
Adventure in the New World[Time Stop]

Ivan - one of the guild members of the Ainz Ooal Gown. From the beginning of the game, he was never interested in PvP stuff but was fond of reading books and discovering secret quests and hidden dungeons. How he will survive in the new world along with his guild master. Will he keep searching for new knowledge or will he rule the world with his friend? ======================================== Nothing belongs to me, except mc and other future original characters.

Yung_reader_AHS_ · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

3rd Chapter

Guys, to write this chapter, I took information from-"https://overlordmaruyama.fandom.com/wiki/World_of_2138#Politics".

Moreover, in future chapters, I will also use this site.


[Ivan's Aunt PoV]

My name is Valeria, Valeria Foster. My mother is Russian, while my father is an emigrant from the USA.

They met each other in 2084 after eight years of the world disaster.

{{Author: I changed the date from 2100 to 2076.}}

At the end of the twenty-first century, with the collapse of the primary sector industries due to advance environmental destruction and the drying up of crops, there were food riots in all corners of countries.

The riots eventually turned into a coup d'etat, and when politicians were targeted by the people's discontent, they were tried by the mob.

Into the power vacuum left by the halt of government's functions, due to the coup d'etat, came conglomerates, which seized the legislative, executive, and judicial powers. They succeeded in taking over the countries.

The most affected by these changes are the USA, Japanese, and China. Other countries took control of the situation and didn't let conglomerates take over the country. Amongst them are Russia, North Korea, UK, Germany, and only a few other European countries.

These changes lead to dramatic changes in the affected countries, especially in Japan.

In Japan, public safety worsened, and gangs of thieves and hackers operated in the open, but society as a whole wasn't actually thrown into chaos. Most people quietly commuted to an office and put in their hours. Employees were treated cruelly, but they never complained, and almost no one rebelled against their administration. The reason they didn't was that anyone who revolted against their company would have been unable to survive in that world.

In a world where wealthy people took governing of the country into their own hands, poor and office workers can not do anything. Of course, in the beginning, some people stand against them, but they were just dismissed. After some years, the new government declared some new laws because of which reach people got more reach while poor people should work hard to earn something to provide their own family with food.

Most of these fired people and other people who saw all situation with clear eyes decided to emigrate to other countries to find new jobs and a future, and amongst them were my parents.

They get married in the same year in 2084, and after a year, my mom gave birth to siblings, one of which was I.

I can't say that my life was perfect either I can't say that it was bad, compared with people who live in Japanese. In short, I lived a happy life with my loving parents and sister until I reach 18, my sister suddenly said that she is pregnant and would be married in the next month. When she has said that in front of me, it was hard to don't lose conscience due to overwhelming emotions like happiness and confusion.

I make sure that my sister's husband is not an alcoholic or criminal who would abuse my sibling. But when I met him, I understood why my sister crushed on him. He was like a typical main hero from manga stories which we had read in our childhood, with raven-colored black hair and brown eyes. He was a kind guy who helps an old woman cross a road, and whenever I meet him, I feel some warm aura that he has around his body.

After the months they married, and after other few months, my nephew was born. When I first saw him, I can't stand but pinch his adorable red cheeks. He has his father's black hair alongside my sister's bright blue eyes. I bet that in the future, he will be popular amongst girls.

Unfortunately, I cant see this future heartbreaker too often due to the university works that I have.

{after six years and the month after the accident.}

*sound of opening door*

As I entered my house with packets of food, I said.-

[Valeria]-" I came back!"- I said, with the hope that he will answer, but after few seconds without a response, I entered my house.

After the accident, I met with several problems as adopting Ivan as my son and as with telling about this to my parents. That was the hardest month in my life, almost every night, I cried on my bad due to my sister's situation.

However, the most heartbreaking thing is Ivan. Since the accident, I never saw any happy emotion from him, sometimes I heard how he cried at night in his room, but he rejects to show any sign of emotion, in public or front of the therapist.

When I came to the living room, I saw him, how he seats on the couch and was watching the news on the TV.

[TV]-" The suspect who ran over two people in the last month was arrested and put on the trail on this Monday..."-Before the reporter ended his sentences, I switched of Tv and said.-

[Valeria]-"Ivan, let's have dinner."-I said and showed packets and added-"Look, what have I brought. Is it your favorite sushi ?" -I said cheerfully.

But he didn't respond. He just stares at me with his blank eyes.

Instead of his bright sky-colored eyes, he now has eyes like the bottom of the ocean, dark blue without a sign of a light in it.

