
Adventuring as a way to become God.

The story is of a guy that's was dropped into the world of Overlord (pre-new-world) by some higher entity and is forced to become one of their entertainment. The story starts out in the world of Overlord and then will branch out to other franchises.

Gunkun · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 8

Master, Master, wake up, Master (???)

 Hmm, just a bit more come again in 5 minutes zzzzzz. (Lemon)


No, Master, you have said that 3 times already, please wake up if not we will be late for today's scheduled plans. (???)


As Lemon began to doze off with the soft shaking and mellow tone, his danger perception suddenly kicked in and his eyes shot open, only to be greeted by some fluid that was coursing directly to his face, instinctively activating one of his racial skills [Mistification] he let the substance pass through his body. The person next to him however was not so lucky.


*Splash* *Ahhhh* hearing a sound like a water balloon popping on someone's face Lemon slowly turned around, in his sight a white-tan beauty stood there sprouting a shocked face. She was wearing a typical greenish shirt covered by boiled leather armour coupled with dull grey pants, an attire you can find on any newbie adventure. She would not have exuded any of the wild charms in such attire if not for the fact that she was drenched with water making those boring clothes stick to her. It gave that vail effect highlighting her amorous figure. Her shirt became a bit transparent letting her chocolate skin peak through her a little, the leather too was soaked and as if knowing what it needed to do slipped down a little exposing her covered cleavage, the exposed parts gleaming with wetness, a little puddle forming form the droplets of her hair then swiftly flows down her crevice out of sight, her lower portion did not suffer much comparatively, although that was changing as the wetness flowed downwards subjected to gravity, her plump rump and thick thighs getting more noticeable.


Lemon was mesmerised by her vista, like seeing a wild horse standing ideally after playing in the river. He came out of this in a few seconds after noticing that she was holding a bucket and was in a posture that indicated her guilt in this wettisco. He slowly got down the slightly wetter bed and with a clenched fist imbued with holy light for extra light damage gave the still dumfounding Caenis a downward punch at the head. She made a sound like a comical cat and then promptly kissed the floor.


Now stay there for a while and contemplate on what you pulled. Haaa, if not for my quick reaction and sense I would have one of the worst mornings of my life. (L)


Scratching his dishevelled hair he walked towards the only other person in the room, the person led him to a corner where a container filled with water was present. He quickly washed up his face and took the towel presented to him.


So Yuri, what's the time and our current status add some of your thoughts as well. (L)


The other person: Yuri, quickly gave her spectacles a little push. She too like Canes wore a typical getup for a vanguard, only distinguishable from the extra shoulder pads she had on hers.


Yes, It is now 7:24 am. I am very apologetic for your ….. rowdy awakening this morning Master. I shall strive to better control our companions moving forward. (Y)


She gave a deep bow towards Lemon expressing her heartfelt regret over being unable to control a loose cannon like Caenis. Lemon after wiping off his face gave back the towel and told her to not border it too much as most of the fault lies with the disappointing woman on the ground. He then strolled to the bed and sat down urging her to continue on her report. Yuri then took out a clipboard and started to report on their findings.


Yes, Solution just informed us of her result from her preliminary reconnaissance. The name of the capital we are in is Arwintar. It is somewhat far from the forest of Tob, and as for the exact distance, we could not find any concrete measurement. In between there is another town called Ornfall and a swamp called Bown Swamp. (Y)

In the topic of Workers, according to her, the Workers are a group that mostly comprises Ex-adventures who were kicked out or are dissatisfied with the current guild system, they also consist of some criminals. In my opinion, this seems to be a perfect breeding place for useful pawns, although it seems the organization is kept in check by the kingdom's secret forces, the kingdom seems to thoroughly understand its weak points. (Y)

Flipping a page, she continues. Although We have not fully confirmed the validity of the information we extracted from the Worker group many of them seem accurate. We have also confirmed a group matching the accounted discription, whether they belong to the Slane Theocracy is yet to be confirmed. According to Demiurge-sama, this information will benefit us immensely in creating future plans, it also seems a further investigation will be conducted by another group. (Y)

Stopping for a moment to fix her glasses she again flips a paper and then continues. The current Emperor: Jircniv Rune Farlord Ei-Nix is a Secular ruler who placed the growth of his kingdom above any religious rules thus he has a somewhat antagonistic relationship with the Theocracy. Regarding his reign, it can be said to be a stable one at least from our surface-level investigations, the only noteworthy thing in his reign is his action during the beginning of his rule where he purged many of the old nobles, it seems the epithet "Bloody Emperor" was given due to the blood that run down from this action. Hmm, Yes, the story given by that girl from yesterday is accurate, according to this, they were stripped of their title because the young emperor deemed them as an incompetent family. Hmm, this contradicts my impression of the girl….. moving on, The general feelings of the citizens towards the current Emperor are favourable and are typical of the mindset of "if these stable times continue then I don't care how many of those nobles die". (Y)


Lemon listens to Yuri's report with an uninterested face. Turning to her he told her to skip the boring details and report on their main purpose: The Adventure Guild. Hearing this she flipped across several pages to find the report.

