is called the trader tab. It will allow you to trade one real-life item or ability for system points or something from the system store of equal trade.]

Axel was about to ask more questions when the wheel started to slow down. He closed his mouth and held his breath as he watched the wheel move towards the trader tab slowly. As it landed on the tab, Axel burst into cheer, only for the wheel to turn one last time and land on another gold tab.

The gold tab flew into Axel as he had a bitter smile on his face.

The wheels tabs all turned white as they gained an 'AS' symbol. Without asking, Axel already knew that the tabs were most likely the system function. While staring at the tabs, Axel quietly thought to himself, 'I didn't know the system was a Narcissist.'

Suddenly, the system said, [The 'AS' actually stands for 'Additional Support.']

Axel smiled in embarrased and said, "Sorry."

The wheel spun extremely fast for a grand total of 5 minutes before it started to slowly down and landed on a tab. Instead of flying into Axel, the tab flipped over and showed three words in bold.

Axel rubbed his eyes as he stood stunned by the function he gained. He slowly said, "DIMENSIONAL TRAVEL FUNCTION."

Now, I know what some of you are thinking. 'Oh he'll go to the naruto universe and get the rinnegan, sharigan or both.' Well, he won't. I hope you'll stick around to find out what Axel does next. Also, do comment on the direction you'd like the story to go. While it's not guaranteed I'll go that direction, I might.

Find out next time on- *cough* I mean, See you next chapter.

Nexusprime117creators' thoughts