
Adventure time: Am I Finn or Fionn

Life is in fair, and I always knew that, why do I say this, will my past life sucked and I wish I didn't have to live to it, then again I got a new life with this one, in Adventure time of all place not bad, but why is this adventure time world so different, did the dragon lie to me, what ever, I am now Finn in this new world or Am I Fionn

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · TV
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11 Chs

Wizard city

The kid left, as they did only Dagda just looked at the wizard, he then started to walk as he did the head Wizard spoke.

Head Wizard looked at him walking away as he spoke. I wanna ask, it has been so many years sense a god came down

Dagda paused and turned back to the Head Wizard, his expression thoughtful. "Indeed, it's been a long time. The divine and mortal realms have been somewhat isolated from each other. The nature of our duties and the changes in the world have kept us apart."

The Head Wizard nodded, his eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and concern. "I understand. It's just that the presence of a god, especially one as influential as yourself, often brings significant changes. The balance of magic and the fate of realms can be subtly but profoundly impacted."

Dagda's gaze softened. "I'm aware of the potential consequences. My primary concern is the well-being and development of Finn and Aine. They have important roles to play, and I trust that Wizard City will offer them the guidance they need."

The Head Wizard regarded Dagda with respect. "Your intentions are commendable. I hope that this visit will be fruitful for all parties involved. Wizard City has much to offer, and the synergy between our magical knowledge and their potential could indeed lead to remarkable outcomes."

With a final nod, Dagda turned and continued his path through the tower. As he walked, he reflected on the importance of the journey ahead, both for Finn and Aine and for the broader tapestry of magic and destiny.

Meanwhile, Finn and Aine wandered through Wizard City, their excitement palpable. They explored various districts, each showcasing different aspects of magic and enchantment. Finn marveled at the magical shops, where items of great power and wonder were on display. Aine, already familiar with some of the city's wonders, guided him through the more intricate and lesser-known corners.

Their exploration led them to a bustling marketplace where magical beings from various realms and dimensions gathered. Finn couldn't help but be fascinated by the diversity and vibrancy of the city. The interaction between different magical traditions and the blending of cultures created a dynamic and ever-changing environment.

Aine pointed out several notable locations, including the Library of Eternal Knowledge, where ancient texts and grimoires were stored, and the Enchanted Gardens, a serene area filled with mystical flora and fauna. Finn was particularly drawn to the library, eager to delve into the wealth of magical knowledge contained within.

As they entered the library, Finn was awestruck by the vast collection of books and scrolls, many of which radiated powerful enchantments. He approached a nearby librarian, a wise and elderly elf with an air of quiet authority.

"Excuse me," Finn said, "I'm interested in learning more about the magical artifacts and spells associated with the rings I have. Could you direct me to relevant resources?"

The librarian's eyes twinkled with interest. "Ah, the rings. They are indeed unique. Follow me, and I shall show you the section dedicated to magical artifacts and their histories."

Aine watched with a smile as Finn eagerly followed the librarian. She knew that the knowledge Finn sought could be crucial in understanding the true nature of his rings and their potential. As Finn immersed himself in the study of ancient texts and arcane lore, Aine took the opportunity to explore other parts of the library and gather information on magical training and techniques.

The day passed quickly, and as the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over Wizard City, Finn and Aine regrouped to discuss their findings. Finn was excited to share what he had learned about the rings and the possible connections to ancient magical traditions.

"This is amazing," Finn said, his eyes shining with enthusiasm. "The rings seem to have connections to various powerful artifacts and spells from different eras. It's like they have a history that spans multiple worlds."

Aine nodded in agreement. "It's clear that these rings are significant and may hold secrets that could be pivotal in our journey. We'll need to continue our research and perhaps seek the guidance of more experts in the city."

As they prepared to return to their temporary lodgings, Finn couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. The adventure ahead promised to be filled with challenges and discoveries, and he was ready to embrace it with all his heart.

One of the wizard looked at Finn. "So kid like what you see".