 Yes, the Adventurers seem to act as a punitive force against the monster they perform quests handed from the guild hall and receive compensation based on this. Their range of work does not extend much both in terms of geography and diversity of skills. Their typical modus operandi is going around a few cities migrating to whichever that have the most jobs. Their role seems to be quite different from the ones from Yggdrasil. (Y)


According to Yuri's longwinded explanations, the guild divides their adventurers into classes: Copper, Iron, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Mithril, Orichalcum and Adamantite. An increase in rank is linked to an increase in social status and reputation, thus many people with nothing to them join to gain a chance to glory. The guild also labels ranking to monsters and missions from E to A++ and these missions can only be taken by advantages that have reached a similar rank. For example, a copper can only take on missions of E rank, Iron ranks can take both E and D rank missions, and the higher rank adventures can always take any lower rank mission but many don't bother talking them.


A very well-thought-out system that has the potential to infinitely churn out cheap and disposable fighters. The one who came up with this is either an idealistic fool or a cold-blooded utilitarianist. Anyway, I assume you know the location of the guild? (L)


Yuri quickly adjusted her glasses and informed him that Solution was already downstairs waiting to guide them. Hearing this Lemon got up from the bed then slowly walked towards the still-laying Caenis, seeing her unmoving figure he raises his palm and swiftly slaps her protruding butt. A nice *Slap* sound resounded in the room quickly followed by the yell of a woman.


The motherfuc...kmmm, that stinging hurt, why the hell did you do that for, haven't you already had your fill with knocking me out, you also needed to kill my ass, shit master. (C)


That's for not waking up fast enough, now come on, quickly change those clothes and meet me at the cafeteria. We will go to the guild after eating something. Yuri monitors her so that she won't get distracted again. I will see you both downstairs. (L)


What am I, some kind of chicken? (C)


Caenis complained as she jumped up, still rubbing her reden ass. She looked around the room only for her eyes to meet with Yuri's. There was an awkward air between them or maybe it was just for her. Losing to this heavy air she quickly broke off her eyesight, she then gave an exhausted sigh.


Are you going to keep staring at me like that, it's kinda hard to change my clothes like this. (C)


Pay me no mind Caenis, and quickly change your dress. Your awkwardness or embarrassment does not concern me. (Y)


Said Yuri in a disinterested manner drawing out a look of disbelieve from Caenis, this quickly changed into one of annoyance as she started to remove her clothes swiftly exposing her tone chocolate colour body, her sizable assets jumping and juggling with her every movement as if trying to demonstrate its discontent too.


Caenis did not have any spare clothes so she spread and hung the ones she removed in a corner of the room, after taking a bit of distance she activated her skill [Fire Aura II]. This defence skill boose the caster's Defence and grants the caster passive health regen, it also has the additional effect of inflecting the burn debuff to anybody that makes physical contact with the user, ie, her body produces heat.


Alright now I just have to stand back and relax, it would maybe take 5 minutes. (C)


The silence once again falls into the room only broken by the occasional foot taping by Caenis. Notwithstanding this air, Caenis tried opening her mouth but was blocked by something called "Having nothing to talk about" and promptly closed her mouth. Yuri on the other hand silently stood there while observing the restless Caenis, perfectly content with this atmosphere. As time passed like a sleep-deprived snail Yuri suddenly spoke up startling the white hair woman.


Why did you perform such a disrespectful action this morning? (Y)


Hah?... Oh, you are talking about me trying to walk Master up. No particular reason I just thought he needed a better alarm than a soft shaking coupled with an equally soft voice (C).


She gave a nonchalant response with a shrug to justify her action. Yuri was irritated by her attitude though the only indication was a slight trembling of her fish.


I see, does Miss Caenis not see Lord Lemon as her Master? (Y).


Asking this with the resolve to attack Ceanis depending on her answer, she got into a posture to perform a burst action. Ceanis relished this sudden surge of killing intent from her face toward the maid with a savage smile, like a wild beast waiting for its predator to strike.


I do see him as my one and only Master and Creature. But you seem to be misunderstanding something, I do the things I do with the approval from my master, you see, our master is a guy of many tastes he enjoys surrounding himself with a variety of women with many different personalities and characters between them, that is why he created me like this. You understand Miss Glasses Maid. (C)


Hearing Caenis' somewhat highhanded explanation Yuri disengaged from her posture making Caenis wear a disappointed look, she then as if remembering something spoke up.


