
Adventures Of The Fateweaver (DXD and more)

When Eden, a child confined within a corrupt hospital for his entire life, finally takes his last breath, Fate takes pity on him and transports him into a world somewhat resembling his own. But, naturally, this world includes devils, dragons, and gods living alongside humanity. Fate, being a "benevolent goddess", provides her new champion with tools to defend himself, such as a magical sword with a sinister and violent history, and a magical house that conceals wondrous secrets spanning the multiverse. Worlds DXD, Gamers, Tsurezure Children, My Romantic Comedy SNAFU, Bottom-tier Character Tomozaki, and more.

Vex_900 · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Chapter 29

After teleporting home after school, he had around half an hour before Rias and her group were supposed to start training. Throughout the school day, he'd been busy putting together a training plan for them. He'd detailed what each member of Rias' group and his own little team would be doing every hour of the day. To do this, he used a combination of his knowledge from Path to Victory and a magical spell called Temporal Spectator, which let him witness events he knew were going to happen or had happened in this timeline or any other.

Thanks to this approach, he'd gained a lot of insight into the strengths and weaknesses of Rias and her group. While her group needed some work, Rias herself needed the most attention. This meant he'd be spending a substantial amount of time working with her. The other person he'd be focusing on was Gasper. Initially, he'd throw Gasper into the Void for the first few days. The Void was a place where time didn't exist, a perfect space for practicing time and space manipulation. He'd acquired the Void extension after getting  Divine Tier Space-Time Magic. While some extensions were only unlocked through points, others could also be obtained by enhancing skills.

His training plan for Rias' group was structured as follows: 10 hours of individual training, either in specialized rooms within the manor or in the Arenas, offering countless types opponents to fight against. This was followed by a two-hour break. Afterward, Rias' group would delve into the dungeon, and his own team would do the same, without him, as his presence would hinder their training. Then, after another two-hour break, the cycle would start again.

As for his own team, since Path to Victory didn't offer much insight in this area, he employed his ability Talent Scout to figure out areas they could improve. Talent Scout assigned a rating from 1 to 100 across four categories: Martial Talent (weapon skills), Magical Talent (magic abilities), General Talent (non-supernatural skills), and Uniqueness (the potential or existence of special abilities). Asia was the most talented among the three, boasting scores of 95 or above in Magic, General, and Uniqueness. Raynare had a Martial skill of 70, General skill of 34 (just slightly above that of an average human), a commendable magical rating of 82, and a Uniqueness score of 73. When he checked her status during her registration as a servant at the mansion, he noticed that she already possessed a special ability called "Rage Mastery." This ability allowed her to enter a state of intense anger, which boosted her physical stats as her mind became clouded by rage. but it would require a significant amount of effort. mittelt was a bit of a hidden gem, sporting a Martial talent of 90, a General skill of 71, an  magical talent rating of 81, and a Uniqueness score of 74.Yesterday, after Serfall left, he had employed a Fate spell known as 'Puppets of Fate.' This spell granted him control over people marked by it, like puppeteering them through hand signals or commands via words or thoughts.

For the first three days, he decided to put Issei,and Mittelt into the dungeon, challenging them to survive. Issei was there to enhance his Boosted Gear, and mittelt was to awaken her special ability. The rest of the group adhered to their regular training schedule, with Eden periodically checking on their progress. He utilized magical drones he had obtained as loot from the dungeons to monitor and adjust their training.

While they were in the dungeon, Eden focused on perfecting the King Piece. Serafall had explained the concept of the King Piece during her visit. Though not a magic researcher, she was an arch wizard without many equals and could clarify how these pieces operated. Eden quickly identified the issue with them. Devils weren't meant to be so powerful; all beings, unless Fateless, had a strength barrier—either on themselves or their species. The King Piece attempted to brute force its way past the limit imposed by fate. So, the right approach to creating a King Piece was to follow the same path as the other pieces: turn the person into a devil, albeit a higher-tier devil.

Eden had studied devil history and discovered that the first Satans were significantly more potent than their contemporary counterparts. Images depicted them with unique wings, ranging from multiple bat-like wings to bird-like wings and even invisible ones. His hypothesis was that these Satans belonged to advanced and unique devil species. By using the King Piece, he could potentially recreate or generate new devil species capable of ascending in power. Eden has been independently researching this type of racial evolution for a while now. Even if Eden was fateless, meaning he had no true limit on his power, being a human made it difficult for him to increase his more physical stats. With the amount of training he used to put in to increase those stats, he was getting diminishing returns. There were, of course, ways he could do this even without turing himself into a devil, but in his eyes, throwing his lot in with the devils had much more advantages than drawbacks, especially with the offer Serafall had given him. 

He had spent the entire night crafting a thesis on this theory and had Serafall send it to Ajuka, as well as his wife and research partner, Hermione Paimon, who, in Serafall and Eden's words, was "a magic ritual nerd" with a passion for magical rituals, books, and studying worship magic.

The only missing piece was a test subject, and Serafall had provided one—Sirzechs, who feared Eden becoming too powerful. To be honest, Eden wasn't concerned with being the most powerful. He simply desired freedom and the ability to pursue his wants without interference. He didn't need to be the most potent force; he just needed to be powerful enough to discourage anyone from challenging him. To be honest, from what Serafall had told him, if he did just use a king's pique, he would just become the most powerful devil at that moment. This was both good for Eden and very annoying. Annoying because Eden did at least not want to look like the strongest devil, then he would become the main figure of the underworld, something Eden did not want. To Eden, the best case scenario was having a powerful position that did not really come with any work or responsibility, and for the status quo of the factions, he could keep focusing on his research and try to travel to different worlds. So having Sirzechs as both a guinea pig for his evolution experiments and a scarecrow for the emnies of devils to be more scared of him as they were Eden then her could just sit back and enjoy daily life.And if Sirzechs ever became too powerful for Eden to handle, not only did Eden have some tricks up his sleeve, but as the person making the King's pieces for him to use, he could always just bake in some weaknesses for him to exploit.

Auxiliary also updated the talents for Mittlet and Raynare. They were both figured out using a random number generator with 30 being the minimum and 90 the maximum and I just got really lucky for Mittlet

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