
Adventurer 101

A young boy wishes to be a renowned and richeous adventurer, eager to escape his troubling village life to tackle a more ferocious foe - the continent itself. Now with word of a strange "devil" on the loose, his strict understanding of morals is tested, as are the survival skills he'd so greatly overestimated. The land beyond is trecherous and time is running short. Luckily, he has a wanted thief to guide him on his way. ** Welcome! This is a first draft of the book and is currently in progress. You may expect to find notes to myself or to you regarding missing text or details. Even though the story is being published, this is NOT yet a published work. I am showing you my progress, in hopes that you enjoy the process. That being said, I am open to suggestions if you feel you see something that needs correcting, such as a plot hole or otherwise. Please keep in mind that I am aware the pacing, wording, etc will need polishing. Thank you! Enjoy. **

Kristen_Rasmussen · Fantasy
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8 Chs

In the Wake of all Things

The walla flinched at the faintest distant sound. Distant as it was, it was entirely too familiar. She and one other stood at attention at the base of the territory. Such presence was enough to assure her that she was, indeed, not imagining things. Another predator lurked in the grass, and it was not armed with talon, tooth, or claw. The mere thought returned every ounce of fear she'd carried since the day she was destined to be a guardian.

Another sound clicked, the faintest little strike of metal. But it was deemed threatening enough for the two walla to duck into a readied stance. Her aid fluttered her wings, a clear sign of stress. She was ready to bound.

After a third and final click, she did. And she left her friend behind.

There was struggle. There was darkness. There was noise. And with it came the pure fear and despair of an animal caught in the hunter's trap.