
A boy named Klondike

Well... How should I start this? Ah yes, Klondike. Klondike sure was an odd boy. He never really seemed to fit in with his peers and always felt left out. But Klondike was no ordinary loser, no siry, Klondike had something special about him. Klondike had an amazing talent for drawing. All the other kids thought Klondike was weird since all he did all day long was draw and draw, barely paying any mind to his academics. This caused Klondike to not only have no friends, but also have horrible grades. Let's fast forward a good 6 years. Klondike is now starting his highschool journey and has yet to make any friends. Though Klondike had no friends, he had his trusty pencil and paper allowing him to lose himself in the world of drawing. Now now I know all of you reading are probably getting sick and tired of just having the narrator speak the entire time, but bare with me we will get to see this story from Klondikes perspective soon.