
Ch. 37 - What is your goal?

"Welcome back Azrail. Why do you look so serious?" Ronald said as he saw me walk into the library.

Valde suddenly chopped at Ronald's head.

"What was that for!?" Ronald cried in confusion.

"We're in the library for god's sake. How many times do I have to remind you to be quiet?" Valde replied in an irritated tone.

"I forgot."

"You better be."

My initially tense face from talking with Master Costanzo immediately melted away from seeing the banter between Ronald and Valde.

"Seems like you two had a great time together without me. Should I come back later so you two could continue your lover's quarrel?"

"Shut it Azrail."

"No need to be so cold Valde. I understand that you want to keep your romantic relationship with Ronald under wraps. I could only imagine the amount of gossip that would emerge if your relationship with Ronald becomes public."

"Fuck you."

"Help me Ronald. Your boyfriend is being very mean to me."

"Valde, it's ok. No matter how rotten your personality is, I'll still love you."

Although Ronald wasn't loud when he said that, it was still loud enough for the nearby students to hear his statement. Murmuring emerged around us as students whispered to each other, taking quick peaks at Ronald and Valde.

Valde's face became beat red from embarrassment, anger, irritation. Valde proceeded to get up from his seat violently and stormed out of the library, all the while doing his best to hide his face, less his flushed face cause even more misunderstanding and, subsequently, embarrassment.

Seeing Valde flee from the scene, Ronald and I started snickering.

I looked at Ronald and said, "He's going beat you up later."

"I know."

"Have you two finished homework yet?"

"No, not yet. I only have Professor Llewellyn's homework left."

"Wow, so fast. I wasn't expecting you two to get so much done so soon."

"Today's homework has been rather easy, so we've been able to knock them out quickly.

"That's good to hear."

"Where did you go, by the way?"

I wanted to tell Ronald that I was now Professor Costanzo's disciple. However, remembering that Professor Costanzo told me strictly not to tell anyone else, I knew I couldn't tell Ronald. At the same time, it didn't feel right to lie to Ronald since he was my friend.

"I'm not allowed to tell you."

"Why is that?"

"I just can't. I hope you understand."

Ronald looked at me for a moment, "That's ok, I understand. We all have some things we can't tell other people. It's natural."

"Thank you."

"You reckon Valde is going to come back?"

"Nah, no way. He's probably thinking of how to inflict the most pain to me in his dorm right now."

"I could see that."

"Here. I'll help you with your homework. The faster we finish, the sooner we can do something more entertaining."

"Thanks Ronald."

"We're finally done Azrail."

"Damn, who knew Professor Llewellyn's homework was going to be so time-consuming."

"I know right."

"That took us two hours to complete."

"Two hours of pain."

"Two hours of pain indeed."

"What do we do now Azrail? Go get Valde?"

"Maybe later. I'm feeling a little hungry right now. Want to go get a bite?"


(In the cafeteria)

"Hey Ronald."


"What's your life goal?"

"That came a little bit out of nowhere. Where did this question come from?"

"I've just been thinking about the future."

"I want to become the king of the beast people."



"Why do you want to become the king of the beast people?"

"Umm. Because it will prove my strength and elevate the status of my tribe."

"Then what? What will you do after you that?"

"I don't know. What about you? What's your goal."

"My goal? My goal isn't as pure and idealistic as yours."

"What is it then?"

"I wish to become strong. Strong enough to be unable to be ignored. Strong enough to change the world."

"How is that not pure and idealistic?"

"Ronald. How does one change the world?"

"Ummm… I'm not too sure."

"There are many ways of changing the world. One can change the world solely with the power of their wealth. One can change the world with their leadership. One can also change the world through bloodshed. I am poor, and I do not know how to make wealth. I am not good enough as a leader to sway the minds of many. But, what I do have is conviction, the conviction of achieving my mission no matter what. I want to change the world through bloodshed Ronald. I want to kill the evildoers, the sinners, the wolf preying on the sheep."

"I don't think that's right Azrail."

"I know. After all, nothing is perfect. But this is the path I've embarked on. I have experienced too much suffering, too much pain to turn back now. Besides, your goal is not that different from mine."

"How come?"

"Becoming the king of the beast people will by no means be a smooth, nor easy process. The path of the king is the path filled with blood, betrayal, and sacrifice. Our goals may have different destinations, but the path is the same."

Ronald looked down, thinking about my words.

"Do I really want to become the king of the beast people?"

"I cannot answer that. You must discover that on your own."

"Why did you tell me all of this?"

"I don't know."

Next chapter