

Simon Finnigan is an adventurous young wizard who travels to the magical world of Harry Potter. He embarks on an incredible journey and discovers secrets, battles dark forces, and uncovers the truth about his family and himself. Along the way he meets friends, foes, and creatures of all shapes and sizes, as well as allies and enemies. With courage, wit, and a bit of luck, he battles evil wizards, encounters magical creatures, and discovers the truth behind the mysteries of the Wizarding World. Join Simon as he embarks on an unforgettable adventure! With different versions of himself, what awaits is yet to be revealed.

Starrpix · Book&Literature
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52 Chs


Simon and the Fantastic Beasts soon found themselves in a desperate battle against Emperor Voldemort and his forces. Despite their best efforts, they were unable to prevail against the powerful wizard and his allies. Just as all seemed lost, Fawks the Phoenix appeared once more and revealed a plan to defeat Emperor Voldemort. Fawks had learned of a powerful magical artifact known as the Infinity Gauntlet, which had the power to control the entire universe. He proposed that Simon and the Fantastic Beasts help him to obtain this powerful artifact and use it to defeat Emperor Voldemort once and for all. With the help of their newfound allies, Simon and the Fantastic Beasts were able to locate the Infinity Gauntlet and obtain it. With the powerful artifact in hand, they were able to finally defeat Emperor Voldemort and restore peace to both worlds.