
Adventures of Tang Long

Look forward to the adventures of Tang Long in a new world, different from the one he used to live, having an exciting system but different from all, with a bit of comedy, romance, and action, and see how he chases after the one he wishes to spend his life with. ........... On a dark rainy night, A woman was going through a forest as if searching for something. she was wearing a hood that covered her whole body. As the rain started pouring she looked for somewhere to take shelter only to find a cave inside the cave when she entered found a small baby sleeping while being protected by an array. breaking the array formation she took the baby in her hand and looked at it said "Waahh!! what a cute boy! looks like someone abandoned you hmmm... well why don't you let me take care of you. " As she took the baby away with her. ..... In a faraway land with beautiful scenery everywhere the eye could see a small boy can be found sitting on a small cliff looking at the faraway sky..... Tang long: "why me... Why did I have to die like that..... And I was just going to have a relationship too... Awaaaaaa.... :'( And hell did I end up in this place again... And What the heck is wrong with this body ... it's so weak that I can't even practice to get stronger". Looking at the sky he said: "And why don't I have anything like an amazing teacher ghost or something so I can get stronger." As the boy was muttering to himself, he didn't see a woman coming to him as she said ...' long'er ' The small boy immediately forgets about everything and turned around to meet the woman who just called. Tang Long: Yes! Mother, I am coming! ' At least I have a beautiful mother lets you think about the other things later... THIS IS MY VERY FIRST NOVEL AND BELIEVE ME I AM A SUPERNOOB SO PLEASE DEAL WITH IT... THE COVER IS NOT MINE THE GUY WAS COOL LOOKING SO I JUST USED IT PLZZ DONT SUE ME... OHH AND THIS IS MY VERY ORIGINAL... EVEN I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO IT

Al_Addin · Eastern
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31 Chs


After following his mother, he came in front of a large mansion which was having a nameplate written TANG HOUSE. The Tang family is the only big family living here but most of the males and females work in the city which is few 100 miles away from here leaving only the children behind.

Most of the villagers are peasants who have been living for a long time and only some strong people go to the city for exchanging goods and stuff. Going inside the front door, you could see a large Chinese type building in front of which was a large field. You can see some children practicing martial arts with their trainers, which looked like doing boxing or karate etc, Well I don't know, because I can't seem able to do it.

Huh, you must be thinking why I can't do it! Well, that pretty simple I don't like pain... But well it is not the real reason. Mother said that the best period to train is at 6-8 years so I still have some time, but I know that she is just making it so I won't feel sad because I have a weak body but still I want to train hard.

I am interested in it too and it's just I can only do body strengthening exercise but can't go beyond that. Even doing that is very difficult for me.

You must be thinking why is that now, well the answer is obvious I don't have meridians to channel Qi through them making my body very soft and fragile.

It's not like I don't have them but they are almost non-existent, making it harder for me to do heavy things and that's also why I can't go into the Qi circulation stage, pretty sad huh, well yeah it is, let us get back to the story.

" Huh! look that trash is back"


" Look at the front gate, I heard he did something indecent to 'Lady Su' that's why his eye look like that"

"Huh! Really!! What did he do tell us" looking excited the people around said.

" Well, I heard he was peeking at her when she was changing clothes or something and got caught, that's why his eye look like that, I heard he was able to run away to or else he would have been dead by now"

"Hiiisssss," the people around as if grasping for air said.

" Damn! Even for being trash, he's got guts to look at Clan Leaders wife while changing"

"Haha. Well I heard that she's been looking for him everywhere like an angry bull"

" Maybe we will get to see something interesting later, I don't even know why we have been keeping this trash here"

"shhh' Don't talk so loud about it!" he put his hand on the person's mouth. "look he's not alone, that is his mother. We will all die if she hears it."

"So what. She's just that trash's mother what's the big deal" the person said while looking haughtily.