Finn just looked at him. "Yeah I do"

The wizard then spoke again. "Feels nice to be part of the greatest and not a human"

Finn just looked at him confused. "What do you mean"

The wizard just looked at him. "I mena human suck sure they have a few kingdom but they can't use magic only other races can, I mean I am not wrong am I demi God".

Finn looked at bit mad. "No I think Human can use Magic".

The wizard lapped like Finn has just told a joke. "kid don't go saying anything like that"

Finn's expression shifted from confusion to irritation. "I don't see why not. Humans can learn and use magic just like any other race. They might not be as naturally adept, but that doesn't mean they can't access it."

The wizard raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "Ah, the idealism of youth. Humans are limited in many ways compared to us. They might have potential, but it's rare for them to achieve anything significant in the magical arts."

Finn shook his head. "That's a narrow perspective. I've seen humans achieve incredible things through sheer will and determination. Magic isn't just about inherent ability; it's also about learning and perseverance."

The wizard chuckled dismissively. "I suppose you'd say that. But experience teaches us that those born into magical races have an edge. Humans have their own strengths, but magic isn't typically one of them."

Finn's eyes hardened. "I've met humans who defy that expectation. It's not about where you start; it's about how you use what you have."

Before the conversation could escalate further, a more senior wizard approached, sensing the rising tension. "Is everything alright here?"

The younger wizard quickly waved off the issue. "Yes, everything's fine. Just a bit of a debate on magical abilities."

The senior wizard turned to Finn with a more neutral expression. "We value all perspectives here in Wizard City. It's important to recognize that different races and individuals have different strengths and weaknesses. Magic is a diverse and complex field, and everyone has something to contribute."

Finn nodded, relieved to shift the focus away from the contentious conversation. "Thank you for understanding. I'm just eager to learn and see what Wizard City has to offer."

The senior wizard smiled. "Then you're in the right place. Keep an open mind, and you'll find that there's much to discover and learn from everyone."

As Finn continued to explore the city, he couldn't help but reflect on the conversation. He was determined to prove that magic, like many things, wasn't confined by the boundaries set by others. His experiences and the people he encountered in Wizard City would shape his understanding and approach to magic, and he was ready to embrace every opportunity that came his way.

Finn then looked at that wizard. "If you think there is no human with Magic then what about Solomon".

Everyone went quite, as they hurd the name of the man who can only be describe as basically the king of Magic or wizard or even mage's

The wizard just looked at him. "He was an exception Plus he was gift by literally the one above all (biblical god) he was not human".

Finn's eyes narrowed slightly. "Solomon may have received extraordinary gifts, but he started as a human. His achievements, even with divine aid, demonstrate that humans can reach incredible heights in magic. The fact that he was exceptional doesn't negate the potential within all humans."

The senior wizard, sensing the tension, stepped in. "You're right, Solomon's case is exceptional, but it highlights that human potential in magic isn't always recognized or understood. While it's true that some magical races may have natural advantages, humans can surprise us with their capabilities."

The younger wizard, still skeptical, shook his head. "Even so, Solomon was a unique case. The general rule remains that magical races have an easier time with magic."

Finn sighed. "General rules are just that—general. They don't account for every individual's potential. Magic is more than just inherent talent; it's about how one applies themselves, learns, and adapts."

The senior wizard nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed, Finn. Magic is a vast and complex domain, and it's influenced by many factors. It's important to remain open to all possibilities and not dismiss anyone's potential."

Finn felt a sense of validation from the senior wizard's response. "Thank you. I'm here to learn and understand magic in all its forms, regardless of who practices it."

The senior wizard smiled warmly. "That's the right attitude. Keep exploring and challenging conventions. You may find that your journey reveals much about the true nature of magic and its practitioners."

With that, Finn continued his exploration of Wizard City, his resolve strengthened by the discussion. He knew that his path would involve proving not just his own abilities, but also challenging the biases and limitations imposed by others. As he ventured further into the city, he remained focused on his goal of mastering magic and uncovering the truths about his world and himself.

