
Adventures of Scott Summers

What will happen when Scott Summers. A character often nerfed by the writers and hated by the readers, especially in Webnovel got better? Well, let us wait and watch. Will he be better than his 'cannon' counterpart or will he be even worse? _____________________________ 2 chapters a week. That's all I can do. Please don't check out my other fanfics, I still don't like it myself, I either rushed a bit too much and killed the whole plot. But I will try to do better. Feel free to use those ideas to make your own stories.

Fire_Boy_5319 · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs



7, February, 2012.

-Scott Summers-

"Ya know Scott, you may have gotten control of your power recently, but that doesn't mean you will beat me in Modern Warfare," Warren said while not taking his eyes off the screen.

We are currently in his room, playing COD: Modern Warfare 2 on his Z-Box. Since today is Sunday, we are free to do whatever we want to do till the afternoon. After that those who are selected as candidates for the second generation of X-men. This means me, Warren, Anna, Kitty, Piotr, Jean, Bobby and Kurt. will have to attend the practical session with Logan.

Something that I hate very much.

"I lost to you till now because of my visors, which was a handicap."


Just as we were about to find who was the best among us the power suddenly went out.


"I would have won!"

"You literally were 1 shot away from death."

"I would have still won!"

Heh! Loser.

"Why did the power go out now?" Warren threw the controller aside as he leaned back on the couch.

"So that you can have your dignity undamaged," I smirked.

"Since getting control over your powers you have become more and more punchable."

"You're just jealous that all the girls are fussing over me right now" 

"But you're still single and a virgin on top of that."




Ouch, Emotional Damage.

"Why did you bring that up?"

"It's hard not to when your best friend is the only Virgin except a literal hunk of a metal."

I guess at least Piotr is along to accompany me.

"And he still has a girl that's crazy for him."

Yeah, Kitty is crazy for him.

"Why don't you just fuck Jubilee? Kurt did the same."

"Did you see Kurt after that? He looked traumatized. Jubilee is a sadist. Just imagine her threatening to use her power on your dick?"

I saw Warren think for a moment, maybe trying to imagine the scenario of putting your dick on fireworks.

His face immediately changed into a fearful expression as he took a deep breath.

"You're right. It would be better to stay a virgin than that."

"Finally you see!"


Suddenly the whole mansion shook as we heard the sound of a large explosion.

We both stood up and looked at each other with grim expressions.

"You think it's the brotherhood." He asked.

"I don't think so."

Magneto should already be busy with S.H.I.E.L.D. behind his ass.


An announcement came through the school's speakers.

But it wasn't the voice of anyone I've met and why didn't the professor just announce it to everybody in the school through telepathy?

Wait he did say that my physic defenses have gone up.

"Did the professor say something to Warren?"

"No. You think it's a trick."

Probably. The professor would have relayed the message immediately if he found out about it. If he's not doing it then it probably means something happened to him.

"I'll search for him! You go meet Ms. Storm or Logan and tell them we're under attack and inform the students to just stay in their rooms!"

I shouted to him and left the room. The whole hallway was a mess as most of the students were rushing out of their rooms.


Some older students stop while the younger ones seem pretty scared. 

I left that responsibility to Warren and just ran towards Professor's off.

I kicked open the door and saw that he wasn't in there. 

Fuck where the hell is he!?

"Hey Bub you're here too! Where is Charles?"

I turned back to see Logan who just came in, he looked serious with his claws out and shaving cream on his arms and legs.

If this was any other time I would have laughed my ass off and taken photos but now it is serious.

"Scott Warren said you are searching for Professor, did you find him?' I heard Jean talk to me.

'No, he's not in his office. Did you try to find his location through telepathy?'

'Yes. but I can't feel him in this mansion. I thought he was inside Cerebro. Did you search there?'

'No the doors to Cerebro are closed, I need Hank's or Professor's fingerprint to go inside. Where are you?'

'I am with all the other students inside the bunker below, all the other staff besides Logan are here too. Pl-'


I heard another explosion as Jean's connection was cut off, the floor trembled a little causing both of us to stumble.

"What did she say?" Logan asked.

"They are in the bunker! We should hurry!" I shouted and ran towards the bunker.

Ms. Storm and Jean can't go all out inside the bunker with all the other students. The only remaining fighters there will be Hank and the other X-men.

"Give me your Phone," I asked Logan as we ran.

"Here." He handed it to me.

I opened it and dialed to my brother.

Please pick it up, Alex.

I prayed as we reached the staircase.

"Brr- Hello,"  Alex's voice came from the phone.

"No time to talk! The school's under attack. The professor is Compromised! Need help!" 


