
Adventures of a Warrior

lets_read_words · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Jedi Knight Iolande Warrior Part One

"General! I think you should see this."

"What is it Commander Jax?"

"We found this under a pile of rubble and boulders."

The object that he held up was a yellow jewel. But Iolande knew better.

"Where did you find this?"

"Right here. Is it what I think it is, General?"

"I believe so."

(Over comm.) "General, you have an incoming transmission from Coruscant."

"Patch it through."

"Right away."

On her holocon, an image of her master, Kit Fisto, appeared.

"Iolande, it is good to see you up and moving again. You are to report back to the temple immediately."

"But master, I have only had 2 days. I need more time if I am to find anything."

"Have you come up with anything?"

"Not yet. Only the kyber crystal from Andorra's lightsaber. Everything else if buried under a mountain of rubble and boulders."

"I am truly sorry my padowan. But the council has asked directly to see you as soon as possible. And it would be wise to heed to the council's wishes."

"Of course master. I didn't mean to be rude. I just...i haven't found what I wanted to find quite yet."

"I understand."

"I'll give the order and we'll pack up as soon as we can. We should be back at Corusant in a full rotation."

"Very good my padowan. I will see you then."

With that, the image disappeared and Iolande was left empty.

"Jax, tell the men to pack up. It's time to go."

"Sir yes sir."

Iolande went to her own makeshift tent, with the other crystal still in her hand.

"Is this all I have left of you, Keenan?"

Iolande knew what she was going to do with the crystal once she got a break in her duties. She was going to make this crystal into another double-sided lightsaber. So she could carry the only piece of her best friend with her until the end.

"I'm sure the masters won't mind."

After packing up the makeshift camp, Iolande and her squad of clones were ready to take the shuttle back to Corusant. Upon arrival a few days later, iolande found her master waiting for her.

"I know you must be exhausted, but there is important Jedi business that is waiting for you that can not wait."

"I understand master. If you and the other masters give me a few minutes, I'll go freshen up."

"Very well."

Hurrying to her own chamber, iolande quickly changed into a few set of Jedi robes and fixed her hair. She put away Andorra's kyber crystal for safe keeping. She won't want to lose the last thing she possessed of her best friend. Hastily walking to the council room, iolande pondered on why she would be called in front of the counsel. She hasn't done anything that would be worth the council's time. When she reached the door, she requested to entire. Waiting only a few seconds, she was summoned into the council room.

"Step forward Padowan Warrior. It has come to our attention that Knights of the Jedi order are very few these days. And it has also come to the attention of the council that you are the most worthy adversary of the title, Jedi knight."

"Pass the tests, you must. Positive you shall we are. A great responsibility this is. Up for the challenge, are you."

"Yes masters. I am up for the challenge. I am honored that I was the first one you considered for the title."

"Three different tests, you must past. Believe in you, this council does. Tomorrow morning, the first shall be."

"Thank you my masters."

Tomorrow couldn't seem to come quick enough. After seeing to that her men were taken care of, iolande headed to one of her favorite spots in all the galaxy. The Room of A Thousand Fountains. To many people, it was just a room with fountains in it and to many of the Jedi, it was just an artificial environment for meditation. But to Iolande, it was a place where she was chosen as Master Kit Fisto's new padowan. It was also, where she found out that her best friend, Keenan Andorra, told her that he loved her. That she was his best friend. And that meant the world to her. When she meditated for a while, she headed off to the cafeteria for a quick dinner and then it was off to bed for her. While in the way, she ran into her friend, Anikan Skywalker.

"Ani? I wasn't expecting to run into anyone i really knew. What are you doing here? I thought you were still assigned to Naboo."

"Hey, Xapa. I just got back from Naboo. I didn't expect to see you here either. I assume that the mission on Katoine was a success?"

"I guess you could say that."

"What's going on, Xapa?"

"Well, we lost Keenan in the destruction of the factory. And I couldn't even find his body to bring back to the temple to bury with all the other fallen Jedi."

"Oh Xapa, I'm soo sorry. I didn't know."

"It's okay. I'll get over it...eventually. wanna come with me to the cafeteria and get a bite to eat? I'm starved."

Anikan laughed. "I'd loved to join you. In fact, I was heading that way myself and was hoping for some company."

The pair headed to the cafeteria, where they grabbed their favorite meal, boar soup. They talked for an hour and each had three helping for the soup.

Upon leaving the cafeteria, iolande said, "I can't believe that I ate three helpings of soup."

"Well, I can. Considering that you've been on Katoine for 2 weeks with nothing but food rations. Which, believe me, aren't exactly filling or appetizing."

"Says the boy who spent 2 weeks on the planet of Naboo."

"Haha, very funny. Wanna train a bit before turning in for the night?"

"I would love too, but I'm needed to be present before the council bright and early tomorrow. How about we train in 4 days?"

"Sure, but why in 4 days?"

"I don't know how long this business will take. I'm thinking 3 days at the most."

"Okay. In 4 days then. See you around."

Anikan left Iolande alone after they reached the split in the hallway. She felt sad that he was going away. It was like, all the important figures, her two best friends, were going away forever. Leaving her here, alone. She shook herself. She decided to talk to her master before she retired for the night.

"Master?" Iolande asked while entering one of the training rooms.

"Yes, my padowan?"

"I was wondering, if i could get parts to make another double-sided lightsaber."

"What's wrong with the lightsaber you have now?"