As Finn and Aine walked away as Finn looked at her as he just looked at his ring.

Finn looked at her. "I am going to probe him wrong, no everyon in this city wrong".

Aine just looked at him. "And how will you prove them wrong"

Finn just looked at her. "I will teach them magic, I will be the next Solomon"

Aine closer he mouth. "Don't go saying your the next Solomon do you want die this is wizard city for crying out load, literally the place even the gods call Solomon kingdom of magic, I mean he was there only king, this is why they have council"

Finn's eyes burned with determination as he clutched his rings. "That's exactly why I need to prove them wrong. If Solomon could be the greatest, then I can show that anyone, even a human, can master magic. It's not about being Solomon; it's about pushing the boundaries of what's possible."

Aine's worry deepened. "Finn, you're talking about challenging a legacy that's held for centuries. The council here takes its traditions and rules seriously. If you claim to be the next Solomon, they might see it as a direct challenge to their authority and the very foundation of their beliefs."

Finn shook his head. "I'm not challenging the legacy—I'm building on it. If Solomon could shape the world with his magic, why can't I use what I've learned to change people's perspectives?"

Aine sighed, her expression a mix of concern and admiration. "Alright, but remember, actions have consequences. Wizard City has a way of dealing with threats to its status quo. I'll help you where I can, but you have to be prepared for resistance and stay vigilant."

Finn nodded, appreciating Aine's support. "Thanks. I'll keep that in mind. I'm ready to take on whatever comes my way to prove that magic isn't limited by anything but one's own will."

As they walked deeper into Wizard City, Finn's resolve only grew stronger. He knew the path ahead would be fraught with challenges, but he was determined to show that magic and potential weren't confined by race or history. Aine stayed close, ready to help Finn navigate the complexities of the city and support him in his quest to change the magical world's view on human potential.

Unlnow to both of them a crow watch them as he flyed behind a self as it turnee into a woman as she looked at her book of fate.

Morrigan, now in her human form, studied the Book of Fate intently. The pages fluttered with the speed of the changes being wrought by Finn's actions. As she traced the new paths and shifts in destiny, her expression grew more intense.

"This child," Morrigan muttered, her voice a mix of awe and concern, "has the power to unravel and reshape destinies. The book is changing faster than I can keep up. He truly is a fate breaker."

She flipped through the pages, watching as the outlines of countless futures adjusted themselves around Finn's burgeoning influence. Each ripple of change seemed to echo through the lives of those connected to him, including the magical society he was challenging.

Morrigan considered the implications. If Finn's ambition to prove himself as the next Solomon succeeded, he could not only alter the way magic was perceived but also disrupt the delicate balance maintained by the current magical authorities.

"I must keep a close eye on him," she decided, her mind racing with potential scenarios. "His actions could either herald a new era of magic or lead to unforeseen consequences."

With a determined sigh, Morrigan set her book aside and prepared to observe Finn's journey more closely, ready to intervene if necessary to guide or contain the dramatic shifts he was initiating.

Morrigan examined the Book of Fate once more, her eyes gleaming with intrigue. "The kingdom remains constant," she mused, tracing the lines that depicted its enduring presence. "No matter how the future shifts, it persists. However, this time, it's not merely a kingdom of knights, but a fusion of magic and chivalry."

She chuckled softly, her fingers dancing over the pages as she witnessed the kingdom evolving into a place where the realms of sorcery and martial prowess intertwined. "This is quite fascinating. A kingdom where the arcane and the valiant coexist. This new dynamic will certainly make things more interesting."

Her thoughts turned to the implications of this transformation. The convergence of magic and knighthood could lead to unprecedented developments within the kingdom. With Finn at the center of this change, the possibilities seemed endless.

"This will be an exciting period," Morrigan said to herself. "I will watch closely as the new kingdom takes shape. The balance of power, the rise of new heroes, and the fall of old structures—it all promises a thrilling narrative. Let the fate-breaking adventure continue."

To be continued

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