
Adventure Guild

In the world of Adventure Guild, there's 2 factions that divide those who protect people... The Adventurers and The Magic Security (MS for short.)

normal_name · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Pelican Stone's Best Guild...?

Simon and Kaitlyn ran to the office in charge of the request board with the golem following them from behind. As they got to the office they rushed in and Simon began talking.

"What happened to the requests from this morning?!?!?" 

The woman seemed weirded out by the sudden entrance and yelling but she remained composed with a friendly smile.

"I-I'm sorry sir... It seems that every guild began working... since the O.L.A gave everyone the 7 Days warning... Guilds become, more active....some only become active after the warning. Suchs as Pelican Stone's self-acclamied...and technically best guild. The Raven Sword has done over 40 requests today..."

Simon was left speechless. The guilds around Pelican Stone have finally sprung into action, Simon and his guild didn't even have proper time to prepare...their guild still only consists of 3 people, plus their newly claimed pet golem. Simon was thinking. Finally he spoke up.

"What's this Raven Sword guild like? How did they manage such...a feat?" 

Simon couldn't help but feel a bit discouraged. The woman seemed to be hesitant in her answer.

"They...are the best guild in Pelican Town, they have a lot of members, around 20 to be precise...they also have a lot of guild pets... Though I guess they are more like- No- nevermind. That's just a rumor anyway..." 

Simon was suprised by the pause- What were like the pets? He couldn't quite put it together as he is not the brightest. Kristina couldn't figure it out neither. The golem on the other hand has seemingly been shaking. After Simon finally sees he couldn't help but ask.

"Are you...familliar with the Raven Sword?"


The golem couldn't help but let out a worrying cry. It held onto his head with its rocky hands, it seemed to be panciking. From over the counter the woman speaks up once again.

"If I had to guess, that golem over there...is a former pet of the Raven Claw's."

Simon didn't understand still... what would make the golem panic so hard? He couldn't figure it out, his puzzled look made the woman aware of that face.

"...They use them like slaves, send multipe out at once and make them do their bidding for nothing... If one fails, they get a harsh punishment... Or so the rumor says... I'm not too familliar with them, but my sister is. She's one of them... A pet caretaker of some kind."

Simon was beginning to understand, he could mostly make out what it was about but he was never too big on smart stuff.

"So...what you're saying is that they hurt Rocky? Or other pets- for that fact." 

The woman sighed.

"Yes, so I heard from a rumor. They probably kicked erm- Rocky, you called him? Anyway they probably kicked them out due to him under performing...or a lack of strength. Since their reason for having them work like slave-" 

Simon interupted her.

"I don't care about a reason- They've hurt my friend! They can't just get away with this! Surely- This must be against the law-"

Rocky stopped shaking, he noticed Simon getting angry on his behalf... The woman spoke up once more.

"It is against guild reguliations that is true... But as I said- these are rumors countless people reported about it...but it's-"

"It was for naught!" 

The doors from behind them sprung open. A blonde haired man, with a broadsword on his back, who was wearing a green cloak entered. 

"For the Raven Claw was proven innocent... The Raven Claw got out of all those false reports"

The man began approaching the receptionist with what seemed like an agressive and friendly but sleazy grin. He put his arm on her shoulder.

"Hey Rosie! I know you have more requests- The guild needs to do a bit more before-"


The receptionist girl slapped the man who acted friendly towards her. The man took a step back, his face still had her palm on it. The man lost his grin and gritted his teeth. 

"You- You stupid bitch!"

The man reached for his broadsword but quickly Simon appeared between the two. 

"Hm? Now who's this knight in shinning armor...? You're pretty fast... Wouldn't you like to join a guild?"

The man said with his ugly grin right back on to his face. 

"Sorry, not intrested. Already have my own guild."

Simon said without hesitation.

"Hm? Are you the new one in town... What was the guild's name... something stupid... Oh, that's right. Soaring Lions."

Kristina was visibly annoyed by that remark.

"You should just give up on that! Come on, I'm offering you a spot in Pelican Stone's best guild..."

Simon's eyes grew in shock... He realized that the man in front of him must be the leader of the guild they were just talking about...

"Wait- So you're the leader of... Bird something?"

The man's eyes twitched.

"You literally said it a minute ago! I heard it from the other side of the door!"

Simon scratched his head, then he hits his palm with his other hand.

"Right, Bird Blade!"

"TSK- No it was Raven Sword, you imbecile!"

"Right- I knew that- Not like I'd join you, I have my own guild..."

The man's smile grew a bit sinister.

"Let's make a deal then... Our two guild's clash in what's called a guild war... If I win you'll join my guild." 

Simon scoffed, he may not be smart but he knew he had not reason to fight against the Raven Claw's.

"I'd accept if I were you, unless that is...are you a chicken?" 

Simon was angered by this childish remark.

"Fine- you're on!"

The woman behind the counter sighed, Kristina noticed that it seemed like she knew this was going to happen, as if it happened before, maybe even more than once.

"Under one condition though. If our guild- The Soaring Lions win. You'll disband the Raven Claw."

The man replied without hesitation.

"Sure, why not... It's not like your sorry excuse for a guild has got a chance anyway. Let's do the guild war on evaluation day... I'm sure that would make it exciting for you."

The two shake hands and the man takes off without another word. The woman behind the counter looks sad.

"This is what happens always...They drag a new guild into a guild war for their leader... They win, and the new guild suddenly disbands due to the loss of their leader... That's why the Raven Sword has so many members to begin with... I truly appriciate your help... but you just signed your guild's death warrant."

The woman's eyes are sad and hopeless, he knows how this will end. Simon smiles reassuringly and speaks up.

"Nah, that guy has nothing on us...We'll win and then everything will be good right?" 

Somehow Simon's childish hopeful thinking got through the woman, his eyes change as a slight glimse of hope emerges.

"Mhm, you're right..."

 The woman smiles, looking forward if the Soaring Lions will truly emerge victorious. 

Alllllllllllllllllllright! Idk if anyone will be reading this but I truly want this series to kick off. I'm kinda lost so some mistakes may have been made, and I apologize for that. This is the Pelican Stone Saga, and right now it's the Guild War arc.

Since I found no entry to try and explain guild wars in the story I'll just explain here.

A guild war will happen like this: Two guilds agree to crash to their designated boards. So for The Soaring Lions it'd be through Olaf. Afterwards when the agreed date is coming up, no matter what or where the guild is they get transported into an arena. There is an audience and depending on popularity of the guild there can be a whole lot of people there.

What's mostly important is that the winner is the guild who is left standing, after getting knocked out you'll be transported right back to where you were. The war can still be viewed by the knocked out member through the board. Guild members who participate are all determined when agreeing to a guild war. There is no limitation to the number of members that can join a guild war but there is a maximum number of pets- that is 5. And a bunch of more rules yada yada yada, I might explain in more detail later but im sure you get the gist...if anyone reads this anyway...

normal_namecreators' thoughts