
Adventures with a Devil and Angel on my Shoulders

In this world, humans are a relatively weak race, however, they are also favored by the two strongest races, Devils and Angels, and after many trials a special bond was formed. Now, humans are granted the privilege to be chosen by either an Angel or Devil as a partner. However, what if someone were to be chosen by both sides? This is the story of a boy with such a twist of fate.

AgentBlue_Gaming · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 1 - Is it Possible to Have Two Fated Encounters at Once?

"LAAAAZ WAKE UP!!!" A familiar old hag shouted.

As I groggily woke myself up, I change my clothes and head down towards the breakfast table.

"Mornin'." I said to the old hag sitting at the table.

"It's the afternoon, you useless bum." She replied.

"Isn't it the same?" I said.

"Of course not! Most of the day is gone! At least have some common sense!" She shouted.

"Eh." I shrugged my shoulders and ate my meal in silence.

After I was done, the old hag suddenly acted out of the ordinary.

"Today's the day, right? You'll officially get to be selected by a Devil or Angel, right?" She said.

I smiled, and said "Yep! And then I can finally move out of this shabby dump and go adventuring!~"

The old hag quickly went from feeling nostalgic to feeling angry and shouted "Then hurry up and get the hell out of this 'shabby dump' you useless bum!" as she proceeded to kick me out.

As I prepared to set off, she told me one last thing.

"Don't forget to come back here and pay me the 5 years worth of rent, you brat!"

I smiled and replied "Sure thing!" before setting off toward the church.

After taking a few minutes walking through town, greeting the usual people along the way, I came upon my destination.

A giant black building that gave off a solemn feeling.

The Church of Worship!

This place is where all the religious folks go, and not just one faith shows up either! Literally anyone from any faith can pray and worship here. Unfortunately, that's why there's plenty of fighting that goes on, but well, somehow if all works out.

I'm not here for playing around though. Today is the day I can contract with a devil or angel!

Normally it would be impossible for someone like me who's only ever lazed around the house without getting a job to get a contract, but...

I'm only able to do it this time due to certain circumstances, but it's fine!

As long as I can get a contract, I'll be able to achieve my long time dream!

With that thought in mind, I took a step inside the church, but...

Everyone was already starting the ceremony, so I quietly entered into the crowd.

It was a beautiful sight to behold each time, as someone would come up to where the Head Nun was and as she spoke, the person would recite the needed phrase to initiate contact with either a devil or angel, depending on what the person wanted.

That reminds me, I still haven't decided which one I want. Maybe a devil since they grant strong powers? But angels have more unique magic that only they can give.

Hmmm. Now I'm not sure. I've heard rumors of someone being able to make a second contract before, but never two at the same time.

  Maybe I should try it? What's the worse that could happen?

As the crowd rapidly shrunk over the course of the day, my turn finally came.

"Now repeat after me..." The Head Nun said.

I did as I was told and repeated the words spoken by the Head Nun, however while I was repeating those words I kept going back and forth in my mind on what contract I wanted, until eventually I slipped up and thought about both at the same time at the very end of the ritual.

And thus, an alluring and sexy woman with black and black eyes as deep and endless as the abyss, wearing a sexy black dress full of laces, sitting upon a throne of velvet.

She wasn't the only one though, I also saw a beautiful and intelligent looking woman with an innocent and motherly aura, in a pure white dress and a golden halo above her head. She had blonde hair and pure sky blue eyes.

That's right, I saw both a Devil and an Angel.

As the two of them began to speak, they looked at each other in shock and confusion.

"What's she doing here?!" The shouted at the same time while pointing towards the other.

"Uh, well, I kinda couldn't decide who I wanted, so I just guess I ended up summoning both?" I explained.

To be honest, I wasn't sure if this is how it was supposed to go or not.

"What a haphhazardly thing to do!" The angel shouted.

"Eh, I mean it is pretty interesting. I am surprised how this happened though, since no one else has been able to replicate the same feat. Anyways, now that this has happened, you have no choice but to pick one! Me, the most powerful devil under Lucifer, or some random book nerd!" The devil shrugged.

"Hey!" The angel shouted.

"Well, first, I'd like to get to know your guys' names. I'm Laz Y. Bum, nice to meet you!" I said.

"Do you really need to know our names first? Wouldn't it be better to do it after you've decided?" The devil asked.

"I am the Angel Dina. It's a pleasure to meet you, Laz." The angel, Dina, replied.

"Nice to meet you too!~" I said, grinning towards the devil.

"W-What's with you? Looking so smug because some stuck-up angel gave her name. Sheesh. Fine, I'm Lilith. Happy?" She said, looking embarrased.

"Eh? Lilith?" Dina shouted in shock.

Oh? Is this girl some sort of big shot perhaps?

"Hehehe, that's right, I said it before, but I'm actually the second strongest devil, you know?~" She said with a smug look.

"Is that so?" I said flatly.

I almost broke out into laughter seeing the shocked look on that devils face.

