


After the meeting with the God , i arrived at a strange place . It was filled with warmth and was very comfortable .I knew it was in my mothers womb but it didn't feel odd and was oddly have me feeling secure. So i started to think what i could do in this space.

I started with magic sensing to sense magic and the surrounding . As I tried I couldn't sense anything so I decided that it would need time but I suddenly thought why not try to sense magic in me since I have it .So I started to focus and after a long time I am able to sense it in what cultivator would call a dantain. I tried to see it by focusing in my inner body , I suddenly felt a pull on my senses and was able to see my inner dantain where a solid core was held. Though I saw it had one marking of some sort .

I then tried to move the magic energy with in the core and was only able to move a small part of it .I suddenly felt headache and then fainted

Time skip????

I have been living in this place for a long time and thought may be I about to be born .My magic sensing training had grown a lot and I was able to completely see magic in me ,but whenever I tried to sense my surrounding I fail. So I thought maybe it had to do with the fact that I am still in the womb. I can control now half the magic in me, and with it help developed a mindscape. I suddenly felt a pull and a considerable amount of pain , so I knew I was about to be born. Though the pain led me scream "FINALLY" BUT only baby cries were heard.

Author POV

In London there is a family known as the fortis family , one of the wealthy and influential family .They were said to be perfectionist and dangerous to those who harm their family. Their mansion being one of the queitest place, But today it was broken.

Mc mother side :

In a room with several medical equipment for birth, a women, with beautiful black hair and pale red eyes, with a beautiful face was laying there on the bed exclaimed" He is about to come out!!!"

The doctor and nurses quickly began there work and after some time a baby cry was heard.

The baby that had just been birthed had golden hair and pale red eyes with its perfect face it was a definition on cuteness

The doctor handed the baby to the woman waiting in the side of the room ,who happen to be the baby's grandmother , Mary fortis, who had an elderly beautiful face with brown hair and blue eyes . After looking at the baby in her arm she muttered "see I am your grandma" .

Only to have the door burst open by her son ,as the baby squinted in her arm she scolded him saying " Fool!!! what are you creating a rucus about"

Father side:

You see a man,with golden hair with blue eyes ,with a handsome face, clearly in his 30's pacing back ,and forth the door of the room .His name is Ivan fortis, head of the fortis family . he was anxious asked his father sitting in the side of the room " Dad , it taking so much time!!!!!"

His dad, William fortis, a of looking man with golden hair and strange green eyes replies in an amused tone " Son , what are you muttering , it take time in such things!"

As the man was about to reply he heard a baby cry coming from the room , he ran with all his strength in room only for his mother to begrate him saying "Fool!! what are you making a rukus about?"

He asked like not hearing his mother "Mom , how are they?"

Seeing her son anxious face she replied " Both. of them are fine and she is resting . so please stop creating a rucus!"

and handed the baby over to her son saying " Here look at my cute grandchild not unlike you who didn't inherited it from us"

As he saw the child face he said " But he is so much like me when I was younger!!"

but only to have his mother give him a stinking look and his father an amused one

He took the baby in his arm then started walking towards his wife , Rose fortis, asking her " how are you feeling?"

Rose took the baby from his arm and said " Hmmm ,I am ok just feeling tired" .And then look at the baby and asked " what should I name you ,my cute little boy"

Ivan said " Yeah, let's think his name"

But Rose gave him a cold look and said " I said I will name him not thinking it with you"

Ivan arguingly replied "But !!!" and his wife cut him short saying " My son already has your last name so the first name will be given by me"

Ivan visible deflated and replied " ok"

Rose look at the baby and said "His name will be Ignis fortis " and playfully as the baby burst forth in giggles. Rose seeing this lovingly said to him in a motherly tone " See he likes his name!!"

Ivan also smiles and replies " Yeah ,look like he is mama's boy!!"


As I regain awareness of the surrounding I was in the hands of an older women who I think should be my grandmother and it was confirmed by her as see as said "see I am your your grandmother"

As I was relaxing in the warm embrace the door to the room bust open and the man who was I assumed my father entered the room . Then my grandmother gave him a scolding because of me squinting in her arms due to the noise. I was given to my father who took me to a woman who I assume to be my mother. They argued or should I say my mother saying and father listening about my name .Then my mother decided and said " His name will be Ignis fortis" and I burst out laughing as it was the same name as my past one ...

...too be continued

writing in a new Style hope you like it

adarsh010creators' thoughts