

Simon Finnigan is an adventurous young wizard who travels to the magical world of Harry Potter. He embarks on an incredible journey and discovers secrets, battles dark forces, and uncovers the truth about his family and himself. Along the way he meets friends, foes, and creatures of all shapes and sizes, as well as allies and enemies. With courage, wit, and a bit of luck, he battles evil wizards, encounters magical creatures, and discovers the truth behind the mysteries of the Wizarding World. Join Simon as he embarks on an unforgettable adventure! With different versions of himself, what awaits is yet to be revealed.

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The Third Trial

The third trial of the tournament was a duel with a powerful wizard. Simmons had to use all of his power of absorption to survive the duel. He was able to turn himself into various materials to protect himself from the wizard's magical attacks. He soon found himself facing off against Voldemort himself. He used his power of absorption to turn Voldemort to stone, allowing him to pass by safely. He then found himself face to face with the Triwizard Cup. He had successfully completed the third trial and was now one step closer to becoming the Hogwarts champion.