"H-Hey, come on now, you don't need to pretend to not be excited, this is a really rare, once in a lifetime opportunity, you know?!" She said while panicking.

I couldn't help but try my best to endure the very silly scene of a sexy and mature looking devil suddenly acting like a fool. Hahaha, even now I can't help but laugh at the thought.

However, what changed my opinion somewhat was what Dina said next.

"Actually, she's not entirely wrong when she says this is a rare opportunity, as much as I hate to admit it. Lilith isn't just the second strongest devil in the world, it's widely known that her power is far higher than Lucifers, and on top of that, she has never once made a deal or contract with others. Though that last fact is only known to the residents of Heaven and Hell."

Naturally, something like that piqued my interest.

"Oh?~ Then maybe I should just make a contract with her, right?~" I said.

"H-However, I won't lose to her either! You may not know it, but I'm also of a similar status! I'm only weak under the Archangels! Also, I have complete mastery and knowledge of all magic within Heaven, in other words, you would become the most powerful mage in the world if you picked m-me!" Dina hastily added.

Lilith looked confident with her introduction, but Dina was also not a bad choice either. Hmm, I think I know what to do now.

"Alright. I get it. I know who to pick." I replied.

The two looked on expectantly as I gave them a glance back and forth.

"I pick...You!" I shouted as I pointed towards the two of them.

Their faces were frozen stiff in shock before...

"Huh?!" They exclaimed.

After that, the two of them looked at each other before giving in.

"I can't believe this brat." Lilith sighed exasperatedly.

"I know. Well, that's what got my attention in the first place though." Dina agreed.

"Hm? Now that I think about it, I never really asked why you guys picked me in the first place." I said aloud.

"Oh, that? I guess no one told you, as soon as the summoning begins, your mind becomes an open book by those you wish to summon, in this case, both Heaven and Hell were able to get to know you really well, in fact, we also are able to see what kind of achievements you might be able to have in the future, and almost every Devil in Hell saw some sort of hope within you, naturally I took a peak and saw some interesting scenes of you, too~ So I obviously had to hurry up and claim you before the others tried." Lilith explained.

"Heaven was similar as well, however, rather than choosing you myself at first, it was more like I had no choice, all the other Angels kept fighting to claim the spot, so I had to come in and take it. However, I'm glad I did." Dina continued.

"Hm, wait, does that mean you guys got a good look at my life up until now?" I asked.

They both nodded eagerly.

"Wait, so then that means, you both have seen me doing this and that?!" I said.

I couldn't help but think about all the days I spent lazying around doing nothing, before spending several nights secretly training with a wooden sword, then spending several more reading books, before going back to lazying around.

Not to mention, some of those books...I'm getting a nosebleed just thinking about it, how embarassing.

The two of them gave me different ominus looks.

"Eheh, it's not too late to go back, is it?" I asked.

"No, but are you sure about that? Don't you want to be strong?" Lilith asked.

"Wasn't there something you wanted to do?" Dina asked as well.

They were right, I was too busy with the situation I completely forgot about the reason I came here today.

"That's right. I, Laz Y. Bum, swear to achieve my dream of becoming an adventurer and clearing the 12 Dungeons of the world! I think that's how you do it, right?" I said proudly.

"Nice, not bad. I'd it give a 6/10 for effort, but it could've been a bit more dramatic and hyped up. Having it come out so quickly feels forced, don't you think?" Lilith said wearing a strange getup and holding an odd object.

Dina called it a Microphone.

"Don't break the 4th wall like that! And yes, you did wonderful for you first contract vow." Dina replied.

I didn't really get what kind of thing they were talking about, but since it looks like I said the words correctly, it means they'll acknowledge it as my part of the contract.

"Now leave the rest to us. I, Dina, bestow upon this holy son my Blessing!" Dina chanted before a well of holy power surged through my body, making me feel lighter on my feet.

"Show off, watch how it's done. I, Lilith, wish to make a deal with this mortal! All I ask from them is to keep me entertained~ If they abide by the conditions both have set, then let the deal be done!" Lilith's and my body both began to be covered in a terrifying demonic aura, making my body feel as if it were invincible and heavy.

"Oh right, if you don't keep me entertained, I'll be claiming your soul~ So do your best!~" Lilith added after the fact.

I didn't know how to react to that statement, so I just ignored it for now. I'll have to prey and hope I can entertain a devil for long enough to achieve my dream.

After everything was said and done, we exchanged a few more words before I lost consciousness and ended up back at the church.

As much as I would've loved to leave right away, I was legally required to reveal my contracts, so I had no choice but to do so. Thankfully contracts manifest in a physical way if you wish to show someone, so I could take them out. The reason no one doubts them is because special magic is used to determine frauds, plus a genuine contract is able to float, so...Yeah, would be hard to fake something like that. Anyways, I showed off the two contracts, showed off the names, and quickly left for the hills while the church ended up in an uproar.

Guess I'll have to stay out of town for awhile until the excitement dies down. I thought as I headed towards the forest to begin the start of my new life.