
Adventure starting from the World of cheat musou.

A slave worker salary man died because of a milf. yes, the milfs to whom he had dedicated his right hand to after he got the taste of Reality and then indulge in to fantasy. if you understand the word H TV or something on the Moogel.com. He meet the god who said that the milf was supposed to die but she used him as a meat shield and he died in her place and as a apology he is able have some of his wishes fullfilled. And the MC made the wish or his fantasy that he always dreamt of. And god granted it easily. God " Tch..At least wipe the drool of your mouth." But after training in some dimension his goals changed he no longer wanted anything other than piece full life. Is it possible for a protagonist to have a peaceful full life? HELL NOO!! but-but the twist was that the god did fulfilled his wishes but in a way that made the MC work for the god and complete some important errands, in gods term but in human terms he died for umpteen times, he lost the count of his hellish death and pain. Then finally he completed the task of god still thinking it as a training for him for his future but it also had a consiquenses he gradually lost some of his emotions and desires along the way. Then how was he dragged into the madness of Animeverse. Read how his normal yet not so normal journey unfolds with some cliche moments unlike anything he had experience. --------------------- Hello folks, this my first time writing some things other than in exam paper so beautiful people's be kind to the newbie in house, give lots of comment be it blessings or cursing and let your ideas flow as for what you except the story to deliver. English is not my first language but even so, i had tried my best so the grammar area are pretty good so enjoy and don't mind small hiccups here and there. -------------- Last but not the least I don't own any of the worlds or characters other than My OCs, so the entire creadit of world building goes to the original author.

Doremon_Sensei · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter :6

[Miu's POV]

Today has been the most unusual experience of my life. My co-star for the photoshoot is late because he got drunk last night and has a terrible hangover today.

Hikari San is a pro photographer for this shoot. To solve the problem, he decided to pick an ordinary guy from the crowd, and we ended up with a man who is anything but ordinary.

Seeing his sculpted face and body, I don't know what came over me; it felt like love at first sight.

I don't even know his name, but due to time constraints, we had to do the photoshoot with him. He wasn't a professional, but he didn't seem inexperienced either. His body balance was amazing; when I hugged him around the neck, he didn't budge at all, maintaining a respectful distance. In fact, he tried to create as much space between us as possible.

I appreciated that someone could be so handsome yet have such a straightforward and pure character. In contrast, my previous co-stars during shoots would always try to get too close, make excuses to touch me inappropriately, and invite me out for dinner alone, attempting to ply me with alcohol.

So, I was pleasantly surprised to find someone even more attractive who maintained such integrity. When Hikari San called for a short break, I went to talk to him. He was sitting on a bench.

[ Rudras POV ]

"Hello, my name is Midou Miu, and thank you very much for working with me today," Miu introduced herself, although I already knew who Miu was, I had to act like I didn't.

"Hi, my name is Tenjou Yuuya, but I would like it if you can call me Rudra," even though my name is registered as Tenjou Yuuya, I won't be using that name. I am Rudra, not Yuuya. That's why I am considering changing my name on the register.

"Please, have a seat," I gestured to the left side, and she sat down, smoothing her skirt with her hands.

"You're an amazing model, Miu san. You didn't make a single mistake, and I was nervous the whole time, so forgive me if the photos don't turn out well," I'm just repeating what Serra is saying in my mind.

"No, no! What are you saying? Thanks to you, today's shoot went smoothly. Otherwise, it would have taken us so much time to find a substitute. So, thank you," Miu said, expressing her gratitude sincerely.

"How old are you, Rudra san? And are you in some sort of industry?" Miu asked, a little embarrassed.

"I'm about to take the entrance exam for high school, but I'm 18 right now. My school life got delayed due to some family reasons." I lied, creating stories. Although my age is millions of years, I am 18 according to my body. And I can't say that I came from another world, bro.

After that we both got lost in conversation and started laughing. In the midst of it, Hikari San suddenly appeared.

"Shutter," and the camera flashed.

"That was an excellent shot, Miu. It was completely natural. This is the best shot today" Hikari San exclaimed excitedly, looking at the photo and at us with admiration.

But as Miu san got up, her elbow hit the bottle of water placed on the table's armrest which fell on the floor, and accidentally her foot slipped on the water bottle and she was about to crash on the hard marble floor.

"Kyaa!" She let out a cry, and everyone turned to look at her.

In the blink of an eye, I rose without looking and,"careful," caught her waist to prevent her from falling.

As a result, she fell into my arms, her hands clutching my shirt tightly, my left hand on her waist, and my right hand holding her left hand. Our lips were just centimetres apart.

We were both lost in each other's eyes, completely forgetting the crowd and Hikari San. Just as our lips were about to touch, Hikari San's voice interrupted.

"Shutter... And perfect," we were stunned, finally registering what happened, our faces turning red with embarrassment.

"Are you okay, Miu? Did you get hurt?" I asked, concerned that she might have twisted her ankle.

