
Adventures of the moon and the sun: Their Love Story

Heidi_Lartey · Fantasy
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10 Chs


"Why did none of you follow them around" Helios paused, "Where was the Princess and Prince's assigned guards"

"Your highness, we don't know whe-", the guard speaking got cut of as another group of guards came in.

the guards who had just come in had no idea what was going on, one of them tried to ask the maid who called them to go to the throne room but she did not reply to them.

Deep down the guards felt scared but they held a straight face.

"Your highness," the young maid bowed her head down "These are Princess Aphrodite and Prince Ares's guards," she gestured to the guards behind her.

The maid who had brought them in felt proud of herself because no one else went to fetch the guards except for her.

The guards still had no clue of what was going on and one of them felt anxious and scared whilst the others felt curious, because they did not understand what was going on but by the looks of the King's eyes they knew something bad had happened.

"Come forward," the king told the 5 guards, the guards and maids who were standing there moved back whilst the Princess and Prince's guards took their place.

"Where is Princess Aphrodite and Prince Ares,"

the king asked them

Even though the king was worried about the both of them, he was mostly worried about the Princess because she is new to the sun Kingdom and he knew that Ares could handle himself but the Princess, he knew nothing about how good her skills were.

"Your highness," two of the guards spoke up, one of the guards had red hair and light brown eyes, whilst the other had red hair and deep brown eyes that looked like it was black from a far distance.

The guard with light brown eyes gestured toward the other guard to continue.

"Your highness," the guard with the deep brown eyes stepped forward and bowed his head before he continued, "we were looking after the Princess and the Prince when they went to the garden, but we were told by the Prince to leave and only one of the guards he chose stayed"

"Your job is to look after the Prince and princess whether they like it or not"

"Your highness it was an order from the crown Prince and we could not refuse him"

The king felt so frustrated, he did not know what to do, he just felt like breaking something

*Sweetie, I can feel your anger from where I am, please calm down* the queen mindlinked the king

Upon hearing her voice, the king calmed down and imagining her face made him calm down more.

*Sorry sweetheart, I just feel frustrated*

*it's ok, we will find them,* the queen cut of their connection.

The king turned his attention back to the people infront of him and he was more calmer than he was before. The change in his reaction made the people confused but they did nor say anything.

"Where is the guard that stayed with them," the king asked

The guard standing next to the guard who.was left there pushed him slightly forward.

Hi y'all, I'm so sorry for the late update, I had exams so I was busy.

what do u think about this chapter

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