
Advent of Heroes

Liam, a 21 year old man, met an accident when he was a high school student. The diagnosis after the operation devastated him. With his wings broken, like a doll, moved through with his life with the help of his family. He went on until college fighting through life and starting again, but his injury started to show its fangs. He fell again another chance of his life until a light shone on him. He was one of lucky participant who won a deluxe capsule for the game called Advent of Heroes. Let's find out how Liam challenge the unknown and explore the world within it.

thegreatestdevR · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

I am Liam!

Chapter 24: I am Liam!

Liam looked at them like they were dead. In fact, Liam gave them mercy yet they threw their life towards him. Especially with the difference in their class.

Only low level players were roaming around the area. A pity for those who were high level player because it's almost a year since the game launched.

Liam sighed. He didn't want to waste his time with these people especially with those who bully the weak. The very example of people without any good will inside them.

"You don't need to participate. I'll handle them. It's also part of training against the same build as me."

"Sure." Rain nodded and moved towards the tree.

The short exchange of the two made the boss angry. Why? While his underlings attacked Liam, he was only evading while talking with his companion. They were belittling them too much.

"I am not named Cruelty if I can't make you beg!" the boss shouted his in game name and also moved to attack Liam.

Liam saw the boss moving so he shifted his foot when he saw the incoming attack towards his right side. He easily dodged the sword aiming for him.

He retreated for ten meters and looked at the remaining six people. The thief was nowhere to be found. But he could surmise that he was looking for an opportunity before attacking him.

"Let me teach you a lesson how to fight." Liam said with a smile then moved to attack the weakest looking among the remaining warriors.

The warrior's face was filled with horror when he saw Liam targeting him. He swung his sword downwards but with his inattentiveness to the distance between him and Liam, he attacked earlier than he should be. It only produced a sound produced by the slashing sword and air.

Liam sidestepped the sword's direction and punched the man on the face. The strength behind the punch wasn't weak nor strong. But because of the difference in strength plus the balance of the man was shifted at his front. The man lost his balance and fell down towards his right.

Punch and kick were classified as an attack whether it came from a priest or a warrior. The damage was based on their strength. The reason for punching the man was to show how different their fighting experience was.

Liam dealt the finishing move by slashing the warrior on his weak spots. The agitated warrior died miserably without knowing how he died after he fell. He didn't even have a time to recollect himself.

The companions of the warrior was also shocked with the sudden turn of events. A cry echoed throughout the clearing and they saw the thief was knocked out of his stealth when Liam suddenly pierced his sword at his back.

It might look a lucky strike but Liam and Rain knew that the thief was really bad at covering his tracks. Liam didn't kill the thief immediately he only kicked the thief to give a distance between him and the incoming attack from his behind.

When Liam pierced the thief, Cruelty knew that they weren't his match so he needed to give his all even if it was sacrificing one of them. But, he didn't expect that Liam would abandon the thief and dodge his attack.

He used his special skill called Double-Edge Attack which boosted his attack by four times and receiving half of it. Well, if it only landed. Liam timely dodged the attack and flipped through the air. Well, it looked like he did a back flip when he kicked the thief.

Rain was amazed at Liam's creativity. He didn't know if they were shooting a drama or fighting. Nevertheless, he was amazed at Liam's prowess to handle things by himself. Rain also looked at the priest fumbling his wooden staff and rosary.

Priest needed a rosary and a book or staffs before they could cast their skills. The clumsiness of their priest because of Liam's fierceness made the party collapsed. The mentality of each of his opponent was out of this world, meaning, with their plans being countered with their naked eye, they started to be agitated enough for them to be an AI bandit.

Liam didn't give them more mercy, Liam moved and attack their ranger who never attacked since the start. Liam couldn't ridicule the ranger because he couldn't follow every change of the battle.

Liam slashed the Ranger thrice before he died. Unconsciously, Liam deactivated his newly learned skill. Because of the gap of their experience and strength plus he didn't need to rescue Rain anymore, he felt relaxed that he could smile from time to time.

"Shit! Just who are you?!" The boss finally exploded! They were ten from the start but within a short period of time they were reduced to less than half.

"Now you have time to ask?" Liam snorted and looked at him straight to the eye. "I am Liam."

Before the boss could reply he saw an incoming attack but didn't have the time to move.

He only saw a lot of notifications including his death. Dying from the wild decrease their experience by 30% but because they tried to PK Liam and Rain and attacked them first, they were also subjected to punishment which banned them from logging in for an hour.

The remaining three was quickly dealt by Liam. He produced a sigh of relief before sprawling at the ground. He caught his breath and closed his eyes. Not because he could kill a player without batting an eye meant he was cold blooded but he stilled his mind to kill those who deserved it. Still, he needed time to reflect for killing them even if it was only a game.

Rain didn't disturbed Liam and picked out those lying equipment drops from the party. Unfortunately, they didn't have any PK points or else all of their equipment would have dropped.

'A pity' was all Rain could think.

Liam stood up and dusted the imaginary dust from him. He moved closer to the wild boss and picked up the drops.

[Thick Leather (Armor) (Uncommon)]

Type: Light

Physical Defense +40

Magic Defense +30

HP +300

[Crude Dagger (Dagger) (Rare)]

Type: One-Handed (Light)

Atk +200

AGI +20

DEX + 20

[Boaris Sturdy Fang(Rare)]

Fang of Boaris. It was sturdier than metal. Unknown Element.

Liam sent the items from Rain. He let Rain picked up any item he wanted. He wasn't the kind of person to fight for items. He only wanted to try and fight a boss.

Well, it was an easy boss especially the boss was a supported mode or with a fixed pattern. Everything seemed to be served on a silver platter for them.

The only unexpected situation was those greedy 'bastards' that didn't know their place. Well, it could be a lesson for them not to jump those who tried to fight a boss with only two people or solo it.

Being greedy wouldn't take them anywhere. They should be thankful that Liam let them go easily not like his first experience. He made them spat blood over and over again. He made the priest heal them over and over again until they learned their lesson.

They were traumatized with the bloody scene especially the priest they brought. He could only wish that Liam would be more lenient and forgive them after a few more beatings but no! He let them taste hell. Every pain they felt was like gnawing their heart until it disappeared. They could only forcefully log out even if they have to forfeit experience and the drops.

Liam was grateful for Rain's invitation even if an unexpected situation befell them. He had a chance to teach those greedy 'bastards' a lesson. He wasn't a saint. But he wouldn't bully the weak or stoop to their level.

Rain looked at the brooding Liam. He could only smile helplessly and break his thoughts.

"I only need the fang. You could have everything. Thanks."

"No problem. I received a lot of experience and an announcement. Couldn't ask for anything better."

"I'll send you a friend request. I'll sell their drops and transfer you the money."

"Alright. It's done and no problem."

"I guess this is where we part."


"It's nice to meet you again, Liam."

"You, too, Rain."

Rain retreated and left the clearing. Liam only looked at Rain's retreating figure… until he remembered that he didn't know the way back!

"Oh shit!"

Thanks for reading my story. You don't know how grateful I am with your supports. I'll catch up soon after I arranged the plot inside my head. Lol! Enjoy!

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