
Adventure in Infinite Worlds (18+)

Join Sonu on an exciting adventure through infinite worlds, where you can travel to an endless number of new and exciting worlds. Each world is unique, with its own set of races and customs to discover and explore. As you journey through these worlds, you have the opportunity to make them your own. From tropical paradises to frozen wastelands, there are infinite possibilities waiting for you to discover and conquer. Meet fascinating creatures, interact with different cultures, and uncover the mysteries of each new world. The adventure never ends, and there is always something new to discover. With Sonu as your guide, you can explore these infinite worlds with confidence and excitement. Are you ready to embark on the adventure of a lifetime? Come join us and experience the thrill of exploring the unknown! Warning Please be advised that reading this novel is optional. If you happen to find any grammatical errors or other issues that you do not like, please refrain from reading further and keep your opinions to yourself. It is important to note that the author is not fluent in English and as such, there may be some errors in the novel. Please be patient and understanding when reading and try to focus on the story and characters instead. Furthermore, please do not criticize or belittle the author for their language skills. Writing a novel in a non-native language is a difficult task, and the author deserves respect for their effort and creativity. Thank you for your understanding and enjoy the story. Please support me on patreon. https://www.patreon.com/Chen_Si You can also join me on the discord https://discord.gg/k99np4f

Chan_Si · Urban
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57 Chs

Chapter-10 Jarvis

Hydra, a mysterious organization, has approached me with an offer to become one of their agents. However, their actions have raised some red flags. They seem to be taking on more tasks than they can handle, and some of their members have attempted to use force on me as part of the recruitment process. Unfortunately for them, those individuals met a gruesome fate and were not seen alive again. It seems that they did not anticipate the consequences of their actions and paid the ultimate price.

As the leader of the Infinity Group, I am proud to say that we not only operate successful businesses, but we also actively give back to those in need through charitable efforts. Specifically, we run and fund multiple charities in underdeveloped countries around the globe. Our efforts have been recognized and praised by many organizations, and we continue to strive for ways to make a positive impact in these communities..

Because I don't make any other changes in the world, no supreme sorcerer has come to meet me. This is not an issue for me, as I possess a higher level of magical power than any sorcerer that may come my way. I have no desire to witness the arrogance and superiority of a less powerful mage in my presence.

In the genesis world, my empire has been thriving. Lily has been a visionary leader, always looking for new ways to expand our territory and increase our power and influence. With her guidance, we have been able to conquer new lands, build new cities. We have also been able to develop new technologies and advancements that have helped us to stay ahead of our rivals. Overall, my empire is doing exceptionally well in the genesis world, and I am confident that we will continue to dominate, in marvel world thirty year is passed(I come here in 1975)

I mostly live in my inner world with Sol and others because I have many tasks to complete in the genesis world. I just leave my body in the marvel world to get lottery tickets. As a result I collect 10950 lottery tickets because I haven't opened any of them in thirty years; it's also a great way to collect lottery tickets. and whenever someone comes close to my body, I wake up so no one can harm my body. I have invited Rose many times in my inner world, and she knows everyone.

Within the inner world , Sol and I had an extremely active and satisfying sexual relationship; others became envies of her. Sol even told me she had conceived a child, which heightened her already heightened libido and desire for more sex and intimacy with me.

I'm not trying to get Rose pregnant right now because I want her to reach a certain level of cultivation first. Once she reaches this point, I will be able to fulfill her desire to become pregnant without fear of negatively impacting my child's physical health. I believe that a strong body constitution is essential for a child's overall well-being and development, and I want to make certain that my child is born with the best possible foundation for a healthy life.

I recently purchased a building to house the office space for my company group. The structure has multiple levels, and the top floor serves as my personal penthouse. The building's location provides breathtaking views of Queens, Brooklyn, and Roosevelt Island, providing a picturesque backdrop for both work and leisure.

"Sir, Jarvis is now fully operational and activated. However, in order to keep the information flowing smoothly and to ensure that I continue to receive updates, I strategically placed a small bug within the system. This will allow me to continue monitoring Tony Stark's house activity without any potential hiccups," My AI said..

Although my AI capabilities are much better than Jarvis, Jarvis is like a child in the front of my AI. I recognize the importance of maintaining a positive relationship with Tony Stark and i decided to withdraw from his home to avoid any misunderstandings.

With the arrival of the Iron Man timeline, a plethora of advanced technologies have become available within the Marvel universe. The possibilities are endless, and I am excited to share my ambitious plan with the world. I intend to construct an artificial satellite that will serve as a habitat for mankind. This satellite will be equipped with state-of-the-art technology and resources necessary for human survival, such as air, water, and food. The satellite will also be designed to withstand the harsh conditions of space and will provide protection from cosmic radiation and other hazards. This project will not only be a significant achievement for mankind, but it will also provide an opportunity for the exploration and colonization of space. I will be announcing my plan to the media, and I look forward to the support and participation of the public in this endeavor.

I possess the advanced technology necessary to construct a small satellite and then expand it to a larger size in the vast expanse of space, utilizing pym particles as an infinite resource. This formula was obtained from the renowned scientist, Mr. Pym, through the use of hypnosis. As the current greatest mage on Earth, I was able to control Mr. Pym without his knowledge and steal his technology. Due to the fact that he never applied for a patent for the pym particles, I am legally free to utilize it for my own purposes.

I have the capability to send satellite into orbit at any given moment. However, I am currently holding off on launching any satellite until the plot surrounding Iron Man has begun. This is because I do not want to attract too much attention to my own satellite launches while Iron Man is in the spotlight. By waiting until the Iron Man plot has begun, I hope to avoid drawing unwanted attention or causing any confusion with my satellite launch.

The satellite that I am proposing is designed in the shape of a halo ring. My intention is to establish the group headquarters of my company on this satellite. This satellite will be of great interest to wealthy individuals who are always looking for new and exciting opportunities to invest in. With the destruction of New York in the war with the Chitauri army, many wealthy individuals may feel unsafe living on Earth due to the presence of various organizations on the planet. This insecurity will drive up the demand for land on the satellite, making it an attractive option for those looking for a more secure place to live and invest.

Implementing the proposed changes and advancements will not be a simple task, as there are bound to be challenges and obstacles along the way. One major concern is the likelihood of governments and other organizations attempting to exploit these changes for their own benefit, potentially using them for nefarious purposes. To mitigate this risk, it is essential that I take steps to increase the security of my companies. This could include implementing additional measures to protect sensitive information and ensuring that all employees are properly trained in security protocols. Additionally, I may consider implementing a strategy of announcing these changes at a later date or keeping them concealed until I am ready to reveal them to the public, as suggested by Rose. By taking these precautions, I can reduce the risk of attack or exploitation by outside parties and ensure that my companies continue to thrive in a constantly evolving business landscape.


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