Oh ya, before I forget again, what was that move you pulled off, where you switched places with me? Was that a skill or something? (C)


Yes, that is one of my racial skills [Dulahan's trick], it lets me and another person instantaneously switch places. I aimed to switch places with Master but on seeing his brilliant evasion of the attack, I opted to switch with someone pedantic instead. (Y)


What? You are talking about me, right? Pedantic? What's that? Why are you suddenly adding fancy words all of the sudden? (C)


Haa, It means someone who shows off their knowledge without anybody asking. This conversation has dragged out long enough, put on your clothes we should not keep Master waiting anymore. (Y)


Hearing this Caenis checked the dryness of her clothes and put them on as quickly as she removed them. They then quicken steps towards the cafeteria. Seeing their Master enjoying his breakfast accompanied by Solution they swiftly approached them.


Ah, you guys are finally here, I was about to send up Solution to check up on you. Come on sit down, we are of the same status so it is weird if you guys stand (L).


Yuri hearing his psydo common reluctantly nooded and gracefully took the seat left to him, Caenis on the other hand was already seated before even being asked, she looked around the area to call over a waiter. On noticing Caenis's gesture an eager young waiter came over and took their order.


As the waiter stepped into the kitchen the group erected a small silence barrier and started to discuss the reports from Solution. They talk about the layout of their current base, the staff, their customers, and the owner of the building. According to Solution the main clientele of this inn are the up-and-coming merchants and the occasional young heirs of middle to lower-high nobles. She also reported that the current owner seems to be a stand-in, while the real one is still shrouded in mystery.


This whole sub-plot seems more and more to be one of those cheesy crime thrillers, I just hope this doesn't involve us...…just asking to be sure the weird curtain in the middle of the stairs is a passageway right Solution? (L)


Solution putting down her cup nodded her head.


To be exact, It is behind a painting of a girl of 13 to 15 years. Does Lemon-sama wish to know where it leads, I can ascertain where it leads tonight. (S)


With a shake of his head, he rejects it, saying it's better to not get involved in any unnecessary troubles.


Just compile your findings and send them to Nazaric. Hmm, you know what do that for the following ones too, just inform me of serious ones. (L)


Yuri and Solution both nodded at receiving his order. On the left side, Ceasin was balancing her chair on two legs looking completely bored of her mind. She turns her head from side to side and notices the sparsity of the other customers. The cafeteria was arranged in a wide rectangular area in which the kitchen was through a door on the opposite side of the entrance, the doors were on the longer side of the space, there were also several long family tables at each side and the middle was populated with several four-person circular tables. Seeing that their discussion had ended she suddenly leaned into the table and asked the group.


Hey guys, why are we talking here anyway, couldn't we have done this discussion somewhere private instead of in an open area like this? (C)


Hmm, what you didn't know, we are trying to bait out some fish. (L)


Fish? What Fish? Are we expecting some conflict? (C)


Ceanis' face lit up on hearing Lemon's words like a child that just heard her Christmas present was something she wanted.


No, not particularly. According to Momonga, there might be others like us in this world so by putting ourselves like this, we are hoping for some kind of reaction. I also agree with this method, so ya, and besides we are not talking about anything crucial. Oh, our food is arriving, remove the silence field. (L)

Ceanis gave a clearly disappointed look but quickly changed gears to smell the food, her disappointment already forgotten. The gang quickly finished up their somewhat heavy breakfast and started heading to the adventure guild.


The Adventure Guild of the Empire can be considered to be on the smaller side, at least compared to the many government buildings that surrounded it. It has an aged look to it with its brown exterior contrasting with the whites around it. The design too proclaims its age. The building is a 2 story building with a large triangular rooftop that can also act as an additional floor. It has an elongated side profile which makes it look like a church from a certain country of wines and wind. The entrance was placed above some steps, its large double-sided doors standing firm, at its side a sign where a monster's head being pierced by swords from both sides hung.


As the group approached the strangely conspicuous building the door suddenly slammed open and a young man walked out with angry strides. He was followed by a woman who looked like a spear wielder with a calm atmosphere, and then a shy-looking girl with a magic staff hurriedly followed behind the two. The young man grumbled loudly as he angrily passed the group allowing them to hear some of his words.


Darn these stupid restrictions, what do you mean my family forbade me from taking an.... (Angry Man)


As they pass by, the spear-wielding girl slightly bows towards them, and the shy girl looks at her sudden action with slight confusion but quickly follows the young man.


What was that all about? Some rich kid exploding after being rejected by the Guild? (C)


Facing briefly towards the retreating group Lemon shrugs, they then continue towards the building to finally register as adventures and start spreading their names throughout the empire.

Happy New Year Everyone. Hope your first Rolls for 2024 were good (for Gacha players). Mine, mine were terrible, I burned all my rolls to get the New Year character in FGO, and now I am jumping into the fires of 2024 practically naked.

Well as for the people who live a stressless life hope this year is the same as the last and if you are tempted by PNGs, I will be Archer to your Emiya and say "Hey, That's Hell you are walking into".

Thanks for your support and look forward to it in the future.

Gunkuncreators' thoughts