
Adventures In a Fantasy World

Adventures In a Fantasy World is what its suggests. We follow our heroes as they journey through the vast and open world of Titan Falls. Filled with mythical monsters and ungodly beings where humans are living and breathing together with them since ancient time. Now for the most part they live in peace but in their own domain that they rule over. Only in the capital of Titan Falls, Tirinium that different races can live and work together to better the kingdom. There are multiple different kingdoms surrounding the capital that is being covered by a huge wall near the ocean at the end of the Great Giant Turtle's shell. There's Fantasy, Action and maybe a story to follow! It's still a work in progress with some chapters may took weeks because I'm doing while in high school but it's just for fun!

Jason_Vinh05 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 13: Evergreen The Heart of The Magical Kingdom pt.1

Night quickly falls on the two. This is a starry night full of hope and dreams, yet sorrows and promises was filling inside Troy's lonely heart.

"A-And Kokoharu? You told me that you visited her often right?"

"Well when it was just us two... Things got a bit weird since a two member party isn't gonna get a lot of missions done. Things were slow but we were still living well. And one day at the Guild, I was drinking some rums to forget old memories, Kokoharu started sitting right next to me and said..."

(Begin flashback)

"Hey, Troy? I know that we're the only ones left but... Could I become a teacher?"


"W-Well I mean... I don't want to... you know leave you alone or anything but... I have my own goals now after I have finished adventuring this last few years... B-But-"

"Go... I'm not *hic* forcing you to stay or anything..."

"Y-You really mean it?"

"Listen... *Hic* If you want to do something that you like to do... then who's stopping you from doing it anyway... right? Well... that was what my mother told me when she agreed to let me go on an adventure as a swordsman"

"T-Thank you, Troy! M-Maybe we could like stay in touch?"

"*Hic* Yeah, whatever you want...I'm mah... done with the whole adventuring thing anyways..."

"H-Huh? W-What are you talking about? Didn't you say that you wanted to continue your career as an adventurer?"

"Everyone's going their own way... I think that I might open up a dojo or something *hic*..."

"B-But... You have done so much for me! M-Maybe we could like... you know live toget-"

"Listen... About 'that', it *hick* was a mistake alright? I wasn't... thinking straight and was drunk... J-Just leave me be, I need some time alone..."

"Oh... A-Alright"

(End of flashback)

"Huh? Did something go wrong between you two?"

"It was... nothing. And I don't want to talk about it"

"R-Right... So um..." Seeing how the talk has brought a damper on Troy's mood, Goberin decided to change the subject "What are we having for dinner?"

"Hm? Let me see... When you were sleeping I gathered a lot of a lot of wild Treant seeds and I got some wild Hunter Boar meat when out hunting"

"Mhmm sounds delicious!"

"Get yourself comfy"

After an hour or so later when the Treant seeds got roasted sending a sweet and nutty aroma while Troy's using a stick to skewer the massive boar over the fire.

"*Crunch* Mhmm, these are actually really delicious!"

"You like them right?"

"Mhmm hm! I could go on until the whole bowl is empty!"

"Hehe... I'm glad you like it" Troy smirks.

"Hm? What's wrong?"

"Those my friend are Treant's sweaty and hardy nutts"

After hearing those words, Goberin stops eating and looks at the bowl.

"Weird, right? They shed their balls every morning and it's a nutritious source of food that everyone craves-"


"Hey! Don't you dare throw up those delicious nutts!"

"Oh my god, I can't believe I was eating *gulp* nutts"

"Sheesh... Wasting food like that..."

The two of them laugh it off and rest after finishing their meal for the night.

Morning comes to the forest. Light shines through the leaves of trees. Birds are chirping and a herd of Satyrs and Satyress jump across a small creak near a campsite.


"Mhmm... Good morning..."

"Wake up sleepy head, we're about to depart!"

"Yeah yeah... I got it"

When Goberin got up what before him was a scene that he could never believe to see.

"Hihihi~ I heard of you from a Dryad, Troy!"

"You're so strong, hot and... powerful~"

"Here~ Care for a song? I'll sing for you"

"And I will *giggle* dance for you~"

Satyresses are surrounding Troy, with goat like legs, their small breasts were completely exposed revealing their harden nipples.

"Listen ladies... I'm not like back then anymore... Now could you please get back to your herd? Your Satyr boyfriends are looking kinda jealous"

"W-What is this!?"

"Yo, morning Goberin!"

"Oh? Hihi~"

"Is that your little apprentice?"

"Oh my he's cute~"

"Alright ladies! I think that it's time for you all to go now, right? I'm sorry but I'm not the man that I used to be. The glory days were in the past..."

They all said "Teehehe! Whatever you say, Dragon Slayer Troy~" before hopping back to their herd.

"Ready yet?" Troy says to the horny Goberin.

"O-Oh, huh? I-I uh... I guess I'm ready?"

The two then finished eating their breakfast and preparation.

"So Goberin!"

"Y-Yes, master!"

"Are you prepared to go on this grueling journey?"

"U-Um... Are we going to where this Kokoharu person is?"

"Yes! She's currently teaching in the University of Magic in the capital Evergreen! She's a professor and got highly praised for her work!"

"*Gulp* T-The capital Evergreen? Wasn't that super far away from where we are?"

"Yes! You heard me right! It's way far south from here!"

"A-And how long would we be able to get there on foot?"

"It would take approximately a year and 9 months! Even with horses we could decrease our time to only a year!"

"*Gulp!!* T-That's insane! H-How could we even get to there quickly?"

"Listen Goberin... This journey is going to be very cruel and painful so promise me that you can take it! As my pupil!"