When I saw his stare, I knelt and straight at his said-

[Valeria]-"Ivan, listen, I know what you have passed throughout and I know that it is selfish to say, but I didn't think that your father wanted you to be like this. He probably wished you to have a happy life without regrets. I just wanted to say that you still have me, and your mother is still alive, and I believe that she will wake up someday."

It was hard, was hard saying these words to a child who recently lost his father, and whose mother, right now, is in the comma, but I should have told this.

I stood and walked from the room, but before I closed the door, I added.- " We can't change our past, but we have a chance to change our future. I know that it is hard, but you should take this opportunity right now and meet with future events without thinking about the accident."

[Ivan PoV]

After she said that, she left the room.

The room filled with silence. I just repeated what she said in my mind several times. During the past month, every night, I had nightmares about the day after that nightmares, I wake up with sweat run over all my body and shaking hands. First weeks, after nightmares, I cried on my pod, but for some reason, I stopped tearing up. Maybe I just saw this nightmare too much, and I used for it, or I just lost the ability to feel any emotions?

Who knows, right now, it does not matter.

[Ivan]-"*sigh*....living lives without regrets, right aunt. But I doubt that I can forget about that day so easily, but you were right in one thing - they would not have been happy if they had seen me in that state." I said.

Then I went to the kitchen room where I saw my aunt, who had prepared sushi. ( as much as possible to prepare fast food). She also saw how I entered the room and said-.

[Valeria]-"How are you filling your self, Ivan?"- she said, again with hope for a repeat, but this time I answered.

[Ivan]-"Ok?.... I don't know what exactly I should say now." I answered her for the first time in that month. When she heard me, she was surprised at first, but then she replied

[Valeria]-" Don't worry about it, you still have a lot of time to find the answer for this question. " she said with a warm smile, and then with a smirk, she added-" And how is it ?".Her question confused me, and then I asked-

[Ivan]-" How is it, what ?"

[Valeria]-" I am asking you about my motivation words that I had said to you before I left the room." she said with the same smirk and with pride in her voice.

When I heard what she said, I didn't know how to respond, should I laugh or what, but replied.

[Ivan]-" It actually wasn't so bad, but it could be better. Have you heard what you said? "We can't change our past, but We have a chance to change our future." yeah, aunt Valeria?. Many motivating videos you have watched to say this.? I teased her, but with the same straight face.

[Valeria]-"Hey hey, it is me who should be the cheerful aunt and who should have supported her nephew in a hard time with jokes, not you!" she pointed her finger toward me and blamed me for nothing.

[Ivan]-"Ok, ok, let's start our dinner," I said.

[Valeria]-" Great, take a seat on the table."-She then grabbed the dish with one hand and with other soda bottles and added-"Look for this, I brought sushi and some soda from the nearest sushi bar, so that's means, today we have a party ." she said cheerfully.

[Ivan]-" Yeah! I guess?."- I said.

During our little party, we discussed several, like my nightmares and what I think to do in the future topics, and even have a conversation about my mom's condition. She told me that she is ok, but she still sleeps. I tried to answer all her questions, but not for all of them I have an exact answer.

Then at the end of the party, she asked-

[Valeria]-" Ivan, I noticed that at the beginning of the party, you answered reluctantly my questions, and you also tried to keep distance between us, why ?" she said, but then added- "I know that we didn't meet each other often in the past but at the beginning, it looked like you tried to..." but before she can end her words I said-

[Ivan]-" I know what you are telling about." I paused and added-" I just fear losing the person who I care about, and because of that, I thought about do not have these people and so I will never lose someone and eventually will never felt the emotion that I felt that day again." I said that with all my might to not cry in last words.

[Valeria]-"Ivan, listen." I sit near him and continued-"Every people in this world have some who they care about, this helps them to move forward and don't lose their own self in the way of reaching their goal. Right now, you have me"-she hugged me and said the last part in my ear-" and I swear that I will support you with all my might and never let you go." she hugged even tightly. I felt warm from her, the first warmth that I felt this month.

We sit in the same position for several minutes and at the and I whispered to her ear-

[Ivan]-" Thank you."-Then I fall asleep, not because of physical tiredness but due to mental.

To be continued ...


To be clear. In this chapter, Ivan is more emotional due to his aunt. They are close and relatives. Ivan is still cold for other people and except for close friends and relatives.

Words count- 1908

So, as before, if you have any advice, please write it in the comment section, and I will be happy to read them.

Thank you for your attention!

Yung_reader_AHS_creators' thoughts