
Adventures of a Hell Cat

This is the story of a poor soul who has reborn into a strange world. He has no memories of who he was,, but knows that he is in a world that he does not belong in. He dreams of being powerful, but to his dismay he is reborn as a feline. I do not own the cover

Steven_Andy · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Locked Up

The city was far different on the inside than I had imagined. The streets were bare, with only a few people out who seemed to be in a hurry. I looked on in confusion, as I could not see signs of the supposed civilization. Selena noticed my confusion was was quick to speak. Her voice sounded ominous in the near silence around us.

"Most of the population live and work underground. The enviornment is far from friendly. We get frequent storms, and the tear in the sky seems to leak a strange kind of magical radiation that makes normal people sick. Only the most desperate of people live above ground. Or those who are powerful enough to not be bothered by the radiation."

I nodded as I looked at the guard, Kyle, as he walked with us. "So all of the guards must be powerful then."

Selena nodded, and it was then I noticed thatbher normally fair skin was more pale than normal. Her breathing was a little fast, as if she had just got done with a mediocre workout.

After looking at her I was forced to look at my own state. I did not seem to have any adverse reactions to the enviornment, it felt natural to me. Perhaps it was simply because this body was new, and I was not familiar with it yet.

Selena seemed to read my thoughts as she spoke. "Familiars do not seem to have any reaction to the radiation, positive or negative. Which is strange, as Monsters that live in this world are much stronger on average than those from the dungeons. The rift seems to strengthen them, which is perhaps why monsters desire to break out of the dungeons."

We walked in silence for a few more minutes, before the guard led us down a hidden stairway. The stairs were hidden in a small building, and could be accessed by pressing a small button hidden underneath a table.

The stairway led to what appeared to be a prison block. Large rooms with bars lined the walls. Most of the rooms were empty, but occasionally you could see a figure inside, accompanied by another outside. Most of the creatures inside were monsters, with very few being humanoid. Without fail all of those on the outside were humans, or demi-humans.

The guard led us to a room that was smaller than the rest, and pushed me inside. Before I had turned around the door had already been slammed shut. Kyle then spoke.

"The contract examiner will be here tomorrow. You are free to stay here with your pet, but I would suggest returning to the accademy. I was told to guide you there immediately if you returned Ms. Riverwood. The headmaster has been extremely worried about your absence."

Serena looked at me through the bars, and I nodded in response. "Go, there is no point in you staying here. If I need you I will contact you."

The guard gave me a strong look, before turning to leave. To her credit Serena hesitated for a moment before turning to leave. I did not even bother to watch her leave as I closed my eyes and entered into my mental world.

As I had expected Tigress was there waiting for me. A giant greatsword in her hands. Her sultry voice greeted my ears.

"Good, as expected of my disciple. Let us not waste words. Let out blades do the talking."

She charged at me, seemingly using her sword as a Lance she sought to run my through. Even though I understood her intentions I had no way of responding. Her speed was far to high, and more importantly the pressure she emmited restricted my movements.

I could only grit my teeth and bear with it. I had no chance to dodge or block the strike, but that did not mean I could not move. I concentrated all of my effort onto my right arm, forcing it to meet the blow head on.

Blood flew from my mouth, both in my mind and in my body, as my mental image was pushed backwards hundreds of feet. I wiped my mouth, as I staggered to me feet. The killing pressure from Tigress had not lessened at all, and she was already on top of me.

Her great sword was swinging at an arc, with my neck in its pathway. A sadistic grin graced her beautiful face, and her eyes shined with a barely reigned in madness. The image was enough to both captivate and terrify me.

I once again could not block, nor dodge the blow. I could only trade blow for blow. Using my left hand claw I struck upwards, trying to force the blow from my neck, as I counted with my right. My aim was her own exposed neck.

The first half of my attack succeeded, the death blow had been shifted, barely missing my vitals. But my attack was interrupted. Her foot shot towards my chest like a bullet, hitting me with far more force than the first attack.

I did not even have time to land from the attack before she was on me again. As my body flew backwards She appeared above me. Her greatsword thrusting in for the kill. I could feel the blade enter my abdomen, shredding my insides. A whimper escaped my mouth, as blood trickled from my lips.

The scene faded, and I found myself once again staring at Tigress. It was as if we had never moved. The only sign it had even happened was the taste of blood in my mouth.

"Interesting isn't it? This is the most basic use of swordforce. It is known as Sword Intent. It is a simple combination of sword force and killing intent. If I had not weakened my intent when you were struck, you would have been dead with the first hit. Don't even think I will teach it to you. You're not ready. Your ability is far too lacking. You move only out of instinct."

She looked at me with a gaze filled with condensing might. If it had been any one else the same look could have been called arrogance, but for her, for her it was just a look. I was nothing in her eyes. A bug that could be squished without lifting a finger.

A smirk appeared on her face, a smirk that sent shivers down my spine. "Again. We will do it again and again. Until your mind cannot handle it anymore. And then we will continue. We will only stop the moment you body is on the verge of death. Do not think you can escape. Even if you never willingly come here I will find you in your sleep. I will hone you, until the pitiful sight before me does not make want to vomit in disgust."

Her greatsword seemed to move on its own, as she once again pounced into battle.