I cut the call and had the phone back to Logan who did not rub off all the shaving cream.

We finally reached the bunker to see its front door fully destroyed like the Hulk punched through it.

The sound of metal clinking and thunders were heard as I entered through the hole.

Ms. Storm and the others were fighting a huge metal robot??

What the fuck is happening?

The robot was taller than Colossus and seeing how it flinged him across the bunker. It is fair to say it is stronger than him.

Logan immediately rushed at it and leaped into it, trying to pierce it with his claws but it just swatted him away.

"EVERYONE GET AWAY FROM IT!" I shouted to the others who were fighting it.

"SCOTT!" I heard Jean shout from behind but I didn't care about it and just positioned myself in a suitable position to blast it off.


And just as everyone cleared the way I fired an Optic blast with 10 percent of my maximum output.

But it didn't seem to be enough as the robot just tanked it and slowly adjusted it's position.


My eyes started to burn due to dryness as I increased the intensity and heat of my beam.

"Do it, Scott!"

"Just hold on a little bit!"

"Ahhhh!" I shout from the pain since my eyes literally felt like it was on fire. My psionic waves may protect my eyes from the beam, but they can't do anything if the heat is too high, like right now.

"TaSkkkk ComMmM-" The robot spouted something as it slowly melted due to the intense heat.

It suddenly flung back with a high force as it deactivated, which means the resistance it provided was gone. 


It crashed through the bunker's wall and embedded itself in the wall. Due to the amount of force, it got pushed from my beam. 

I deactivated my power and finally closed my eyes. 

My eyes felt so dry.


I released a deep breath as I kneeled on the floor.

Haa… I never exerted my powers this much… I should train more from now on.

"Scott, are you alright?" Ms. Storm asked as she landed beside me.

"Yeah. just a little exhausted." 

"You did well," Logan, who came near said.

"Yeah. unlike someone who couldn't even land a hit." I smirked.

I can't see since my eyes are closed. But I can guess what kind of expression he would have right now.

"You did good Scott." I felt Warren tap on my shoulder as he said that.

"It's the S.H.I.E.L.D. The robot has the SHIELD symbol" Hank suddenly said to everyone. It seems that the robot wasn't fully melted.

"Huh? What do you mean!?" Ms.Storm shouted and the remaining of us just listened. Furious and shocked that the SHIELD did something like this.

"So none of you saw the news today?" Hank asked us.

Well, today's supposed to be a Sunday so we can't be blamed.

"The brotherhood formed a country, consisting of a group of Islands. This wasn't taken so nicely by the government who announced to imprison all organisations consisting of mutants. Making us the first target."



"Fucking hell…"

"We are under age though."

"Well, we aren't humans by the law so…."

"That's a bunch of bullcrap!"

The others started getting scared and some children started to cry, all the while I had my head bowed down, thinking of ways to escape.

"Wait! Hank! Where is the professor!?" I ask Hank.

"I don't know. I haven't seen him since last night."

Don't tell me.

"He's still alive. I can feel his presence, but I can't find his location" Jean suddenly informs.

Haa.. that's a relief.

"So what to do now!?" Someone asks.

But I ignored it.

Now the whole government is just totally against us so most of the things we do will be useless. There are currently 432 students in this school and 23 staff members. It will be impossible to hide with this large group.

What to do?

What to do?

What to do?

What to do?

What to do?

What to do?

What to do?

I can't do anything illegal if I want to continue living in America. They will go as far as bombing this town if it means our deaths.

Fuck nothing is coming to my mind right now.

It will be almost impossible to sway the public's opinion now since the media and internet will just be controlled by the government.

It's not just us, all the mutants around America will be in trouble.

There are children whose parents left them here in hopes that they learn to control their power. The parents will be very worried right now, so the power cut was due to the government.

They are not playing around anymore too.

Presumably kidnapping Professor X who is like the face of all good mutants.

Sending a robot that almost killed some students.

Directly attacking us too.

Maybe Magneto was right.

No, they are good and evil in everything.


I just stood up and walked away, while still having my eyes closed. I don't know why, but my senses are much better than they used to be, I can feel and 'see' my surroundings even with my eyes closed.

"Where are you going, Scott?" Warren asked.

"I need some time alone to think." 

I left the bunker while the others just stared at me.

Urgh.. this is weird, I can 'see' even with my eyes closed now? Then what? Will I be able to fly and breadth fire?

I reached the school grounds and saw the reason the generator wasn't turned on.

It got fucking blasted.

So that was the first explosion.

Haa… why the hell do they keep messing with us Mutants?

