
Advent Of The Sovereign Of Destruction大

Dorian's father foresaw the end of the world. In a ploy to preserve his only child's life, he sealed Dorian in a Cryo-sleep Capsule. Decades later, Dorian is finally unsealed. Upon setting his sights on the world again, he discovers it's nothing like the world he once knew. Beasts of legend roam the face of the earth. Humanity which stood at the top of the food chain has been chased to the bottom, forced to fight for their lives. Follow Dorian as he reconnects dots, discovers his power, searches for clues leading to his family, and fights back against the oppression that has been forced upon humanity! ... Support my WPC entry by voting your power stones, leaving reviews, and leaving your wonderful comments. Every reader is appreciated!

Nilo_A · Urban
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11 Chs

Daring Escape

The group soon reached an area that was a bit cleaner and was in less disarray than other places. A sleek, small, black vehicle was parked there.

"Get in." Gun said as he took the driver's seat. Dorian went for the back seat, but Dora stopped him. She eyed him carefully before taking the back seat, and leaving only the front passenger seat for Dorian. If he had to guess why she was doing that, then it was probably because she did not want him to jump them while they were driving.

Dorian shrugged and went around to the front passenger seat. He opened the door, and had to pause for a moment when he saw how high tech the interior of the vehicle was. It was much more sleek than the outside let you on in.

When Dorian sat down, seatbelts immediately crossed his arms, pinning him in place. Because of how the seatbelts caught him by surprise, his arms were pinned to his side. He tried struggling, but the seatbelts tightened even more as he dd. Only his hands were free.

Bolt noticed Dorian's distress and immediately started barking and growling. Dorian turned to look at Gun, who was already looking at him.

"Call down your dog, Dorian. We don't want things to get messy." The man said.

"Easy, Bolt." Dorian turned to Bolt. The hound calmed down slightly, but he still growled and lightning sparked all over his fur.

"Now, let's get going. Best you behave until we get to the Oasis. If you try anything and I see any sparks fly, then Dora here will be happy to slit your throat." The man said as the car roared to life. It sped up in one smooth motion, leaving Bolt behind before he could do anything.

"What are you going to do with me?" Dorian sighed.

"We'll just take you back to base, and hand you over for some questioning. Would probably help us rake in some merits." Gun replied.

Dorian sighed and leaned his head on the thick window of the vehicle. 'Psyker, do something!' He mentally screamed. He did not feel like being tortured and interrogated for information he did not have.

[Already working on it, princess.]

'Don't call me a princess! You should have warned me about this before I got entangled in the mess.'

[Yadayada. Just sit tight, I said I'm working on it.] Psyker suddenly took on a mocking tone before going silent. Dorian closed it eyes to focus on something else.


The vehicle suddenly swerved to the side and bounced over some larger pieces of debris and rubble.

"What?!" Gun exclaimed as he lost control of the vehicle. He turned the wheel and hit different buttons in a rush, but nothing was working. He had lost control!

The car spun multiple times, before slamming into the side of a collapsed building, sending some smaller pieces of debris scattering over the roof.


The seatbelts holding down Dorian snapped, freeing him, before the door on his side suddenly swung open.

[Run!] Came Psyker's hurried voice.

Dorian bolted. He broke into a frantic sprint with the intention of putting as much space between himself and the two Order faction aligned Awakeners.

"Get back here!" Dora's scream came. Dorian risked a glanced back, and he could see her climbing out from the back seat of the car, and into the front.

[I locked all the doors except the one you escaped from. The car is still locked down, so all you have to worry about if pursuit on foot.] Psyker explained and Dorian nodded putting all his effort into running faster.

"Ruff!" Not even a minute later, Dorian heard the familiar deep rumble of his canine companion. Bolt was running at full speed, lightning crackling over his body, as he glared hatefully in the direction of the black car.

"Bolt!" Dorian yelled to catch the hound's attention, and like a startled pup, Bolt's ears flipped up, and he came to an abrupt stop.

"Ruff!" Bolt barked and turned his direction to catch up with Dorian. In mere moments, the hound was already running by Dorian. His lightning seemed to boost his speed by phenomenal amounts!

"Ruff! Ruff!" Bolt continuously barked as they ran.

"Good to see you too, bud!" Dorian replied, but didn't stop. He continued running, but Bolt continued to bark over and over again, confusing him. It seemed that the Lightning Hound was trying to tell him something.

Seeing that Dorian was not understanding him, the Lightning Hound huffed in annoyance before slowing down and falling back behind Dorian.

"What are you- DOING?!" Dorian began, but was soon cut off and startled as he felt something large slip underneath him and pick him up, before exploding in speed. He grabbed unto Bolt's rich fur and held on tight as the Lightning Hound sped forward, moving so fast that he was almost as fast as the high tech car that Gun and Dora had been driving in.

[Hurry up and find somewhere to hide. I can only stall their car for a while more before they completely reboot its system. After that, they can catch up again.] Psyker warned.

'Alright.' Dorian responded mentally as he leaned forward on Bolt's back. His eyed had somewhat adjusted to the quickly passing scenery, and he was able to get a greater view of where they were. He called up the mental map that Psyker had shown him and quickly found where they were. They were going in a different direction from where the Oasis that Gun and Dora had spoken about was located.

'Let's keep moving forward for now. We'll lose them eventually.' Dorian decided. The path they were taking was winded and blocked by all sorts of debris, so following them with the car would be impossible. Following them on foot would also not be a realistic decision to take, as by the time they even got anywhere, Dorian and Bolt would have been long gone.

'See ya, bastards!'

Sorry for the late release this week, but here it is! I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and look forward to the next one. Until next week~

Nilo_Acreators' thoughts