
Adventures of the moon and the sun: Their Love Story

Heidi_Lartey · Fantasy
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10 Chs


"It's not prince Ares fault, I'm sure he was manipulated by that stupid princess," Hera heard a different maid say this, she felt very angry.

She did not like people saying bad about her family so she felt like beating the shit out of them, but before she could let go of her principles and teachings, a girl she has never seen before beat her to it.

"Don't you have anything better to do than stand here and gossip about someone with a higher position," the mysterious girl paused for a moment before she whispered threateningly to them, "So unless you want me to report your words to his majesty, I suggest you keep quiet and focus on your job"

The maids looked frightened and nodded their heads really fast before they hurried out of there.

The mysterious girl smiled as she watched them scurry away, then she started walking away.

"Wait!," Hera suddenly exclaimed

The girl paused and looked around the hall and then she spotted Hera, she looked at Hera with a raised brow expecting her to say something.

Hera was quite for a while as she expected the girl to bow down to her but nothing of that sort happened.

"Um, do you have something to say to me?," the girl asked.

"Sorry, I just wanted to say thank you for what you just did"

"Someone had to say something to them and if it wasn't it me another person would have done worse to them so it does not really matter" she paused, "besides what they said has nothing to do with you so you don't need to say thank you"

After saying that, the girl walked away.

*What just happened,* Hera thought.

No one has ever spoken to her like that or treated her like that, she turned to look at the girls back as she walked away and smiled.

It felt nice for some reason. she stayed in that position for some time before she shook her head and walked away.

*Where was I going again* she sighed mentally *I knew it was to good to be true, they were just faking, none of them are nice they just talk behind people back*

Hera massaged her temples as she felt a headache.

Because she was lost in thought and she was focusing on other stuff, she was not watching the way and bumped into a wall.

"Shit," she muttered

"Not something you hear a lady say everyday"


Hera pov

Why is there a wall in the middle of the hall, seriously this place keeps getting weird and weird.

"Shit," I muttered, it really hurt.

"Not something you hear a lady say everyday," I heard.

I almost jumped out of my skin.

"I am so sorry, so sorry, so sor-" I paused as I stared at his face.

The man looked very familiar, I couldn't remember where I had seen him.

"Saying sorry is not going to change anything, so you can keep your apologies to yourself," the man said

"I know it won't change anything but I just wanted to apologise," I said when I snapped out of my thoughts, "If I may ask, what is your name," I asked out of curiosity

"Non of your business and also watch where you are going," he said then he walked away.

I stared at him as he walked away, what was his problem, seriously is today disrespect the Princess day.

I huffed, I felt like slapping that man. I have to go and find my sister and not deal with grumpy and rude people.


Original pov

Inside the throne room, the king called for his personal guard and told him to escort prince Ares and princess Hera to the throne room.

"OK, the rest of you are dismissed," Helios paused, "But I want you to be on the look out for the Princess and the Prince"

"Yes your highness," they all said in sync and then they bowed and left the room, leaving the king to think.

"Dad, you called for me," Ares said as he walked in

"Yes I did," Helios said

"Are you going to tell me what you called me for or not"

"I will, but first you have to wait for our other guest"


Before Helios could reply to his son, hera had walked in.

"Hello your majesty, may I know why you called for me" Hera said as she bowed her head slightly.

"Yes, I called for you and my son to talk about the disappearance of your siblings," Helios said as he pointed towards Ace

Hera only noticed that someone else was there when the king pointed towards the prince.

Hera's jaw dropped at the sight of the Prince, she knew the guy looked familiar.

"Close your mouth princess, we wouldn't want a fly to go inside," Ares said as he looked Hera straight in the eye with a stern face.

Hera closed her mouth and glared at him.

"I am guessing you two know each other so there is no need for introductions,"

"No, your majesty, we are not acquainted in any way," Hera said whilst keeping her eyes on Ace as she glared at him fiercely.

"If that is the case, then let me reintroduce you two," Helios felt confused by their actions towards each other.

"Princess Hera this is my son Prince Ace and Ace this is Princess Hera, one of the Princess of the the moon Kingdom"

"Hello," Hera barely glanced at him.

Ace nodded in reply.

Helios felt awkward and did not understand what was wrong with the two of them.

"As I said before, the reason I called for you two was to talk about your missing siblings," Helios finally broke the awkward silence.

"Have you found my sister," Hera suddenly became alert

"No b-"

"but we want to know if you have any idea where your sister might go," Ace cut his father of.

"Well there are so ma-" Hera paused as she looked at Ace with furrowed brows.

"Are you insinuating that my sister is the cause of their disappearance"

Hera looked like she was about to explode with anger

"I was not insinuating anything, I already know where my brother might be but I don't know where your sister may be," Ace defended himself with a straight face.

Hera calmed down a bit upon hearing this but felt a bit angry cause she felt like he was shifting the blame of their disappearance to her sister just like those maids.

"That is enough Ace," Helios continued, "Would you please tell me some places your sister might go to," he shifted his attention to Hera.

"There are so many places, maybe back home, no she wouldn't leave our people here," Hera thought long and hard before she looked like she had the answer all along, "Earth, yes that's it"

"That is great, we also think Ares might be there"

"So I will have a few guards go to the moon Kingdom just for safety and I will have you two and a few guards to go to earth and search for them," Helios added.

Deep inside he thought that they (Arrow and Ares) were kidnapped but he knew those two were strong enough to fight so he put those negative thoughts away.

Hera felt like screaming when she heard she had to go with Ace, but she remained silent and composed even though she was kicking stuff mentally.

Sorry guys, I know them being missing has been going for a long time but don't worry.

I feel like I am losing creativity but I will try to get my creativity in.

Please tell me what you think about the story so far.

Heidi_Larteycreators' thoughts