I see no one messing with guys like Fantastic Four and Inhumans.

They aren't even that fucking different from mutants. 

All got random ass abilities just like mutants.

But mutants are 'evil by birth' and 'God's mistake' like bro… I didn't ask about your mom.

Fucking society… It's almost as if all the hate is artificial.





What if it is artificial? Like some individual or some group just making the normal public target Mutants because we are in their way of achieving something.

I should just think of a way to get us out of this current mess. 

Violence is not even an option.

Unless Jean went mind-frying all of our enemies we have no chance of winning.

Magneto has been trying it for years and it still hasn't gotten him any far, though all of his plans were stupid as hell. Like making everyone mutant, killing the president, threatening to nuke all the countries which was the stupidest and the 1st generation of X-men had to stop him. The only redeemable fact and the reason the Professor lets him go even though he was caught is that he doesn't kill anyone unnecessarily and often raids the 'illegal' mutant experiment labs and rescues them.


Suddenly he doesn't look all that bad to me.

His plan is just stupid. The remaining is actually not that bad.

I am getting distracted.

Oh, my eyes no longer feel dry.

I opened my eyes and saw my surroundings, I could see everything more clearly than I used to. Did using my beam to that extent change my body somehow? 

I can only think of one way, since my body absorbs the ambient energy around me and converts it into the optic beam, maybe increasing my 'output' which increased the 'input' of ambient energy to my body which in turn made my body better?

What am I now? Superman?

Wait I technically am in a way. 

Red beams from the eyes are too similar. Did the author have a future vision? That explains why those meta-humans are similar to us.

Fucking hell! I slap my own cheek to concentrate.

"What happened to my attention span?"

Back to thinking of ways to escape our current scenario.

By Hank's calculation, there are now approximately 700,000 mutants in America and 3,800,000 around the world. A big part is in America where their hate is also the highest. 

Most of the other countries also hate them, but not as much as in America. 

Hell, from what Professor said, the king of North Korea is a mutant with an Alpha-level power. Wait a minute, maybe he will give us protection in exchange for joining his military. 

Fuck no. I'd rather join Magneto then.

Latveria is also not a bad idea, from what I heard doom is not even collecting tax from them and the country has 0 crime rate.

But we won't even be able to escape this country and most of the kids have parents who care for them unlike mine. So making them leave this country will be a hassle too.


"Unless World War happens there is no way we can get out of this mess."

"That's a dangerous thought you have there Scott."

I turned back to see Jean standing behind me.

"Hey, Jean. Just thinking of a way for us to escape this current situation."

"And all you have come up with is a world war." She chuckled.

"Nah." I shook my head. "A meteor strike and alien invasion is not that bad either." 

"Hahaha, when did you start telling jokes?" She laughed.

"What do you mean? I've always been like this."

"Who are you kidding? Since you got control of your power you've changed."


"Not in a bad way though."

Ohh… you trying to tease me?

"So do you like it?" I went closer to her and whispered, trying to show my charisma.

"Umm…" She blushed and turned back, looking at one of the trees away. "Stop playing… we are literally running from the government."

Heh… that is why I'm The charizzma god.

Wait, 'rizz'.

I created a new term.

I hereby name myself the Rizz God.

Hmm… we don't need to run. 

The military is not after us with their full force currently so we can just stay here.

"Hmm.. I do have a plan."

"What plan Scott? Glad to know you didn't come here just to flirt." Ms. Storm who suddenly came near us said.

"I thought you were taking care of the kids."

"I was. Currently, they are all in their rooms. Hank is trying to fix the generator and Tom went out to get all the supplies he could."

"So you're thinking what I'm thinking?" 

If she is thinking the same thing as me then this is probably the only thing we can do.

"If your plan is to let me create a tornado around the school without affecting anyone. Then yes"

"Not exactly, but it is similar."

Have to say, she's smarter than I thought. Since the Professor made most of the plans and decisions, I didn't notice her intelligence.

"What was your plan?"

"It was the same except I thought of having a constant thunderstorm around the tornado for more safety."

"What if it kills someone?"

"As I said. Safety."

She eyed me for a second before saying, "You've changed Scott."

"You too? So do you like it?"

"Yeah… not gonna work on me kid."

Damn.. the Rizz god got humiliated.

She's too old for me anyway. 

I don't like her big ass at all. 

I looked at her swaying ass which looked really alluring to me.

Yeah, not at all.


And CUT!

That's it for today folks, the next batch will be next week.

What do you think will happen?

Wait and watch on the next epi- sorry, next batch of Scott… What was the name of this novel again? I just came up with a name while creating it in inkstone. Anyway, Cya!