" Do you have a death wish or something!! That woman goes crazy when something happens to his son, she's very protective of him especially when he can't cultivate, even the Clan Leader doesn't dare to deal with her, I heard that only the Old Master can calm her down a bit"

" Seriously"

"Yes!! So if you don't want to end up dead keep quiet and let us keep watching."

" Ok ok"

As soon as we entered the house some servants went to inform Lady Su. Tang Long who saw this knew what was going to happen and got worried-looking towards his mother only to see her smiling at him and reassuring him that everything will be fine. Just as he looked forward he could see Lady Su almost running towards the gate. After she heard that the little bastard was back she immediately came towards him in hurried steps as if an angry lioness but as soon as she saw Tang Long's Mother with him the anger she had gone away as if someone had poured cold water on her and smiled with a bit of concern showing on her face.

"Long'er are you alright. I am sorry for what happened earlier as I didn't saw you clearly and thought it was someone else. Does it hurts, here let Aunty look at your face."


All the people around who were there to look at the show were surprised. They had thought to see a show but this wasn't something they would have in their minds. They all know about the haughty Lady Su who looks everyone with disdainful expression ever since her husband became the Patriarch. But that Lady Su was like a little rabbit jumping after seeing his predator, showing her sides of her naked body to it without any shame and asking for mercy.

Even Tang Long was surprised by this but said" It is ok, Aunty Su, It was my fault too, I should have knocked first before entering. I hope you forgive me. " while looking down as if guilty

Lady Su hurriedly said to him" Its ok. Its ok, I should have watched before throwing things too, look what have I done to your handsome face, lets go to the medical courtyard to look if your eye is fine" smiling while glancing at his mother on the side.

If someone with sharp eyes looked into her pupils they will see that they were shaking as if scared but Tang long couldn't see it otherwise he would have been surprised as if what could cause this hateful hag to be so scared.

Tang Long's mother looked at this interaction without showing anything on her face. She had never shown any emotions on her face except for when she's talking to her cute son that is.

Tang Long looked at this Aunt of his with a doubt on his face and thought " What happened to this Old Hag today," If it was any other day she would have beaten the shit out of him" and said " Its fine Aunty! Mother's here she's going to take care of me now" while hugging his mother's hand

" Ok ok! Now that your mother is back after along time you should spend some time with her" while looking at the two with a forced smile.

"And welcome back Lady Chen its been a while hasn't it. Your son missed you everyday"

Lady Chen who was Tang Long's mother looked at her and said indifferently " Yes its been a while but now that at I am back, I will take care of everything properly"

Lady Su heard this shook a bit but smiled " Yes yes, everything is just fine now that you are back home again"

"Lets go! Long'er, Let me treat you so that your eye doesn't go bad" Lady Chen said without looking back holding her son's hand and walking towards her courtyard.

Lady Su looked at the two and was frustrated but when she looked at the woman's back she got scared but sighed a relief when they were gone.

Everyone around them had there mouths open wide looking funnily at the conversation between them and thought " Has Lady Su changed for the better?"

Looking around at the people who were staring at her as if seeing a rare member in the animal kingdom she got annoyed at them and shouted " What are all of you looking at, Don't you have work to do, get going or I'll whip you all to shreds"

Hearing Lady Su words all the servants shuddered and ran away thinking " Fuck its the same bitch"

Lady Su looked at the direction where the mother and son went tsked and walked away frustrated.

The servants who looked at her knew that today someone going to be punished badly.

Well. Today was also just fine i guess hmm well in tge next chaps there will be thing about his past life and things maybe 2 3 chap i guess well i am still waiting for your response and please ignore any spelling mistakes cause well english is not my native and i have chosen a bit difficult genre as i am not a chinese as well so bear with it if something is written wrong but i will fix it if you write it in the comment box.. Oh and my typing is a bit slow but ther will be atleast 1 chap daily thats if i am not busy well see you soon everyone,!!

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