Matthew was a gentle soul, always willing to give a helping hand until one day that hand slapped back, unable to understand why, he dies without understanding all the hate inside his soul. In his new life he plans to make the most of it, and make sure that no one betrays him ---- Join my Discord server!
Cao Tai POV
When I finally managed to fall asleep, the training space appears once more, but this time there were a few targets propped up, and a huge stack of probably infinite arrow's, I mean why would they make me run after them!?!
<Draw the bow back and shoot, if you miss, try again, we're going until you can get 20/20, I'll be giving you corrections if it really seems like you need help, now have fun. Also, you have received 2,005 Magical Essence from your Dual Cultivation>
'imgoingtodie' Why did I pay for this?! When I have to all the work and instruction is minimal!
<That is cause once you learn to hit the target accurately, we will teach you how to enchant your arrows so they explode, change colors, etc. If you had bought the Beginners version, which costed 5 Dollars, we would've only taught you how to shoot perfectly, now shoot.>
I pick up the arrows and begin shooting. It's gonna be a while, because who doesn't want firework arrows?
<You are waking up, I can't believe you haven't even made 20/20 ONCE!>
OK, I have an answer to my last question, I don't want firework arrows… and whomever did this system should die, at least add some emotion!
<If you want me to have some emotion, surprise me, so far you are going exactly as expected, or you can spend 1,000 Dollars to get me a voice texture pack, which would surprise me too.>
I wake up to someone pressing their breasts against my chest, I wrap my hand around their head closer to me, but I feel no cat ears, odd…
I slowly open my eyes to see Violet looking at me with a gentle smile on her face. "Too… bright… good morning Violet. How was your night?"
She kisses me on the cheek, her warm lips slowly going back before saying, "It was fine, are you ready for Training? Also, I made breakfast for you if you are hungry."
I internally groan and raise my hands, "Not yet, Not yet, first I'm going to wash myself, then we'll have breakfast, and then we'll train, and then maybe I'll get some good rest… Foxen really are wild..."
"Would you like me to help you to the spring? Or would you like for me to fetch Sasha so you can punish her? Or-"
"No. Just get me a bow and make some breakfast so we can begin training, OK? And please don't mug someone who has this legendary bow, cause I don't think that my first attempts will even be remotely successful." I cut her off.
"Okie's~" Violet takes a few steps back before taking off. I wave her off for a little before making my way to the springs.
As I make my way to the springs to sit down and relax I see our favorite cat girl, Sasha, floating on her back, pretty red from the amount of time spent there.
"Hey Lobster girl! Everything good?" I yell.
She doesn't hear me, or at least doesn't show any signs of acknowledgement I go into the spring and sit relatively near her, but far enough to react to any of her shenanigans.
I lean back and lay my head against a nearby stone, it's coolness was a nice contrast to the heat of the spring, so much so I actually felt shivers of pleasure going down my spine.
I take a peek out of my right eye to see where she was, and well, she wasn't there, so either the heat is already messing me up or she's underwater (Or practically, there is steam a large amount of steam because it's a sauna)
'So she's doing breast stroke...' I shrug and go back to relaxing, even if I tried to run I feel like I just wouldn't want to.
I kick out my legs. I feel a shoulder on the sole of my left foot, I lean forward and pull Sasha out of the water, "Don't do that, it's not night time, next time you do that I'm sure Violet would love to give you a lesson"
When I first pulled her out of the water she was just gasping for air but when I mentioned Violet she stood upright and bows in apology, "Sorry Commander for going too far!" Then excuses herself out of the Sauna, "You may want to stay in it for less time, Sasha. It would be bad if you got a cardiac arrest" (Actually you'll just get a major increase in blood pressure, which could lead to major artery problems, but you need to stay in a spring for a looong time for that)
As I discreetly look at her walk out of the water, she turns her had a little and smiles, before leaving for good.
When I return I see Violet already waiting for me aside a HUGE pile of bows, "Did you steal these from a factory or a small army, Violet!?" I gawk at the bows, I don't think I would be capable of even destroying them in a day if I tried! (He's not so OP he's going to learn every technique in one day, he's just cocky)
"Ok, Master, we will start with a stick, because I don't think we have enough bows for you to practice on them yet, also I think it would be easier with something straight, like a stick before we start with something a little more complicated. But I guess we can start with a bow if you want..." Violet mumbles.
"No, Violet when you teach you must be more pressing! Cause you are teacher not me!" I scold her.
"Y-yes, Master... I mean listen STUDENT!" Violet barks
At the end of the day I couldn't even make the blade larger, and as I requested, Violet was had a significantly shorter temper than before, I hope she doesn't stay like this though, or I may end up hating her...
"Hey Violet, the suns setting, can we stop for the day?" I ask.
"Did I say you could take a BREAK TRAINEE?! [Gimme 100!]" Violet yells like a drill sergeant.
You know, since noon she really hasn't taught me anything, I've kinda been practicing the same thing over and over again, so if I ever had it wrong there's no way I would know, after all, I'm not the professional here, the person who's too busy screaming is.
'What to do though? I can't go against her or she'll crush me, however I bet that eventually she'll calm down... hopefully...'
"Hey commander! Where is dinner?" Sasha says as she walks into view, Violet turns around.
"What are you doing here Cabin Boy?! And why are you asking me for dinner!?" Violet turns around and glares at her.
"Uhhh... your not my Commander, he is, so stop being possessive Violet, just because I got to sleep with Commander~" Sasha's voice trails off thinking about the night before.
"I AM NOT JEALOUS!!" Violet says, calmly. [Ok ok... I pulled a Harry Potter, I'm sorry]
When Violet wasn't looking I bring my stick to the back of her head and hitting her with it.
Violet falls to the ground and turns to me, looking insulted, "Hubby, you should know that you aren't supposed to beat your wife."
"Since when are you my wife!? And since you were being a complete jackass for the last 7 hours, I think you deserved it!"
"Sorry Master..." Violet apologizes.
"Woah woah! Violet! I don't want an apology! I just hit you in the back of the head!" I drop the stick and wave my hands, like I'm trying to stop the apology.