"No, I'm completely fine, R-Rudra san," she said, a bit flustered. I helped her stand up straight and let go of her hand, but she still held onto mine.

"Are you sure you're okay, Miu?"

"Yes, yes, I'm fine, Rudra san. Thank you for saving me," she said, still not letting go of my hand.

"Um... Would you mind letting go of my hand?" I reminded her that she was still holding my hand.

"Oh... I'm sorry," she quickly released my hand, her face turning crimson with embarrassment.

[ What am I seeing, just a little accident and you are dropping the formalities, huh what a sinful man.]

After that, Hikari San quickly approached and asked, "Are you okay, Miu-chan? Did you get hurt anywhere?" He was concerned, and Miu said she was fine. Hikari San said, "Well, it's better to be safe than sorry."

"Pack up, let's gather our things," Hikari San came to me and handed me the clothes from today's shoot as payment. I hesitantly accepted them because I had just bought a bunch of clothes.

As I was about to leave, a man arrived. He was handsome, but not as much as me. He had blonde hair styled with wax, stylish piercings on his ears, dressed well, and looked like he came from a good family. But the lust in his eyes as he stared at Miu made me uncomfortable.

Hikari San was also furious. "That jerk...!"

Just by looking at the guy, I knew he must be the irresponsible model who was late today. He ignored everyone and went straight to Miu. Fear was evident on Miu's face.

"Miu-chan, are you excited for our shoot today? Let's go out for dinner after the shoot," he said, not respecting Miu's personal space. He put his arm around her shoulder and was about to touch her waist with the other hand.

I don't know what came over me at that moment, but I snapped. Miu was laughing just a moment ago, and now there's fear and helplessness in her eyes because of this scumbag.

[May he rest in peace.]

I disappeared from my spot and quickly reached behind the guy. I grabbed his wrist, the one he was using to try touch Miu's waist, and as soon as he felt something, he turned around. Without thinking, I delivered a flying punch to his face.

He flew backward and landed in the trash can. When I turned back, Miu was there, looking at me with widened eyes. As well as Hikari san and the whole crowd was stunned by this small stunt that I pulled off.

" Whoa, Rudra kun I don't think that you were powerful enough to send a disciple of boxing school flying in a single punch" He said as he checked the camera.

" You can go now, and don't worry I have recorded everything, he is finished now." I am not like Yuuya who will just try to solve everything with kindness, I had a habit of moving my hands and legs more than my mouth.

I turned around and saw that Miu san was being consoled by the lady staff. Hikari San asked for my number to contact me after the magazine was released and fortunately I had just bought a phone so, it was done, and having one or two connections is not that bad.

Afterwards, I headed home as it was getting dark.

As I was walking along the road towards my house, I was thinking about how eventful the day had been. I met a heroine, did a photoshoot, and dealt with a jerk. What an unusual day it was. Now, I just feel like going home and hitting the sack.


Just as I was about to cross the zebra crossing, I heard a voice. I looked towards the direction of the voice and felt like fate was playing a cruel game with me.

Wasn't one damsel in distress enough for today? My mood was already ruined because of that guy, and now this. I'll take out all my frustration on these guys.


In a deserted alley next to a store, there's a girl around my age. She's surrounded by four guys.

One guy is holding her left hand, and the other has her right hand.

"Hey, come with us, let's go."

"It's okay, nothing bad's gonna happen."

"I don't wanna! Let go of me."

She keeps repeating, yet these guys are harassing and teasing her. My mood was already foul.

I started walking towards them, but even when I reached there, they didn't notice someone standing behind them.

Without saying anything, I lifted my leg and delivered a powerful kick to the first guy who was holding her right hand. He literally flew and stuck to the nearby wall producing a crack sound from his head.

For a while, everything became quiet. Then they realised what had happened, and one of them asked, trembling, "W-who are you? What do you want?"

Seriously, this guy doesn't understand what he's doing.

"Do you know who she is, the one whose hand you grabbed?!" I raised my voice slightly to put pressure on them.

"T-this, she's our friend, we were just having fun," I looked into the girl's eyes signalling her and said to the thugs.

Nod ( the girl understood his signs)

"Do you know who she is? She's my bestfriend, and she doesn't have friends like you."

They realised they were caught, so they were about to run away. That's when I grabbed the second guy's leg, lifted him upside down, and threw him towards the other two.

They fell like dominoes, and then I gave them a good beating.

*Police siren*

And as always, the police arrived late. They arrested them.

The girl came up to me. She had brown, black hair, and brownish pink eyes. She wasn't just any girl; she was Kaori, the other heroine from the anime.

"I'm sorry for telling them that you're my best friend to scare them," I apologised, lowering my head.

"No, no, please lift your head. I'm not upset that you lied to them to save me. In fact, I want to thank you for saving me," she said gratefully.

If you like reading more of it at least leave a comment, you can give some advice to the poor soul. see you in the next chapter.Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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