
Adventures of Jada: A hacker's revolution

In a vast interstellar empire where powerful megacorporations rule with an iron grip, one woman's quest to expose a shocking conspiracy will set her on a perilous journey that could shatter the status quo. Jada is a brilliant hacker who stumbles upon a desperate distress call from a remote colony that has come under attack from its corporate overlords. As she races to uncover the truth, Jada finds herself caught in a web of deception orchestrated by the ruthless Zephyr Corporation. They will stop at nothing to keep their crimes hidden, even if it means silencing Jada permanently. Forging an unlikely alliance with the enigmatic Aya and her covert network of resistance fighters, Jada must risk everything to bring Zephyr's atrocities to light. From daring infiltrations to narrow brushes with death, she'll confront the full might of the corporate machine in a battle that will decide the fate of the colonies. In this epic tale of courage and defiance, one woman's thirst for justice will ignite a revolution that threatens to upend the balance of power in the stars. But as the stakes continue to rise, Jada must ultimately choose between her quest for the truth and her chance at something much deeper. Beneath the Neon Skies is a gripping sci-fi saga that explores the boundless potential of the human spirit when pushed to the edge

Araromi_Abdullahi · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

A desperate gambit


Jada's heart pounded against her ribs as the Concordance transport craft rocketed through the inky blackness of the void. She gripped the controls with white-knuckled intensity, her mind racing as she plotted their next move.

After the harrowing escape from Zephyr Tower, Jada knew they couldn't afford to linger. The corporation's relentless security forces would already be scouring the system, mobilizing every resource at their disposal to track her down. She had to get the precious data - that damning evidence of Zephyr's crimes - into the right hands before it was too late. Glancing down at the data drive clutched in her hand, Jada felt a surge of grim determination. The garbled distress signal from Kepler-22b had set this whole nightmare in motion, but the information they had uncovered pointed to something far more sinister - a sprawling corporate conspiracy that spanned multiple colonies, leaving untold devastation in its wake.

A shudder ran through her as she contemplated the horrific implications. How many innocent lives had been lost in Zephyr's ruthless pursuit of resources and power? The thought made her stomach churn, fueling the fire of her resolve. She had to expose the truth, no matter the cost.

Inputting a series of coordinates, Jada set a course for the Concordance's central hub. If there was any hope of bringing Zephyr to justice, she would need the governing body's full support and resources. But even as the craft accelerated towards its destination, a nagging sense of doubt crept into her mind.

Would the Concordance even believe her claims? Zephyr was a behemoth, a titan of industry with influence that stretched across the stars. Accusing such an entity of orchestrating genocidal attacks on civilian populations was a staggering allegation, one that could potentially shatter the delicate balance of power in the colonies.

Jada chewed her lip, her brow furrowed in contemplation. She knew the risks all too well - Zephyr had already demonstrated their willingness to eliminate any perceived threats with extreme prejudice. But what choice did she have? The fate of countless lives, perhaps entire worlds, hung in the balance. As the transport craft neared its destination, Jada felt a surge of nervous anticipation. This was the moment of truth - the point of no return. She would lay bare the evidence she had risked everything to uncover, and hope that the Concordance had the courage and foresight to act.

The gleaming spires of the central hub soon emerged from the depths of space, the bustling hub of interstellar governance and diplomacy. Jada swallowed hard, her grip tightening on the controls as she maneuvered the craft towards the docking bay.

As the transport settled onto the landing pad, she could see a contingent of Concordance security personnel approaching, their faces impassive as they scanned her credentials. Jada steeled her nerves, clutching the data drive like a lifeline. This was it - the moment she had been both dreading and anticipating.

One of the guards stepped forward, his expression inscrutable. "State your business," he demanded in a clipped tone.

Jada straightened her shoulders, projecting an air of confidence she didn't quite feel. "I have critical information regarding a distress signal from the Kepler-22b colony," she said, her voice steady. "I need to speak with your highest-ranking officials immediately. It's a matter of life and death."

The guard regarded her for a long moment, then gave a curt nod. "Follow us. We'll escort you to the Council chambers."

As Jada fell into step behind the security detail, her heart raced with a mixture of trepidation and determination. She had come too far, risked too much, to turn back now. Whatever awaited her within the halls of the Concordance, she was ready to face it head-on.

The fate of the colonies - and perhaps the future of the entire interstellar community - now rested squarely on her shoulders. Jada took a deep, steadying breath, her grip tightening around the data drive. She was determined to see this through to the bitter end, no matter the cost.