
Adventurer Named Zero

Who knows when and where our life will end. One day, I got stabbed and the next thing I knew, I reincarnated as an adventurer named Zero. This is my story, from Zero to Hero.

Penny_Pabebe · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Chapter 006


Zero instantly regrets his decision when he realize that even in this world, he can be easily stabbed by someone. With his trash attitude towards Lods, it's crystal clear for him that the latter have the likes and will on personally ending his life again. It sure isn't his intention to ruin his personality in this world but this situation needs a whole bunch of arguments and stuff or else, if not him, someone will die eventually.

"It feels like you're not healing my wound but rather giving me another thing. I'm regaining my energy in record time"

Tanus muttered in lost wonder as he watch his skin stitches together with no such thing called as scar before lifting his eyes to silently send his thanks to Zero for the healing with a glint of administration on them.

Zero lightly smiled—

"Tch. He said it earlier, his ability is healing. Anyone can do that with healing powers. If not then what's the point of him having it in the first place"

—and that's absolutely no mistakenly but Lods. Zero's eyes went hard. Even after what he had did, the other never seemed to be amaze nor delighted—not even looked relieved for his now nursed teammate.

In the end, he just shrug his shoulders from this obviously hate remark. Not wanting to fuel up more the animosity of this man towards him by feeding the fire with more of dry woods. Instead, he all but ignored him and busied himself on taking care of Tanus before they took a break.

"By the way, what is Bigbang?"

Zero blinks and looked at Casa to serve him some knowledge, although he already quite have a bit of knowing to it, because he wants to know their insights about this whole phenomenal thing.


Casa started, concentration making her brows furrow as she tried to word some rightful explanation to him.

"BigBang is one of the oldest and purest fight for the whole nation. Considered as one of the big event in town actually. As what I can remember, this is a gathering for us, adventurers and Knights alike, and it's the first step to go to the dungeon led by the Moon."

He nods. She surely knows something. Well, she's a knight so it makes sense that she can easily gather informations.

"They say BigBang is the most awaited and brutal way of fighting. Most adventurers died and, if you're lucky, you'll find yourself breathing but severely wounded after the fight. But it isn't considered as the Dungeon. It is way far from it. More barbaric and more bloodshed in a way you wished you didn't participated at all. In there, at the dungeon, no one has the luxury to have their bodies be returned to their hometown after losing the fight. The flesh of the adventurer who died in there will be fed to the monsters out there. No remnants left for the family to mourn."

Rox continued in a silent manner as if she's being reminded of some things that until now she can't quite get a hold of. Salt water pooling on her eyes's rims and Zero can feel the anguish that radiates off of her.

Zero doesn't quite sit with the sudden change of mood. He's the one who died, not the other way around.

"My...my brother went there and he—h-he never returned"

With that out in the bag, Rox bawls her eyes out. Crying against her hands like a pitiful child having not getting what she wanted.

"Tch. And with you, we are definitely going to die."

Here he goes again. How can he forget, of course Lods wouldn't make his life easier here. He undoubtedly despises him and he truly never hides it.

"Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm certain I'm up to only heal your wounds so you don't die and not to fight"

Zero faced him with an arched brow and a look that suggest if the latter ever wronged his words then he'll die with no aid on the battlefield.

"Tch. You better not or else..."

Lods levels his gaze and huffs but nonetheless sounds serious and all.

"Stop it you two. You should get along. You're a team now."

And here goes Casa girl with her pointless words of unity. Trying to stop them with nonsense battle of their mouth with no result at all. At least Zero had the pride to step down and stop the ridiculous nonsensical argument they have.

"When we are going to the Capital?"

He looked at Casa for the second time.

"A month, perhaps. For now, we need to do something like, well, practicing our abilities I dare say."

"And polish your team fight."

Zero quickly added after that made her look back straight at him. He spots their problem. Their ultimate full-of-holes team fight.

And then finally, just how he fucking wanted it, he's the center of attention.

"What do you mean?"

Por disgustingly mumbled out while enthusiastically eating her share of sandwiches. Zero might or might not pulled a face at that.

"As I recall—please swallow that first—anyway, the reason you ended a life of a minatour in 20 minutes long is because of your lack of communication with each other."

All ears are trained to him and he swears Lods ears are turning red the same with the color of his face. Antagonism at its peak, Zero internally sighs.

"Shut up! What do you know? You're just a healer—a mere bystander. You're only gonna be watching us fight so shut that mouth of yours!"

Lods never let him talk peacefully and it pisses him off. Patience can be his old friend but things are surely different now.

"Then how do I know that someone is injured if I'm only a bystander who just watch?! If I didn't let this mouth of mine talk then no one will notice that Tanus is in danger!"

Zero barks back. The latter who's standing on his glorious thick thighs stops his screaming for a whole minute. Looking down at him, who's still sitting on the ground with half-eaten food on his clenched hands, as if he actually is stabbing him. Zero can feel the ghost of a sharp knife behind his back.

He gritted his teeth.

"What do you mean by that?"

Casa butted in on their heated staring as curiosity hits her eyes. Effectively making the other boil some more resentment to Zero as he tear his gaze away to the other to address the curious girl.

"You see, the six of you have different strengths and powers that I know you're aware already. But the exact reason for not fully in control over the fight is because you never asks your teammates on what to do and plan a team fight. You just fought that minatour as an individual."

"We communicate with each other. You…you also saw that right, Zero? We actually talk while we're attacking."

Tanus resounded on his seat like a kicked puppy as he look back at him. As of now, they are all curious for what Zero want to emphasize. A triumph look even washed his face when Lods face is crumpled into a questioning one.

"And that's what you call communication?"

Casa have a pained look on her face.

"If you indeed have that, as what you tried to argue, then why did you get injured Tanus? If you planned for a team fight, then why Lods and Casa always on offensive and never once switched into defensive?"

The silence is thick and the sun is hot above glaring at them past the safety of the bundle of leaves of the sturdy trees. Zero wanted to laugh from how confused they all look.

"We—we don't get you. What is this about?"

"You lack communication. As you are now, in the Fight between two nations, you already lose because you never give others to take offensive or defensive. You all want to be on offensive because of glory."

"And do you think we are going to believe that bullshit?"

Zero presses his lips into a thin line. What really is the reason for this man's hatred to him is still not found, not like he cares anyway.

"Then why hesitate on helping Rox when you notice the minautor moved forward to her?"

Lods bit his tongue on that and looked away, not bothering to speak to defend himself as if Zero accusing him is not wrong at all.



Rox splutters out and whip her head to where Lods is back at sitting on his butt.

"He hesitated when you chanted that offensive word. I saw his eyes."

"So you are saying that you can read our minds?!"

Zero is taken aback. Mind already thought Lods had backed down to shrink on himself but here he was, defending himself even he's on the wrong side.

"I said I saw it in your eyes. And I can't read minds, but I can trust my hunch."

Zero felt a welcoming dizziness when he said those words.

Why did he never doubted his co-worker that time? Is it because he never notice anything weird? Or because he trusted him that much?

Nevertheless, he will never do the same again. Trusting so much will only get you to worse case scenarios. Trust is now sitting on the taboo words for him. Get along with people but never trust.

That's the new rule of his life.