
Adventures Of The Fateweaver (DXD and more)

When Eden, a child confined within a corrupt hospital for his entire life, finally takes his last breath, Fate takes pity on him and transports him into a world somewhat resembling his own. But, naturally, this world includes devils, dragons, and gods living alongside humanity. Fate, being a "benevolent goddess", provides her new champion with tools to defend himself, such as a magical sword with a sinister and violent history, and a magical house that conceals wondrous secrets spanning the multiverse. Worlds DXD, Gamers, Tsurezure Children, My Romantic Comedy SNAFU, Bottom-tier Character Tomozaki, and more.

Vex_900 · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Interlude (Serafall Conviction)

As Serafall teleported home with her family, many thoughts crossed her mind. When was she going to copy the picture she had gotten of her entire family now, including the seductive love of her life, the only man that had made her feel this love-like obsession, Eden Tsubakihara? The first love of her life was her sister Sona, and she thought no one else in existence could ever get close to being as implanted in her heart as Sona was. As soon as she saw Eden, she realized she was sorely mistaken. Eden, the man who has become her lover, was the first man or person not related to her that she felt love for. Now she was just looking at the picture, and the two greatest people in the world, Sona and Eden, staying next to each other made her so happy she could die of glee.

After looking at it, it hurts her even more that she could not spend every second of her remaining life with them.

"Darling, please stop daydreaming; it is unsightly for someone of your station," her mother said.

"Let me have this, mother," she said, looking at the picture. "I'm going to go put this in my shrine; see you later," she said before going upstairs to her room.

Serafall did not usually live with her parents, but she tried to visit as much as possible and still had her room here the same as when she was young. Instead of only pictures of Sona, images of Eden were hung in some places—not as much since she had just seen Eden, but she wanted to get an equal amount of Sona and Eden pictures so whenever she looked around the room, her eyes would be full of bliss.

She finds a good place to hang it up. Serafall was an obsessive devil by nature; this was one of the reasons why, out of all the Satans, she did the most work because she made sure in whatever she was doing that every minuscule detail was exactly as she wanted. But the problem with that was that she was both very detail-oriented and, like every devil, power-hungry. She just had so little time to spend with your sister, and now she had a lover.

Serafall then jumped onto her bed, screaming into the pillow. Before just juggling the balls of being the best sister to Serafall and being the best diplomat she could be to secure peace in the underworld, Sometimes, much to her infinite displeasure, she had to not do something to miss an important event in Sona life, but she had before thought that being the best sister also meant protecting her sister's happiness, something she did as a diplomat. But now that she was engaged to for five years, she had to do some soul searching to really understand what she wanted and what she could reasonably obtain.

The first thing she really wanted was for her sister Sona to also get engaged to Merry Eden. Serafall had long given up the idea of romantically being able to see her sister, but now having a good threesome situation was a decent possibility. Her sister had stated that she would only become engaged to a man who was intellectually superior to her, meaning someone better than her in chess. She happened to be one of the best chess players in the underworld, both due to her skill and because Serafall had arranged for anyone who might be a potential suitor for Sona and was better than her at chess to be assassinated.

So getting the two engaged was as easy as having Eden beat Sona in a game of chess. The only thing was that Eden and I had never played chess or had any interest in it. But that could be easily solved.

Ever since Serafall had this idea, she had to tell her sister how smart Eden was so she would challenge Eden the first moment she had a chance. And Eden should not have a problem beating her just because of how much processing power he had. Instead of playing chess like a human, Eden could play like a computer, analyzing each move and predicting what Sona would do next. After they got engaged, she just needed to make sure they fell in love, and then she would ensure that if anything happened to her, the two loves of her life would always have someone to lean on. Of course, Serafall was not planning to die, but seeing as much death as she had during the civil war, she knew that life, even the lives of the Satans, who could be considered gods among devils, could be snuffed out in an instant.

Serafall also thought that Eden could make a great teacher for the rating game school that Sona wanted to create. Then Eden Serafall did not really know what Eden wanted to do with his life; even though Eden did not have much of an idea, she knew she was most likely working towards something through his actions and the way he spoke, but she did not know what that was. She knew that he was probably just hiding it from her, and that made her a bit sad, but they had only known each other for a bit over two weeks, so it made sense. So based on what she knew about him, she had something she was planning to do. She knew Eden was a fan of the fairer sex and would most likely have a decent-sized harem. In a perfect world, she would have been able to just be beside him whenever he needed her, but because of her responsibilities, she knew that was not possible, so she wanted to make sure Eden surrounded himself with women who were good for him. She did not really think Eden was a bad judge of character; he had chosen her, but Eden was still young, even younger than her sister, and inexperienced when it came to dealing with people. So as the first wife and the elder in their relationship, she should at least introduce him to women in the supernatural world that would make good and loyal partners for him. People made mistakes, and she did not expect Eden to always take her advice, but as his wife, she would always give it.

Thinking about this, she lay in her bed, looking at the ceiling, and thinking about the future with her, Eden, and Sona and their children. Maybe there would be children Eden would make with other women, or maybe there would be important servants and peerage members that would be a part of their family, but as long as Eden and Sona were happy, it did not really matter. And that was Serfall's conviction to make the best world for the people she loved.


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