
Adventure Academy

Explore the realmsverse, battle monsters of myth and legend, die trying... and then come back to life stronger with the advantage of hindsight! Rinse and repeat. Death holds no power over Will Wisdom, a boy who’d once been sacrificed to the altar of the gods of death only to reincarnate moments later. Will’s a teenager stuck with Extra-Life, a curse that lets him relive the same day of every death with all the gruesome details of his latest demise intact to help him survive in his next run of whatever realm, dungeon, or adventuring class he’s decided to challenge next. Returning to life after each harrowing encounter is a useful hack for a teenager enrolled in the legendary Academy, a school that teaches young adventurers to become the kind of heroes who chase after the big monster bounties and uncover the great mysteries of the Realmsverse. Mysteries such as finding the cult of evil ljósálfar who’d cursed Will with Extra-Life in the first place, and then exacting his revenge on these bright elf bastards! The Academy is the perfect place for Will to achieve his hopes and dreams too. Assuming he does well in Swords and Sorcery, Apprentice Alchemy, Dungeon Excursions, P.E., and a whole host of crazy training courses in his novice schedule. Will may need a little help with that. Welcome to the Academy, Will Wisdom—hope you live to see graduation day! *** Aside from daily chapter releases, I will release extra chapters every Sunday depending on power stones earned during the same week. 200 stones = 1 additional chapter! *** Temporary cover created with PixAI

GD_Cruz · Fantasy
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364 Chs

Secrets, Truths, and Bullshitting, Part 1

This nightmare was one I didn't have in a while. Not since the day I first stepped into the Academy. 

I was lying on a slab of stone inside a space that had, until that night, been considered a place of holy worship for Freya, goddess of love and battle. My hands were tied. So were my feet. They bound me so tightly that I barely had any wiggle room. 

"Hel, Ravena, Knull," they chanted around me. "Hel, Ravena, Knull." 

My head, the only part of me I could move freely, glanced sideways—and there he was staring back at me. Lorias Löwenthal, with that fanatic glint in his eyes that was reflected in the faces of his fellow cultists. 

"Hel, Ravena, Knull," the chant continued like a broken record that grated my ears. "Hel, Ravena, Knull."