
Adventures of a sex maniac

Light, a high school boy who was always bullied for having the least amount of potential mostly by Sakurai until when they were in a gym was pissed and tried to scorch his balls. [Deplete horniness or die from horniness] [going into sexual maniac mode]

JakaGKJ14 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Light Akashi {R-18}

A/N:[This will contain sexual violence]

Light is a 16-year-old high school student attending New Age high on the planet Mars his father was one of the people who moved to Mars. School, Light was always being bullied at school. As a result of being the grandson of one of the great war heroes the great hero Oba Ade was killed in the war and his lover from the country formerly Japan decided to keep her surname and gave birth to Light's father who also didn't have really strong abilities like Light. Light was among the people with the least amount of potential but was bullied the most cause of his background and there was a girl named Sakurai Mikoto from a huge family who had massive potential anytime she was pissed off she takes it out on him, But today she seemed more pissed off than usual she tied him up in their gym locker room and after she beats him as usual "I have a new idea in mind" she suddenly grinned. She then creates a fireball and tries to scorch his balls then something strange happens a red glow by the side of his chest bright enough that it temporarily blinds Sakurai. Then Light sees something in front of his eyes.





[Deplete horniness level or die]

[going into sexual maniac mode]





He knocks her out then picks her up and rips off her panties shoves his bulging dick into her pussy "ah"she snaps back to life with tears rolling down her face he fastens his strokes while groping her huge juicy titties "ah n Ahn Ahn" she tries to control her moans but they escape from her mouth"My mind is going blank, I am cumming"She starts convulsing having a mind-blowing orgasm.

[sexual maniac mode has worn off]

[restoring base stats]




System remarks"You are fucking weak"

"Harsh," he says and looks at what he had done and his first thought was to run. While he was running the principal saw him from the corner of his eye then he sees where he runs out from then rushes out to investigate and goes to the gym and finds Sakurai naked and immediately sounds an alarm

"We need to catch him before the Mikoto's finds out what happened and if we don't catch him they are going to find someone to blame, So get every speed user available and get that boy at all costs"The principal spoke to his assistant through telepathy" And get this girl a towel ASAP". Then clicks on his wrist bringing out a detailed report of Light.

Name: Light Akashi



Birth planet:Mars

Parents/Guardian:Mr. Akashi.

"You messed up kid but I wonder you overpowered Sakurai but you can't get too far, "Principal said inwardly.