"Nothing. Just that, the only thing that my commander and I found of Keenan was his kyber crystal. And I was hoping to make another lightsaber using his crystal so he would be part of all my adventures."

"I understand. The counsel was sure this was the path you would want to take. And they have already agreed to give you the parts for another double-sided lightsaber. The parts have already been delivered to your room."

Iolande was speechless. "Thank you master. You don't understand how much I appreciate this."

Kit Fisto smiled. "I believe that it is time for some well wanted sleep my padowan. You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow."

"Yes, my master."

Iolande, unable to control herself, did something she normally wouldn't do. She hugged her master.

"Thank you, master."

After she left the training room, iolande headed to her own room. Inside her room, she found a small package, and upon opening it, she smiled. Nestled inside, there were all the parts she needed for her new lightsaber. She decided that she wanted to wear her new lightsaber during her tests tomorrow. Copying the design that she used to build her original lightsaber, it only took Iolande an hour to build the lightsaber on the first try. After changing out of her day to day Jedi robes, iolande took to her bed.


Startled, iolande was awakened from her sleep.

"Hm...today is the day where I will find out whether or not I'm cut out to be a Jedi knight."

After putting on a new set of Jedi robes and her utility belt, iolande reached for her two double-sided lightsabers. The second lightsaber containing the kyber crystal that used to belong to Keenan lingered in her hand. After a hasty breakfast of fruit, iolande made her way to the council room. A few seconds later, after requesting to enter, she was ushered in before the council members.

"Welcome, Padowan Warrior. Today you will encounter the first of the trails to the path of becoming a Jedi knight."

"Three trials, there are. A trial of strength and endurance. A trial of mind. And a trial of force ability, the final is. The trial of strength and endurance the first shall be. Take place in the council's training room in front of the masters it will."

Bowing, iolande replied, "Of course, my masters."

"If you would follow me, Padawan Warrior, I will show you to the training room."

"Certainly, Master Ti."

Following Master Tii, iolande made her way to the counsel's training room. It was a dark room. She entered, alone. When she felt that she was in the middle of the room, lights were turned on. She was suprised a bit to see two temple guards in the room.

"The trial of strength and endurance for Padawan Warrior shall commence."

At once, the two temple guards activated their lightsabers and advanced. With little time to think, Iolande activates her own lightsabers. A gasp, rippled through the council members. For her two lightsabers where not the same color like other two lightsaber weilders had. They remembered which one was her original lightsaber for it was unique in color. It was the color of bronze, which was used by only a samll few. It's color was only used by the most strong Jedi. But her second lightsaber, the one housing Andorra's kyber crystal, was the color of gold. A gold lightsaber, also possessed by a select few, was used by the most skilled of Jedi. The trial lasted for the rest of the morning. She bested the two temple guards right before they broke for lunch. After lunch, the trial for endurance commenced. It would be held in the Room of A Thousand Fountains. Here, a maze with a lot of obstacles was set up for Iolande to get past. She undoubtedly surpassed this tiral with ease. At the end of the trial, iolande found Anikan at the door of the cafeteria while she was about to enter it. They ate dinner together, like they did the night before. Laughing at good old memories. Iolande retired to bed earlier than usual for she still had two more trials to complete. The trial of mind was to commence the next morning. Here, a Padawan would demonstrate the ability to comprehend and act in tight situations. It was a trial built to challenge one's thinking skill with little time. Like the last trial, iolande surpassed this with ease. The third day was the last trial. The trial of force ability. The purpose that this trial exists only for the masters' benefit. It is for them to see how well a student can hoan their force ability powers. Like the last two trials, iolande had no problem to pass this one.

"Your trials are done. Now, it is advised by the council that you take a few days to rest. You have gone straight from coming home from a mission to a three day trial. You have earned with a few days to rest."

"With all due respect, Master Windo, although I find rest necessary, I get plenty when I sleep and would prefer to be in one of the training rooms polishing my tactics."

"I can see why your master thinks so highly of you. Very well, spend your days in the training rooms perfecting your fighting skills. It will take the council a few days to access your trial before we make a decision."

"I understand."

"You are free to go, Padawan Warrior."

Upon leaving the council room, iolande ran into Anikan.

"You ready to train?"

"You betcha. How bout we do it in the Room of A Thousand Fountains? I heard that they are keeping up a maze and obstacles that they set up for a padawan's trial to become a Jedi knight and has let the other students train in and on it."

"Sure, we can do that."

"I wonder who the new Jedi knight is going to be."

"Me too. But he or she has to pass the trials to become a Jedi knight."

"You're right. Come on. There's no one in the Room of A Thousand Fountains right now. So we can train without anyone getting in the way."

"Race ya there."

"I'll give you a head start."

"Your mistake!"

With that, iolande lunched into the air and opened her wings and took off.

"You better keep up!"

"Hey! No fair!"

Anikan started suddenly and tried to make up the ground he lost. But Iolande had too much of a head start that he knew he had lost. He finally caught up with her, but she had been waiting for him.

"Next time, you don't get to use your wings and you don't get a head start."

"Well, you should have clarified that before."

The two trained for a good while and the went out to the cafe down the Corusant street. After that fun social part of their day, they went to the Jedi library, to study planets that neither of them had ever been too. They spent probably 4 hours before leaving for dinner. The two spent the next three days in the same routine. Skill practicing, lunch at the cafe, studying in the library, and then dinner in the cafeteria. After three days had past, iolande was called upon by the council. She was to appear before them early the next morning. The next morning, iolande waited outside the council room before being summoned upon to enter.